Originally Posted by zgood4u
I started playing at six, my dad slapped a 'cordeen on me (Accordion) and it turned out to be about a 55 year career in keyboards. You never know how it'll turn out. BTW the teachers I had were not the spawn of Satan they were pretty supportive. As stated above learning proper fingering and practicing scales is key, the Czerny School of Velocity book was handed to me early and I highly recommend it. Good luck.
I absolutely don't think every music teacher is a witch, I just know my first one was and my bestie had some bad tips to share! It didn't even work!
I'm consume music like some weirdos who don't drink milk do to water. A five year old with a guitar wasn't something I saw as a good idea, but a year of him talking about riffs and playing air guitar made me send Santa for help. As untalented and unwilling as I was, and as negative and angst as this thread is, I wouldn't take the joy of learning new things from a kid.
This thread is one of my better ideas clearly. It's epic that so many of you have bothered to come roast my lazy ass for bitching about this. Even I know musical instrument is a great hobby, I just thought my kids would use their energy to figuring out how to blow up Jupiter or something.