Originally Posted by ///M Power-Belgium
There was something with Slowson , think he lost 100 meters in the start..
Not sure yet ...
Originally Posted by M5Rick
The same that afflicted MAX maybe.
Well I finally figured it out (as usual)!

It was a very strange situation , it looked like Slowson suddenly showed up out of nowhere..
As I said : I was like he lost +/- 100 meters at the start ...
Slowson had to start from the pitlane . That's why I saw him somewhere in the background , because Red Bull worked overnight on Slowson's car setup in 'Parc fermé .
As usual , that didn't change anything because the RB21 setup is still a mess . A true Frankenstein (!)
As I said yesterday . And you said to me : I knew you would say that ..

It's not Slowson's fault. It's the RB21 Frankenstein car (!)
I feel so damn sorry for Slowson and MAX . It's a true miracle that MAX can fight with this Frankenstein car ...
IMHO. Adrian Newey fled on time , he said : I noticed something on the car that I really don't like (!)
The cars issue is a 'major fundamental design flaw . It comes from the cars floor and the suspension .Newey just knew what was coming and then Adrian Martin Newey was gone and moved to Aston.
Of course there was also Horner's horny times with the $1Million bitch ..
Pierre Waché is a French idiot . He created the monster Frankenstein and he didn't changed it during the winter break (!)
The French idiot had time enough during the winter break to fix it . That's why I really hate him !!!
The Frenchman Waché is not capable , not competent and far from qualified to fix it .
Otherwise it was already fixed ..And I really wonder how MAX can remain motivated to drive in that 5HITbox (!)
Horner should kick his French A$$ ! And replace him ASAP ..But with who ?
I fear the worst for the 2026 RB22 !!!

I won't be surprised that MAX will flee , just like A. Newey ...
We watched 2 races , and the 2025 WDC and WCC is already for McLaren ..
Awesome !