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      05-29-2012, 10:48 PM   #2

Drives: BMW's
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Calgary

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Video doesn't show much in my opinion. Victim has, by your own admission, assaulted a police officer with a weapon. I'm not sure what this video shows other than the victim still approaching the officers....who are progressively backing off. Unarmed? Can't tell from the video.

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P.S. To bring up the sex assault case is lame and completely unrelated. Thank the union for allowing the officer to continue working....but don't begin to paint the entire force because of the "bad apples" that tarnish their image.

I don't pretend to think that all RCMP/police officers are model citizens that dont' abuse their power but your post makes it seem like there is some rampant abuse going on that simply doesn't exist.
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