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      05-30-2012, 01:43 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cdnrockies View Post
Video doesn't show much in my opinion. Victim has, by your own admission, assaulted a police officer with a weapon. I'm not sure what this video shows other than the victim still approaching the officers....who are progressively backing off. Unarmed? Can't tell from the video.

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P.S. To bring up the sex assault case is lame and completely unrelated. Thank the union for allowing the officer to continue working....but don't begin to paint the entire force because of the "bad apples" that tarnish their image.

I don't pretend to think that all RCMP/police officers are model citizens that dont' abuse their power but your post makes it seem like there is some rampant abuse going on that simply doesn't exist.

Actually there is a rampant problem between the disconnect of RCMP with the people here. We are set to renew our municipal contracts with the RCMP by June 30th for the next 20 years. We currently have four large municipal holdouts, and some cities have abandoned the RCMP altogether in favor of their own police force. There have been many instances these last few years of RCMP killing people in our airports, or rushing into their homes and killing them in bed, or beating up the wrong suspects who turned out to be innocent people. But no, I am not a cop hater. I have had very good encounters with them and help them from time to time by giving leads or reporting something to their attention.

I just get sick when there exists a large enough minority within the Police force that go on enormous power trips.
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