Originally Posted by SaMaster14
1. Your age is:
A. 15-20
2. How much would you spend on a quality shirt (think sport shirt or shirt with a collar)?:
C. $75-100
3. How much would you spend on a quality pair of pants (specifically chinos)?:
C. $105-150 - usually for sports pants (like for a sports jacet/etc)
D. $155+ - quality pants, even for every day. I have jeans that are in the category, etc
What are your favorite brands of clothes? Where do you shop?
Saks, 7, True Religion, Rock & Republic for every day stuff. (Usually go to the outlets too). Brooks Brothers, Hugo Boss, Nordstrom/Bloomingdales for nicer clothes.
Obviously as indicated, I'm young, and many of my purchases are financed by my parents. So 'flame suit on'. I usually shop outlets though, and my parents want me to look nice and make an impression, they aren't going to be supporting me forever obviously.
jsyk, kohls bought out rock and republic lol