Originally Posted by sA x sKy
Uhm..I got mine for the same $399 price for it standalone. You must be looking at the bundles.
I already ordered my XB1 in June. First generation that I'll have both consoles.
Right if you pre-ordered. I am talking about scalpers. lol
Where I live Best Buy had 25 folks stand in line starting at 6 pm for a 12 am release. Best Buy had 25 consoles for walk-in (non-preorder) so its not as popular of a release as the PS3 was. Only 25 showed up and all walk-ins were taken care of as per my neighbor. They are expecting the same for Xbox One. The price here is killing the sales and video gaming is not that popular this far north.
I play Forza and thats it otherwise its an expensive Netflix box for me.