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      09-09-2013, 11:08 AM   #13

Drives: X3m40
Join Date: Apr 2012
Location: Long Island, NY

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Originally Posted by IEDEI View Post
having driven in Los Angeles----you guys have a VERY high concentration of d-bags on the road. BUT seriously i think the only place i've driven that competes is NYC. In fact in terms of percentage----i'd say there are more d-bags driving on the road in terms of percentage of total drivers at any given time than anywhere else i've ever driven. Violent, angry d-bags. lol. The kind who will try to get revenge on you for 20 minutes if there is a 'situation' while driving.....i have seen people get into physical fights here during road rage....actually get out of their cars, stop traffic, and go up to people's windows and fight.

as for BMW drivers----yes they suck here too. I think they are a few notches worse than Audi drivers....but BY FAR the worst drivers we have here in NYC are Nissan drivers; particularly Maximas and Altimas. They should just rebadge those cars "D-bag car A" and "D-bag car B"

oh and i drive 120 miles a day here....i see my fair share of terrible driving! (too much, if i'm honest).
I agree. However, BMW drivers really aren't "TERRIBLE" around here.

But the WORST are the f**king box truck drivers. Those guys think they are in NASCAR or something with the way they attempt to draft of you. Then they pass, start going up a hill and go miserably slow. They swerve in and out not caring because it's not their personal truck and they know that if you hit them, nothing will happen to their vehicle however you are screwed. They use the exit lanes on the highway as a chance to jump in front of traffic and usually merge through the zebra lanes all the way at the end. They are the ones that drive me into INSANITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another one that I have noticed are corolla drivers. Completely clueless people
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