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      09-10-2013, 12:30 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by norsairius View Post
You'll find pricks driving any brand of car. BMWs just happen to have a reputation for having aggressive drivers. I typically attribute it to the fact that BMWs provide so much feedback and are such great driver's cars (for the most part) that they inspire some a sense of confidence in some drivers, some of whom are unfortunately irresponsible. Bottom line is that people driving on a public road should be responsible and aware of other drivers and drive safely.

Here's a story of a non-BMW driver being dumb: I had a guy in a Toyota Yaris come to a sudden stop in front of me yesterday. This wouldn't have been a problem if:
  • The light was red at the intersection
  • There were pedestrians crossing
  • There were other vehicles in the intersection
  • The guy was looking to make a turn but a pedestrian or vehicle was otherwise preventing it
However, NONE of the above were true. He stopped abruptly. I did a brake check. The light sat there, green for at least enough time where he could have cleared the intersectioni f he wanted to, but nope. We sat. The light went from green, to yellow, to red. We waited again. Light turned green, and the guy just drove forward.

Really though, I wasn't sure if my brakes were working so I appreciated the opportunity to try them for a sudden stop. /s

Believe it or not, I did not honk at him. I just sat there and let it go because really, when I'm driving home after work, I definitely don't want to get there quickly or even at least at a normal pace. I like to sit in traffic longer if possible. /s-take2

Thanks for the inconvenience, guy in the baby blue Toyota Yaris AKA douche canoe.

Sorry I used your thread to rant. I honestly didn't even care by the time I got home, but what an idiot move: stopping abruptly at a green light for no apparent reason. I made my contribution at the beginning of this post at least, haha. I'm done.

Lol it's cool as long as the ranting is somewhat relevant and you added to the thread anyway. You too hit the other half of what I'm trying to say. BMW's make the drivers feel people better drivers than they really are. I know I do...If I can take a certain turn at 50mph with my 1er, I definitely wouldn't dare try it in a Honday Odyssey.

I've encountered people like that. It just so happened that it was a dude in a Pre-LCI E90. He just braked out of nowhere for no apparent reason. I didn't honk at him. I just treated it as "He wanted to turn left. There wasn't a left turn only lane. He probably imagined a pedestrian. He ultimately changed his mind."
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