Same here, picked up everthing from the start up to the early 2000s, then stopped. I think Clancy was at his best when dramatizing nuclear-age submarine and naval warfare; thus I didn't enjoy the Jack Ryan universe too much.
Case in point, apparently someone took his descriptions of submarine combat in Red Storm Rising and Red October, plotted them out on charts, and found the movements and weapon deployment sequences to be bang on. Probably because Clancy was actually plotting them out himself while writing!
My favorites: Red Storm Rising, of course...
...and a surprise pick, Every Man A Tiger with General Chuck Horner, non-fiction account of the Desert Storm air campaign, as well as the fall from grace of the USAF at the Vietnam War and then climbing back into respectability in the '80s. General Horner is an awesome story teller (which is not surprising, as a fighter pilot), so it is highly recommended.
And neither of those books involve Jack Ryan....