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      02-10-2012, 01:26 PM   #4
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I am guessing this is for everyone attempting to attain MBA's. This is a very noble goal although be aware that an MBA with no experience or no particular field has questionable value. Everyone who is getting out of college now is going back for an MBA with few reasons behind it other than continuing education (which as I said is a very noble goal), just be aware that very soon there will be an influx of overqualified MBAs with not enough experience or there won't be enough positions to hire them all. Points being;

1. Make sure you know what you want to do with your MBA.
2. Gain experience in that field.
3. Make sure to spend as little as possible on this MBA or have someone else pay for it such as an employer.
4. If you do decide to the take the $$$ plunge into a very high ranking B school such as Wharton, Princeton and so forth... make sure that it pays off with connections attained at that school or some sort of solid job offers / internships.
5. Overeducation isn't always the answer to underemployment (if this applies to you).

Just things to think about.
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