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      08-01-2016, 03:04 PM   #4

Drives: 2014 BMW 335i M-Sport
Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: Arlington, VA

iTrader: (0)

Whatever you choose to do, stay the fuck off of I-95 as much as you can.

EDIT: To give some actual recommendations, I'd take I-81 down to avoid traffic headaches since I-95 can be awful. As far as stuff to do, unfortunately I-81 basically goes through bumblefuck nowhere but I can give some ideas as to what to do in the VA portion:

If you want to add some hours to your trip, drive along the Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive that runs close to I-81, twisties galore but if you're a fan of Top Gear, you'll know that it has a painfully slow speed limit. It's also heavily patrolled so you can't have too much fun. It's also considered one of the most scenic drives in the country, the views in the fall are absolutely spectacular once the leaves start to change color.

South of Roanoke, VA there's a restaurant called The Homeplace in Catawba, VA. An excellent restaurant that I recommend to anyone who's visiting. There is a fun ass backroad you can continue down that's close to the restaurant (Blacksburg Road) that is full of twisties and pretty empty, just try not to throw up your dinner whole driving down there. You'll eventually wound up in Blacksburg, VA and from there you can hop back on I-81 S via US 460 east.

From there you can hop on I-77 S, head into Charlotte (sure there's lots to do there) then hop on I-85 S and head to Spartansburg, SC and eventually Atlanta.

Last edited by fecurtis; 08-01-2016 at 03:12 PM..
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