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      09-17-2012, 04:26 PM   #39
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Originally Posted by Foodle View Post
It's the family business though, right? That's a lot different from clawing your way up from the mailroom.

That's a really vague answer. You'll need something a lot better come interview time.
I started with doing the daily deposits and worked my way up from the age of 15, im now 23. No other sibling was considered to work for the company in the capacity i do.

I appreciate the thought, though in fairness, this wasnt an interview. Just being honest and candid.

Originally Posted by Dr. G View Post
I guess it's hard to determine what the right reasons are, just make sure it's not the wrong reasons. For ex:
1) Money
2) Prestige/Ego (some people just want that DR.)
3) Family pressures (heavy in various cultures)
4) Being in a science program and having no sense of direction (obviously not your case)

The whole saving people's lives things makes me laugh always. I know each interviewer see's things differently, but if somebody was trying to explain to me that they want to get into ped's/FM to save lives I'm not sure how I'd respond. I might ask them why they didn't become a firefighter or work with an emergency response team. I feel like "SAVING LIVES" is a bit egotistical and I'd never use that quote.

Much of what you said is very similar to how I felt before starting medical school so that's good to hear!
Yeah i have to admit, the Save lives comment always make me laugh as well,something you could expect to hear from education majors with "shaping minds...etc"

My grandfather was a very successful Dr. and he was trying to convince me to become a PA. So i will say its partly pride, partly level of interest that persuaded me to pursue MD.

Originally Posted by Dr. G View Post
Something to consider that's often overlooked:

Don't get caught up in trying to explain why you want to be a doctor the whole time. Remember you are not applying to become a doctor, you are applying to ATTEND MEDICAL SCHOOL. Having interest and passion for the field of medicine itself is something so many students forget to discuss.

Sure it's great that you want to become a doctor, but you are applying to sit in a class and attend medical school not to sit in a clinic. You want to show them that you damn right want to be sitting in that classroom and you WANT to be learning what is being taught not just because you want to become a doctor, but because you are genuinely interested in the field of medicine.
Good stuff, ill keep that in mind. Ill mention hobbies such as microscopy, medicine technology, philosophy etc.

Originally Posted by dvpouldar26 View Post
I agree. I have come to realize that part of the reason to attend medical school (and various parts of the application process touch on this) is to see if you are academically curious. It isn't only about becoming a doctor and helping others, but is also about how interested you really are in the field science, what you plan to contribute to the field of science and medicine, and your passion to not only continue your learning in med school, but continue after when you're a physician. I can't even count how many applications touched base on this "path of lifelong learning", and how you as an applicant have this "appetite" to learn about the field. They want to see if you are genuinely interested in the field not only to do your best in medical school, but as a physician who will continuously be learning throughout his/her career and educate themselves on the latest findings and technologies.

Thinking about this aspect of medicine when I was doing my own research really helped me as a pre-med and during the application process so far. I highly suggest to other pre-meds to start thinking about how this "appetite and interest in learning" applies to you.
Similar to what was said above. Talk about driving the point home!

Originally Posted by Blindside_137 View Post
Good Luck OP, I sent in my AMCAS app over a month ago and am waiting to hear how things go. My GPA and MCAT is just average, and now I'm trying to find research work for the gap year. If I don't hear from any schools then I think I need to retake the MCAT, I can study for longer and be more prepared than I was, and I know I'll do much better on it.
I have a friend in the same situation, he is about average on MCAT and GPA, he has many background things that will help with his application and much research under his belt. Alas, the MCAT i feel will be the biggest hurdle for most. He seems to have interest from schools though.
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