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      07-30-2007, 12:58 PM   #1
325 Baller
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Computer Question

At my highschool laptops are required from 6th grade up. Im going to be a senior this coming year and my current apple just wont cut it. I have to restart it 3 times a day to get word and aim working at the same time:mad:
I convinced the parents to get me a computer for this year,being that i have multiple ap classes and cant get away with pen and paper like i did last year. I decided to get a lower model computer this year to save him some money and then next year get one that will last 2-3 years for college. I thought i had it all chosen up til yesterday. I was going to get a mac book (black) refurbished from apple for 1299. like 600 dollars off. Yesterday my father and i were in Circuit City looking at a digital camera for my mother when I saw a neat little computer. Its a Hp Tx1000z series. Its small 12.1" widescreen with touchscreen. Its also a tablet. The one from circuit city was amd dual core 2.0 2048 ram and 160 gb HD with windows vista. Id have to upgrade to buisness for school but thats not a problem. All in al it seems like a good computer and for the price im beginning to like it ALOT. It comes with a webcam +mic + fingerprint scanner. The price is 1000. Ive fallen in love with macs but its just easier for school to use a PC. I think im leaning towards the HP because its cheaper and its a tablet, which I think will come in handy...anyone wanna chime in and gimme some advice on which one to chose from?
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