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      08-07-2016, 08:31 AM   #14

Drives: The E90 + Z4 Coupe & Z3 R'ster
Join Date: May 2012
Location: Summum Choragium

iTrader: (0)

OP, I live 20 minutes from the Skyline Drive and 45 minutes from the Blue Ridge Parkway (it starts at Route 250 West of Charlottesville). I've driven both numerous times and have taken the entire Blue Ridge Parkway/Skyline Drive from Asheville, NC to Front Royal, VA. These are the most boring roads to drive. Yes they have wonderful views, and some great curves, and are well maintained, but the speed limit is 35 MPH on most of it (and patrolled) making it extremely boring to drive after about an hour. Assuming that your are looking for a decent driving experience based on the statement you are going to the Tail of the Dragon, find the back country roads in Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and North Carolina all of them are excellent driving roads. Find roads that follow rivers or cut between mountain chains (Pennsylvania mostly). I've driven these roads in this area of the country extensively for the past 20 years on both motorcycles and in sport cars, trust me, taking the BRP and Skyline Drive are the least fun to drive. Route 219 (MD/WV) or Route 220 (VA/WV) are really excellent roads to drive. Route 28/33 at Senca Rocks back over to RT 220 is one of my favorite sections to drive.
A manual transmission can be set to "comfort", "sport", and "track" modes simply by the technique and speed at which you shift it; it doesn't need "modes", modes are for manumatics that try to behave like a real 3-pedal manual transmission. If you can money-shift it, it's a manual transmission. "Yeah, but NO ONE puts an automatic trans shift knob on a manual transmission."
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