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      06-30-2022, 09:31 AM   #373

Drives: 24XM,24M3 CS,24 i4, 25 M4 CS
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Virginia

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Originally Posted by Murf the Surf View Post
A couple of factors that will impact how the used EV market will pan out. Most people keep their cars statistically 8 years I believe, I suspect many who buy EV's will want to upgrade sooner though. How will they depreciate, will it be faster than ICE, after all I suspect range anxiety is a big factor stopping uptake, degraded batteries won't make it better. I guess time will tell.
We're still debating what will happen in 13 years though. 13 years is an eternity in the automotive world. What we do today may not be able to accurately predict where we end up, but the point is to put us on track.

Relying on fossil fuel technology has helped Europe end up where they are now with Russia. The decisions made 10 years ago directionally put them dependent on a egomaniacal dictator with designs on world domination. For people who say "what we have now is good enough", that's what they're investing in. For me, Mad Max's glimpse into the future doesn't look appealing. Having my own home solar and windmill charging up my electric car looks a lot more appealing. Can't run your own petroleum well and refinery in your back yard as easily. Ethanol? Maybe. But you need 15% petrol in there to keep the water out.

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