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BellasBmw 07-19-2006 05:46 PM

Ack..i feel bad
Well when i applied to Hofstra, i thought the tuition was a little lower than what it actually is. And lets just say, its very expensive. Now i feel bad for my parents having to shell out all this money for me to go away. I should have just stayed here in california and went to a public school. Should i feel guilty or what??! Maybe i should only do 1 semester to help them out. Ah!

findtom 07-19-2006 05:51 PM

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ward 07-19-2006 06:32 PM

just find time to work and help them out (you probably already are)

an out of state education can easily cost 5X vs a state school, but for the right education it's worth it

give Hofstra a shot and if you think it's worth it stay there, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity to live somewhere completely foreign to you!

Nikki 07-19-2006 07:18 PM

That's why I went to Florida. I could have got two 330is with the money I saved them.

magmd 07-19-2006 07:24 PM

You need to go. No sense in feeling bad....they are your parents! You have helped them out at the could have easily gone elsewhere for a job. Go to school...but do not fook you know its your parents money on the line. If you like it...finish. If it sucks...then just come back and stop wasting their money.

Once you are done with your education...and get your career going, you will be able to help them out again/repay them for their sacrifices. You are an investment to them. Just do not let them down by crapping around with BS classes and partying the whole time. Get yo shit done!


Jay_328 07-19-2006 08:36 PM

Things like that will make you feel guilty. But it's a normal reaction from someone who has compassion for their parents.:respect: Getting a car and obtaining a degree is in totally different league but I felt a bit strange when I got my first car (could've been cheaper :slap: ) but anyway I felt that way for a second or two. :laugh: It just shows you're a good daughter. That being said, remember your education comes first and your social life (parties, hanging out) comes second. (but you gotta have a little fun) :drink: Make sure their hard earned money is a great investment in your future. Also it's always good to venture out and have varied experiences. You'll meet new people on the East Coast and perhaps later when/ if you return to Cali those connections will be of service to you. I think you'll enjoy yourself. Are you staying on grounds? If so I hope your roomie isn't an a$$ like mine turned out to be. :thumbdown Congrats on your college addmission and Good Luck!:thumbsup:

Explorer3253 07-19-2006 09:18 PM

How much is Hofstra nowadays...I know Pace U went from me starting at 26k a year back in 2000 including dorming to 42k including dorming now...

BellasBmw 07-19-2006 11:33 PM

Thanks for the responses guys.

My dad wanted me to stay in Cali so we didnt have to pay out of state fees, but since Hofstra is private- there is no out/in state prices. Its all fixed. Anyway Hofstra is about $15K a semster. Im recieving some financial aid and $3,200 in work study money. Its expensive.

I appreciate the response Jay. Im the only girl and the baby in my family, i tend to be a little more sensitive with my parents than my brothers are. They pick up and go whenever they want. Whereas, i always make sure someone can cover my shifts at our restaurant ..etc.

Ive talked to 2 of my 3 roommates. One girl is 21, from FL, spunky, outgoing, likes to party, kinda sounds like a cheerleader. The other is from NH, shes my actual roommate. Shes pretty laid back, simple, i had to start up the convos.. but that should be cool esp since i nee dto focus on school.

just4kickz 07-19-2006 11:58 PM

whats Hofstra?

magmd 07-20-2006 12:08 AM

Bella, remember that you are going there not just to pursue an education/career.

But, its also an opportunity to be away from your family. You can't put a price tag on that will definitely not be the same person after leaving SD for awhile. I know your parents do not want you to be far....but you need to experience life away from the parents for awhile. Its different...its worth exploring. And although you are not the typical out of high school freshman type going away to is still a good change, one that will help you discover several things about life, yourself, and what really matters to you.

But, enough about that......let's have a fun going away party!

just4kickz 07-20-2006 12:58 AM

btw how old are u bella? did u go CC first? or what? I've never heard of that school... but then again there are thousands of colleges in the US and if thats a specific school with some type of "special" program I guess it would be less known.

my parents are sending me to school w/o relying on financial aid or any school financing crap... and i guess i'm lucky and all i can really do is hope for the best, work my ass off, stay clean, and make em proud. I suggest you do the same because I'm sure that your parents want the best for you even if it might be a little more money that expected. just work hard or dont f' up too badly :)

BellasBmw 07-20-2006 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by just4kickz
btw how old are u bella? did u go CC first? or what? I've never heard of that school... but then again there are thousands of colleges in the US and if thats a specific school with some type of "special" program I guess it would be less known.

my parents are sending me to school w/o relying on financial aid or any school financing crap... and i guess i'm lucky and all i can really do is hope for the best, work my ass off, stay clean, and make em proud. I suggest you do the same because I'm sure that your parents want the best for you even if it might be a little more money that expected. just work hard or dont f' up too badly :)

im 22, and yes i was going to a CC for quite a few years

just4kickz 07-20-2006 02:31 AM

nice... well hopefully it works out. i'm trying to transfer to UCSD for undergrad or gradd :)

KennyVendetta 07-20-2006 03:27 AM

haha...I agree with a lot of the viewpoints in here...

-It is extremely important to get away from your parents and live on your own. You will grow so much as a person and be better off.

-Stay focused in school...

-As a Resident Assistant at college I learned one thing real quick. Long distance relationships do not work. Sorry if that hurts anyone's feeling in here.

-Stay focused in school (again), set long term goals and have a blast. College is an amazing experience if know how to balance school, parties, fitness, etc...

Dleo 07-20-2006 04:02 AM

Hofstra is actually a great school, its in line with other NY school's like St. Johns, Hunter, C.W Post. I think Hofstra would most likely be the wiser choice anyways, the other schools are very very expensive. And living in NY thats an experience all in its self! :drink:

Nikki 07-20-2006 09:50 AM

Do you know what you're studying yet?

MG_2006325i_KG 07-20-2006 09:54 AM

there is always SDCC

gdnyc 07-20-2006 10:31 AM

From when I went to Hofstra, there were always local companies looking for Hofstra students on a part time basis. They pay pretty well. You could always ask the job placement center (or whatever it was called) for a good high paying job in the area.

Squawks 07-20-2006 11:31 AM


Originally Posted by BadBob
If you're going to move to NY and spend the big bucks, why don't you at least attend a university with national recognition? Columbia for instance. I just hired a Columbia graduate. Very sharp girl.

You have to have outstanding academic history, achievements, among other stellar accomplishments to get into Columbia or any Ivy League institution, for that matter :thumbsup: It's pretty competitive. Not to say that Bella isn't competitive. She did, after all, win Ms. E90Post!

Hey, Bella - a quiet roomate is actually better than a hardy-party roomate. You'll get more studying done but obviously it is fun to hang out with an outgoing roomate like the party chick.

$15k/semester with $3k in work-study?! That's a whopping $27k/year! When I finished UCSD in 3.66 years I came out with a total of just $14k in student loans --- partially because California is one of the most education-friendly states (giving free money away like Cal-Grants).

flush01 07-20-2006 11:53 AM


Originally Posted by BellasBmw
Thanks for the responses guys.

My dad wanted me to stay in Cali so we didnt have to pay out of state fees, but since Hofstra is private- there is no out/in state prices. Its all fixed. Anyway Hofstra is about $15K a semster. Im recieving some financial aid and $3,200 in work study money. Its expensive.

I appreciate the response Jay. Im the only girl and the baby in my family, i tend to be a little more sensitive with my parents than my brothers are. They pick up and go whenever they want. Whereas, i always make sure someone can cover my shifts at our restaurant ..etc.

Ive talked to 2 of my 3 roommates. One girl is 21, from FL, spunky, outgoing, likes to party, kinda sounds like a cheerleader. The other is from NH, shes my actual roommate. Shes pretty laid back, simple, i had to start up the convos.. but that should be cool esp since i nee dto focus on school.

15k/semester ? woaaaaa ... thats like 30-40/year... you are lucky, because my parents couldn't even give me 3k/semester five years ago (and what a waist of time that was)... but dont feel bad, they are your parents not some people on the street, i'm sure it makes them happy to help their daughter and see you grow..

ScBlacksunshine 07-20-2006 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by BellasBmw
Well when i applied to Hofstra, i thought the tuition was a little lower than what it actually is. And lets just say, its very expensive. Now i feel bad for my parents having to shell out all this money for me to go away. I should have just stayed here in california and went to a public school. Should i feel guilty or what??! Maybe i should only do 1 semester to help them out. Ah!

Have you consider taking out a student loan for all or part of the tuition? That's what I had to do since my parents didn't care to save any money for me to go to college or probably didn't expect me to have the potential to go to college. Fortunately, I went to a UC so the tuition was only moderately pricey but not Harvard pricey. If you do indeed feel guilty, then taking loan to pay part of it will be a good gesture

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