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      07-26-2023, 10:17 AM   #35
Lieutenant Colonel

Drives: Slow
Join Date: Mar 2007
Location: SlowCal

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They are taking the camo seriously with the bolt on cover for the hood and backside windows. Am waiting to see the Touring and not sure I believe they won't bring it to the US. Audi has done too well with the RS6 for them to ignore that market now.

Regarding the drivetrain, I drove an XM and hated it. And when I say hate, I mean absolutely despised it. The cutover from electric to hybrid mode was the worst I have ever driven. The integration was way below acceptable in a $150K vehicle and wouldn't be acceptable in a Civic. It jerks back and forth during the cutover which happens constantly when driving around town. Hopefully this gets rectified before the new M5 is released.

This is coming from someone that has driven most of the new generation hybrids since we have bought my wife 3 cars in the last 12 months and she will only drive hybrid or full electric now.
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