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      07-10-2011, 05:09 PM   #52

Drives: 2010 E92 335i 6MT
Join Date: Aug 2009
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Originally Posted by BTM View Post
The exact reason I still use a BB alongside my Android is because there are numerous things it does better. The communicative aspects, calling, emailing/messaging, are easier on the BB. My reception is stronger and more reliable on the BB. I can type much easier, faster, and more accurately on the BB keyboard (yes this is subjective obviously). In battery life, there is no contest. These are not functions that "don't matter..."

The Android surfs the internet and runs apps a lot better, especially Google apps (not a surprise) but as I've said the apps that I really rely on (news, weather, banking) run perfectly fine on my BB as well. The signal is less reliable, but navigation/GPS is also leagues better than the BB.

As for speed, both from a fresh restart, having both phones side by side, I tested opening a few screens. They both open "messages" for example in the same amount of time. However, the droid gives the impression of lag as it loads the top of the screen "All messages" and "Compose message" before it does your text history; the BB shows you the whole thing at once, the transition being from the center "outward" if that makes sense. They both open their OEM browsers and return to home screens equally as fast.
Not sure what Android you're using, but the Atrix is literally instant on every function. Speed of service depends on your location and carrier. Blackberry is really good at text/email, but Atrix does them equally well (at least for my purposes) and the apps, internet experience, talking GPS, speed, and screen size are miles ahead.
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