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      03-21-2025, 06:36 PM   #148
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Originally Posted by E86Z4MC View Post
One year max was gifted the wdc. People even try to cite metrics like his # of wins, discounting that one of those was the shameful spa "race" certification. In a driver takes all race, max wilted and was a no-show. He was saved by a decision so erroneous, it led to the individual's firing. Even newey said he was getting away with murder for his driving (see Brazil).

Another year he won it was with the team/car having gone above the cost cap, so yet another asterisk.

Will be interesting to see if he can win in a car not led developmentally from the greatest f1 designer of all time that literally also happened to have his phd in ground effect 30+ years ago.

RB won't get a competitive driver in the seat by design. How else could you explain the 2nd seat not being a meritocracy all this time?
Ham was gifted a WDC in a cheating scandal the FIA knew about and covered up. Then, he went on to basically not do anything in F1 until he obtained a car so fast Stevie Wonder would have won driving it. That car was not only developed illegally, but MB used their influence in the FIA to get them to sign off on it knowing they had 4 years of development over any other team. Sorry, not sorry, but 2014-2020 all have a massive asterisk on them.
When Max got a half decent car he took down MB. Sorry but Ham went over track limits 28 times in Bahrain, where he only beat Max by less than 1 second. Had even a single appropriate penalty been given out, AD means nothing and nothing wrong happened in Abu Dhabi at all - well within the rules. If you also DSQd MB for Bottas' deliberate crash after Toto tells him to initiate 'order 66', again it was Max. Either way, Max outdrove a car so fast it didnt need good drivers to win. His RB cars have been the most difficult to drive while being the most competitive landscape F1 has ever seen in terms of cars and drivers with limitations that push the field closer together each year. Max has done what Ham never could twice - winning in a car that wasnt material and substantially faster than every other one. Going 3 years without a win in a car far more competitive than Max had until 2022 tells that in volumes.
Again a reminder that Hamilton begged Toto not to go after Max because he didnt want a guy good enough to absolutely destroy his image of being a good driver. He did that on his own by going 3 years without winning in the 2nd fastest car on the grid and by still losing 2 of 3 seasons to George Russel (LOL).

Last edited by HeelToeShift; 03-21-2025 at 06:53 PM..
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