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      02-10-2012, 10:29 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Seminole View Post

I took it back in 2009. I bought a Princeton Review book and made a half ass attempt at studying out if it, went out the night before my exam and partied, then woke up on a friends couch and went and took the test the following morning. Got a 620. Nothing amazing, but enough to get me into the program I wanted and get me a grad school scholarship. I was also going for a Master's of Accounting, not an MBA.

I wouldn't stress it too bad. It's like a grown up SAT. You just gotta remember a lot of that algebra and geometry based stuff you probably haven't used in a long time.
Unfortunately, for those of us who want a 750 or so, it'll take a bit more effort

550 to 650 isn't THAT hard, but 650 to 750 is significantly harder IMO.

I took the GMAt 3.5 years ago while still in college, just to test myself and see where I stand... I got a 550. I didn't study and left 40 mins early since I got what I wanted out of it (meaning I knew where I stood, and was difficult, and what I needed to do etc etc).
Since i didn't report it anywhere, and it's been over 3 years, that low 550 can't come get me..
I plan to take it again before June 2012.. don't feel like taking a new version

But yeah, it is basically a grown up SAT.... it's just so damn boring
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