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      09-22-2007, 01:13 PM   #7
DasBlitz's Avatar

Drives: bmw 328i 07
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: new england

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2007 328i  [0.00]
some of the posted movies besides a select few are mainly well known run of the mill moves. Must see means a different breed of movies. One's that will move you in a certain way.

1. A Clockwork Orange - Sheer madness and craziness it is so unique.
2. Requiem For A Dream - Great movie about the effect of drugs. Truly emotional.
3. Fight Club - One of the few movies I agree to be amazing. It has a great meaning, great fighting and the writer of the original story is great.
4. Kids - Great movie that shows how some kids lives can be messed up.
5. Platoon - Best war movie by far. Atleast one of them. Great movie by Oliver Stone.
6. Reservoir Dogs
7. City of God
8. Idiocracy
9. Garden State
10. The Professional
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