Originally Posted by Analog Imports
Congrats on taking the leap! I don't have anything to add regarding your drive, but what business are you starting just out of curiosity?
Thanks! Our company is called WonUpIt. Check us out here:
www.wonup.it and here:
www.fb.com/WonUpIt (give us a like to keep up to date with progress!)
We're essentially building a semi-private social media app that allows you to WonUp ("one-up") your closest friends in your everyday moments. Every WonUpIt moment is tagged with a single hashtag. Imagine you create #BMWLife, post an awesome pic of your BMW and then invite your closest friends to 'WonUp' you. They can respond with photo/video and we stitch together 'WonUp Threads' that all your friends can view and pick their favorite posts.
We have an interesting monetization strategy as well that I am hoping to execute when I go full time!
Let me know if you would like to learn more about what we do, love to talk about this