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      05-16-2018, 06:28 AM   #11

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Originally Posted by Lups View Post
Rabauke: (how your handle was told me to write was not on me for once) Sorry my family ruined this thread but I've played the clip four times here now.

I miss the real rock star era. I miss the personalities. And I actually heard the queen the first time from a cassette in 1988 and in a few minutes I decided I should marry the singer.

I absolutely will watch this movie. I absolutely adore attitude and that band had plenty.

My older boy is now turning eight in a few days. He grew up listening to queen. He thinks a children's song is anything from megadeth.

So op, I ruined your thread but thanks for letting me know I have to find a city with a theater that will play this. I owe you.
You haven't ruined the thread, it seems when you start a thread you have to realize that they go where they get taken, thats just the way it is.....I hope you get to see the movie in the proper setting with a great sound system.


Appreciate 1