Originally Posted by ragingclue
Rely on Edge while on the road? Yeah, no thanks. Not a fair trade-off. Also, it's not just AT&T that has problems with the iPhone and dropped calls.
Yeah the specs on some of Samsung phones are nice. Good luck getting updates pushed to it or support more than a couple months down the road though. Fuck Samsung.
The Storm is notoriously awful and is the redheaded stepchild of the BB family. Complete failure even after all the updates. BB can't do iPhone clone well, and they never should have tried.
The hardware in the RIM devices have been subpar and behind the curve in the past; the specs were too short even to run their own relatively simple OS. They've changed that now, but it'll be interesting to see what that's done to battery life. The batteries in the newer devices will be smaller, but supposedly the tech is improved so.... We'll see.
As opposed to what? Dual core? On an OS that doesn't even take advantage of it? A 7" screen and three separate physical keyboards? Eleventy billion fart apps? Support for mental telepathy? I'm just wondering if you could clarify how it could have been better, aside from LTE support (would have been a bad idea due to power consumption issues), and the QNX-based OS (not ready and probably won't be until middle of next year)?
RIM is growing worldwide, despite all the doom and gloom we see. Their biggest problem is the fact that their stock has dropped so low that they're in danger of becoming someone's bitch. The 9900/9930 aren't even the only devices coming out this year, there's also a "Torch 2" and a full touchscreen curve, both of which finally have specs that should make the OS snappier.
All they have to do is weather the storm until the QNX OS comes around. That will give all the iPhone sheep (let's be honest, these are the people driving the market nowadays even though they'd buy a piece of shit on a stick and say it was a wonderful device, if it had an apple logo on it) phones that they should appreciate, and at the same time will give BB a more solid and capable framework to their interface. In the meantime, they have to keep the solid base they've built up with the BES and such.
Also, the webkit browser is a huge step above the older BB browsers, so people who have been turned off by that should take a gander at the new setup. RIM is improving but they have an uphill battle against the market, because right now the market is being driven by people who only care about apps and raw HW specs. When RIM realizes that it really doesn't matter to the average joe how well his phone acts as a phone and business device, maybe then they'll become a monster again, but I don't think that's their game plan. Some people need the phone to be a reliable phone and communication platform first, and an entertainment device second. Especially now with tablets, why the hell would I want to watch videos and browse the web on a 3-4" screen when I could do it on my 7" or 10" tablet?
If you truly believe what you're saying, you should bet the farm on RIMM because it has been absolutely hammered and no one seems to care what they are doing over there. It's a takeover candidate at best. While you're at it, buy some NOK.
Even if you were exactly right, I go by the average person test. The average person thinks RIMM's phones blow and are 5 years behind. Droid and iPhone are eating their lunch. It's really as simple as that. One could argue there are 10 Droids better than the iPhone, but people love the iPhone and Apple products even if they don't have the sexy stats of an Atrix, for example. Apple has an amazing ability to make users wait and salivate for basic features. Remember copy/paste? That was huge hype but even my shitty Motorola flip phone could Copy/Paste. But when the iPhone got it, it was the cat's ass...
I'm just like you on many things...a loyal support and apologist. You have to open your eyes though...just use the phones. Blackberry doesn't suck ass or anything, but the usability, beauty, and intuitveness of Androids and iPhones really make Blackberry feel like a Nokia 1610. Blackberry has no cool factor and nothing fun going for it. They aren't fun to use, lack features, and are just an overall beating to use when you're used to simple icons and touch screens that load apps in half a second.
Sheep drive consumer sales and drive AAPL to new highs. I stopped fighting the AAPL dominance at $315 and longed some. In a month, I have cleaned up as it trades at nearly $360 and looks for breakout to new highs. They are
dominating the tablet market and still dominate any single phone by leaps and bounds. Sure, Android is taking some share, but they have trouble with the average person. My 80 year old grandmother could use an iPhone. I own an Atrix and love it, but the non techy still won't like the Android as much as iOS. Apple is about to release and iPhone 5, iPad 3, and who knows what this iCloud crap can do. They are kicking ass and making products people love to use. Cool factor, beautiful, easy to use, and best of all...huge margin for AAPL thanks to their unbeatable business model, supply chain, and slave labor in China. I will ride them to $400, perhaps $450. They might got ot $600 one day. The shares are still dirt cheap based on their incredible growth and new products in the pipeline. It's insane. What will stop them? The sky is the limit and they really show no signs of slowing down. RIMM has less than a .01% chance of surviving long enough to innovate again.