Thread: 335i vs. IS350
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      12-19-2006, 12:33 AM   #1
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335i vs. IS350

On my home from an extremely long day from work, an IS350 tailgated me as I exited the freeway. I mean, he tailgated me...was so close to my bumper. I stopped at a red light and he came up to the right side of me. I was really tired, mind my own business and looked straight ahead. The IS350 driver honked me with a "what's up" gesture. When the light turned green he took off and blew me away as I wasn't really trying.

Okay, he got my juices flowing now. I drove a few more blocks before I caught up with him at the another red light. I looked at him this time, gave him the "let's rock" gesture, and did what all proud 335i would do in my situation...I blew his ass away when the light turned green. God damn, i love our 2nd gear. I easily pulled ahead of his ass, switched over to his lane and flashed my hazard lights.....

Anyhow, just wanted to share my experience tonight. Long day at work and this really brought a smile to my face.
2007 335i 6MT
black sapphire metallic, black dakota
gray poplar, sports,prem,
comfort access, power rear sunshade

8/4 - on order 9/5 - production started
9/12 - production completed
9/14 - awaiting transport to port
9/17 - awaiting departure from port
9/18- onboard the HOJIN 10/10 - at VPC
10/15 - delivered
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