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      07-30-2009, 02:28 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by TWiTCHY View Post
Never go F/4, and I can say that from experience. I'm already regretting my 17-40mm f/4 and 70-200mm f/4 IS purchases, and I desperately want the 2.8 versions but know that I can't afford them. I'm just saving up for the 24-70mm f/2.8 because I don't have a walk-around lens
Twitchy, I thought you have a 5D MkII. With the 5D2's fantastic high-ISO performance why would you regret the f/4L??? I love my 24-105 f4L IS and 70-200 f4L IS. Take some test shots at ISOs up to 3600 and you'll be amazed. In the 800-1200 ISO range it rivals most other cameras at ISO200. Use it strengths to change your life. The equivalent shots with the 2.8 will not be as sharp as with the f4.

I very seldom feel constrained by f4 with the 5D2. The OP has a little different situation with the 40D, since he will start to notice noise more as low as ISO800.

BTW, I'll pile on and echo the prior statements about the IQ of the 70-200 f/4 L. It's incredibly sharp at all aperatures and focal lengths. Also, remember that the IS gives you about 2-stops of hand holding ability.

To the OP, since you have a lesser wide angle zoom, I'd suggest the 70-200 first, then fill in with the other zoom. All the Ls are good, but the 70-200 f4L IS is a home run.

I DO quite often use a monopod, but I've always done that, thinking that it really sharpens your images.

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