Thread: Firearms
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      01-02-2018, 02:37 PM   #2445
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Originally Posted by David 12 View Post
Could use a little advice on a new 9mm, primarily used for target practice at the range and home defense. Will not be used for concealed carry. I have a few revolvers but would like to get a new 9mm.

I looked at the following: Walther Q5 Match, S &W mp 2.0 5” barrel, Canik TP9SFX, Glock 17 gen. 5.

Your thoughts on these or any other options is much appreciated.

I have the Walther PPQ M2 5" version that is essentially the same gun as the Q5 Match. I really like it, especially the fantastic trigger. I've participated in one match with it and felt that the recoil was a bit snappy but that could be due to my own inexperience. I've heard great things about the M&P 2.0 as well, and there are a lot more options for holsters/mags/etc for those than the Walther
2011 BMW 135i ///M-Sport, DCT
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