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      06-02-2009, 02:10 PM   #111
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Originally Posted by Saigon View Post
iono make them look brighter and more crisp? I have photoshop but i suck with it
The white balance is off on the first one. I've got PS4 which has several ways to adjust color temperature. The simplist is to just move the color temperature slider until you like the balance. I find that easier, most of the time, than messing with white balance.

Most of these could stand some cropping, us the cropping tool.

Most have washed out details. There's a Curves tool PS4 where you grab hold of a diagonal line and move it up and down at various points to change the color balance and brightness. It's an easy to use tool tht you should get familiar with.

Contrast might stand reduction on a couple of those, just play with the Contrast slider until you improve it.

There's way, way more that can be done, but you need to work with some of these basic tools before moving deeper into PS.

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