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      05-29-2012, 10:14 PM   #1
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Vancouver Police murdered an unarmed man.

Paul Boyd killed by VPD officers

This isn't a "all cops are bad and I hate them thread", but it's a thread to bring light on what is happening here currently with Vancouver Police Department and also our RCMP. The article above is about a case from 2007, where Police officers were called to a scene where a man, a successful animator but whom suffered from Bipolar disorder, was holding a bike chain with a lock on one end. He struck an officer down in the head, and police use force, and Paul Boyd was killed on the scene. Officer Lee Chipperfield, who killed Mr. Boyd, defended himself by saying that the man was an "imminent threat" and he had to defend himself. Case was shut.

Just yesterday, video footage "surfaced" and it showed Paul Boyd crawling on the pavement, wounded from being shot 6 times already, crawling on his HANDS AND KNEES towards the VPD officers for help. He was surrounded in a circle by capable and strong officers. An officer yells "hold fire" and DISARMS Paul Boyd. And then, instead of giving him medical attention for the bullet wounds or restraining him, Officer Chipperfield fires a shot through the man's head.

I will let the video speak for itself. Everyone here is absolutely livid right now. And this comes at a time where a current RCMP officer is also being charged for sex offence, but is still working and not being fired. We have our Civil Liberties council on the case now, Attorney Generals, etc. But the people are pissed. How do things like this happen in a first world country? The entire police force kept their mouths shut to look out for their own. Just like they always do. We've had several instances here these last few years where Police officers have shot unarmed or non-threatening citizens, killing them in the process.
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      05-29-2012, 10:48 PM   #2

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Video doesn't show much in my opinion. Victim has, by your own admission, assaulted a police officer with a weapon. I'm not sure what this video shows other than the victim still approaching the officers....who are progressively backing off. Unarmed? Can't tell from the video.

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P.S. To bring up the sex assault case is lame and completely unrelated. Thank the union for allowing the officer to continue working....but don't begin to paint the entire force because of the "bad apples" that tarnish their image.

I don't pretend to think that all RCMP/police officers are model citizens that dont' abuse their power but your post makes it seem like there is some rampant abuse going on that simply doesn't exist.
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      05-29-2012, 11:16 PM   #3

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Police officers are people too. They have problems, flaws, and fears just like everyone else. Don't expect too much from them, but don't give them too little credit either.
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      05-29-2012, 11:35 PM   #4

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I don't know what to think. At first, I was pretty angry like the OP, but then again, I have very little to no sympathy for people who assault police officers on the head with heavy metal objects.

One year ago, in a park near where I used to work, a police officer on patrol at night was stabbed repeatedly (for no reason) and the suspect is still at large. The officer was basically left for dead in the park. Knowing what some of these police officers have been through, I can understand why they react the way they did.

What really pisses me off, though, is the police setting up speed traps to catch innocent civilians in low-accident zones.
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      05-30-2012, 12:32 AM   #5
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Heads should fly at the police department when things like this happen so that police fear being held accountable for stupid decisions they may make.

A person with a blunt melee weapon poses little threat to the public or 6 police when shot 6 times and if true that he was executed by an officer after being told to hold fire, the officer should be charged with murder. A police officer like this does a great disservice to his fellow officer's and should not be sheltered by them, especially since it is incidents like this that devolve people's trust in police and makes it more dangerous for the whole.

Having spent much time with people with mental disorders I know how irrational some of them can become in an instant, that ability to make thoughtless decisions does not make their lives valueless to society or to their family.
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Last edited by scott_uw; 05-30-2012 at 01:11 AM..
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      05-30-2012, 12:34 AM   #6
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video shows nothing after the man is being blocked by the car.
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      05-30-2012, 01:43 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Cdnrockies View Post
Video doesn't show much in my opinion. Victim has, by your own admission, assaulted a police officer with a weapon. I'm not sure what this video shows other than the victim still approaching the officers....who are progressively backing off. Unarmed? Can't tell from the video.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

P.S. To bring up the sex assault case is lame and completely unrelated. Thank the union for allowing the officer to continue working....but don't begin to paint the entire force because of the "bad apples" that tarnish their image.

I don't pretend to think that all RCMP/police officers are model citizens that dont' abuse their power but your post makes it seem like there is some rampant abuse going on that simply doesn't exist.

Actually there is a rampant problem between the disconnect of RCMP with the people here. We are set to renew our municipal contracts with the RCMP by June 30th for the next 20 years. We currently have four large municipal holdouts, and some cities have abandoned the RCMP altogether in favor of their own police force. There have been many instances these last few years of RCMP killing people in our airports, or rushing into their homes and killing them in bed, or beating up the wrong suspects who turned out to be innocent people. But no, I am not a cop hater. I have had very good encounters with them and help them from time to time by giving leads or reporting something to their attention.

I just get sick when there exists a large enough minority within the Police force that go on enormous power trips.
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      05-30-2012, 01:50 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by boymonkey View Post
Police officers are people too. They have problems, flaws, and fears just like everyone else. Don't expect too much from them, but don't give them too little credit either.
To me, unacceptable answer. I expect a lot from the people who are actually allowed to carry firearms in my society. The police are sticking together on this and pleading a defense of "unintentional blindness", claiming that the officer did not realize the suspect was unarmed. A story which has proven to be a complete lie to the public who pay them. In the video you can see an officer approach Boyd and disarm his bike chain, then walk away. From that point onwards the officer fires the fatal shot. Think about this. If this ever gets passed through court even once, future cops will be able to claim "unintentional blindness" and shoot first, ask questions later.
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      05-30-2012, 01:39 PM   #9
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At the point he was on his knees, he had already been shot 6 times?? And he was still advancing on officers??? Officers were still retreating from a crawling, unarmed, 6-times shot man??? Seems the dude was still quite threatening to me, looking in from the outside.

Nevermind that it takes 5 years for video, that is admittedly "enhanced" to arrive. I don't think vieo enhancement techniques have advanced that much in the last 5 years, but I could be wrong.
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      05-30-2012, 02:08 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by UncleWede View Post
At the point he was on his knees, he had already been shot 6 times?? And he was still advancing on officers??? Officers were still retreating from a crawling, unarmed, 6-times shot man??? Seems the dude was still quite threatening to me, looking in from the outside.
thats what i was thinking, I couldnt hear what the cops were saying since those guys were talking over it but why did he keep going forward? for help? why would you move towards the guy who just shot you?

The video doesnt show much and i dont know enough about the back story to really say what was right and what was wrong but you dont have to shoot me 6 times for me to understand that I should stop moving towards the guy who is shooting at me
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      05-30-2012, 02:22 PM   #11

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he came at them with a chain, at that point life is over. Sadly.
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      05-30-2012, 04:20 PM   #12
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Your post is too subjective.

Things important are:
Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
was holding a bike chain with a lock on one end. He struck an officer down in the head
- CLEAR threat, a deadly one

Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
wounded from being shot 6 times already, crawling on his HANDS AND KNEES towards the VPD officers
- CLEARLY not following what officers are asking- "DON"T MOVE".

What's NOT important here is:
Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
a successful animator but whom suffered from Bipolar disorder
- Here no one cares who he is and what kind of medical attention he needs. He struck an officer with a melee weapon.

Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
crawling on his HANDS AND KNEES towards the VPD officers for help
- How do you know he was crawling to them for help? From the video it appears more like that he crawls to them in his aggrevation.

Originally Posted by Vanity View Post
He was surrounded in a circle by capable and strong officers
- This doesn't mean anything. Threat is a threat. You don't compare physical capability when you are in a situation.

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instead of giving him medical attention for the bullet wounds or restraining him
- Why would you give him medical attention when he is still a threat?
Did you ever see a movie where victim pretends death and suddenly turns over to finish the killer? It's not a happy-worry free land here. You don't help the threat, especially the threat that almost killed you, until he completely goes calm.
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      05-30-2012, 05:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by jlstyle View Post
Your post is too subjective.

Things important are:

- CLEAR threat, a deadly one

- CLEARLY not following what officers are asking- "DON"T MOVE".

What's NOT important here is:
- Here no one cares who he is and what kind of medical attention he needs. He struck an officer with a melee weapon.

- How do you know he was crawling to them for help? From the video it appears more like that he crawls to them in his aggrevation.

- This doesn't mean anything. Threat is a threat. You don't compare physical capability when you are in a situation.

- Why would you give him medical attention when he is still a threat?
Did you ever see a movie where victim pretends death and suddenly turns over to finish the killer? It's not a happy-worry free land here. You don't help the threat, especially the threat that almost killed you, until he completely goes calm.

jlstyle nailed it.

The guy in Miami was unarmed and completely naked. Should he not have been shot while eating the face off of another man? Give me a break.
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      05-30-2012, 05:21 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by jlstyle View Post
Your post is too subjective.

Things important are:

- CLEAR threat, a deadly one

- CLEARLY not following what officers are asking- "DON"T MOVE".

What's NOT important here is:
- Here no one cares who he is and what kind of medical attention he needs. He struck an officer with a melee weapon.

- How do you know he was crawling to them for help? From the video it appears more like that he crawls to them in his aggrevation.

- This doesn't mean anything. Threat is a threat. You don't compare physical capability when you are in a situation.

- Why would you give him medical attention when he is still a threat?
Did you ever see a movie where victim pretends death and suddenly turns over to finish the killer? It's not a happy-worry free land here. You don't help the threat, especially the threat that almost killed you, until he completely goes calm.
Wrong. A man crawling on the floor, already DISARMED by an officer, and wounded from 6 shots is NOT a threat to at least the 7 surrounding police officers. The officer was told to HOLD FIRE from another officer, but still shot. The officer who called to Hold Fire was doing the right thing, however the officer who murdered him should be jailed. And I'm sorry but the bolded sentence is ridiculous. What was he going to suddenly do to finish the cop? No weapon, No strength (clearly he's on his hands and knees and wounded). What were the cops afraid of? Him Barking?

If 7 cops can't restrain a man who's been shot 6 times, disarmed, and crawling on the floor, then don't be a cop. Simple as that. The fact is that the cop is defending himself with "unintentional blindness", saying that he did not know the victim was disarmed and shot him. Bullshit, he clearly was instructed to hold fire and clearly the man was disarmed (look at video). If this excuse gets passed through our courts as viable, then a cop can "shoot first and ask questions later". Far beyond what your argument is saying here. This is NOT a "he threatened my fellow officer, I'm going to gun him down 8 times while 7 officers watch me". That's not how our police force is meant to protect. And if you think this is standard protocol for self-defense, please accompany yourself with how third-world police officers perform their duty.
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      05-30-2012, 05:35 PM   #15
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Paragraph below is taken from California Handgun Safety Certificate Study Guide.
If this applies to every handgun owner, how come it does not apply to cops?

A person who is crawling on the ground after being shot 6 times and surrounded by an army of cops is hardly a threat.

Limitations on the Use of Force in Self-Defense

The right of self-defense ceases when there is no further danger from an assailant. Thus, where a
person attacked under circumstances initially justifying self-defense renders the attacker incapable
of inflicting further injuries, the law of self-defense ceases and no further force may be used.

The right of self-defense is not initially available to a person who assaults another. However, if
such person attempts to stop further combat and clearly informs the adversary of his or her desire
for peace but the opponent nevertheless continues the fight, the right of self-defense returns and is
the same as the right of any other person being assaulted.

I am willing to bet money that if a video surfaces of a person shooting someone crawling towards them, after being shot 6 times prior to the final shot,
the shooter will be charged with aggravated murder. And DA's office will do EVERYTHING in their power to convince the jury that the shooting victim was only begging for help,
and not posing a further threat. After all he was shot 6 times! How dangerous could he be after that??

Somehow this does not apply to cops. Anything and everything within a mile radius of them somehow a deadly threat.

Last edited by solefald; 05-30-2012 at 05:50 PM..
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      05-30-2012, 05:46 PM   #16
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+1, Very good find.
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      05-31-2012, 07:28 AM   #17
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So if he dies in the street from the first 6 shots, you're totally fine with that, but the last shot is too much?
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      05-31-2012, 11:01 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by KingOfJericho View Post
So if he dies in the street from the first 6 shots, you're totally fine with that, but the last shot is too much?
One can argue that first 6 shots were in self-defense. Cops got trigger happy for a moment there, while the guy was swinging a bike chain, and each cop shot him once [for example].

But the final shot in the head was clearly an execution.
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      05-31-2012, 11:28 AM   #19
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Originally Posted by Cdnrockies
Video doesn't show much in my opinion. Victim has, by your own admission, assaulted a police officer with a weapon. I'm not sure what this video shows other than the victim still approaching the officers....who are progressively backing off. Unarmed? Can't tell from the video.

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P.S. To bring up the sex assault case is lame and completely unrelated. Thank the union for allowing the officer to continue working....but don't begin to paint the entire force because of the "bad apples" that tarnish their image.

I don't pretend to think that all RCMP/police officers are model citizens that dont' abuse their power but your post makes it seem like there is some rampant abuse going on that simply doesn't exist.
I agree with this

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      05-31-2012, 11:56 AM   #20

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Originally Posted by jlstyle View Post
What's NOT important here is:
- Here no one cares who he is and what kind of medical attention he needs. He struck an officer with a melee weapon.
His profession is unimportant sure, but why is the bipolar disorder part unimportant? This is most likely the reason the guy was acting the way he was.
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      05-31-2012, 12:21 PM   #21
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Originally Posted by JasonCSU View Post
His profession is unimportant sure, but why is the bipolar disorder part unimportant? This is most likely the reason the guy was acting the way he was.
Just like many other crazy killers out there who kills people because of their mental illness?
His mental illness doesn't justify what he did.
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      05-31-2012, 12:25 PM   #22

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Originally Posted by JasonCSU View Post
His profession is unimportant sure, but why is the bipolar disorder part unimportant? This is most likely the reason the guy was acting the way he was.
At the time, did the cops KNOW he had bipolar disorder? Probably not. They are not mind readers. It's threatening enough to swing a metal chain with a heavy padlock on the end of it at a cop, that alone would (justifiably) get you shot in a lot of places. However, once you actually strike a cop, in the side of the head, with something that could kill with 1 blow, then all bets are off, dead man walking at that point.

He advances after being shot, but I personally would not assume the threat is over. There are all kinds of drugs out there that would cause a person to not feel pain, and even though they are full of lead, they could still be physically capable of causing me more harm in the short time they have left, especially since they have demonstrated crazy dangerous behaviour already.

I'm not saying there are not bad cops who are a danger to law-abiding citizens, but I'm not convinced these are examples of that, given the back story.

Note to self: dont strike cop in the side of the head with a metal chain with a lock on the end of it, as doing so may drastically affect life expectancy.
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