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      02-15-2016, 12:10 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
The vast majority of gun deaths is not and I'd reckon a good deal of your stat about "gun violence" is "domestic violence", IE, turning it on a family member.
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      02-15-2016, 12:12 PM   #90
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Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
Yup that would be the case with his stats.. Self-defense kills are also lumped into that number. The vast majority of gun violence is inner city, gang related AND not caused by law abiding gun owners. Yes disarm the sum bag gang bangers but keep your fucking hands of off my Glock.
So where are all the good guys in those inner-cities?
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      02-15-2016, 12:16 PM   #91
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Originally Posted by JamesNoBrakes View Post
The vast majority of gun deaths is not and I'd reckon a good deal of your stat about "gun violence" is "domestic violence", IE, turning it on a family member.

You may have heard of this organization.
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      02-15-2016, 12:24 PM   #92

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First of all it would be next to impossible to disarm America. Best you can do is disarm law abiding citizens. Criminals wouldn't give a fuck one way or the other, a weapons ban wouldn't mean shit to to them. In fact Chicago tried to enact a weapons ban and it had ZERO effect in reducing violence. Criminals WILL NEVER GIVE UP THEIR GUNS..
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      02-15-2016, 12:31 PM   #93
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IMHO if you have a problem with guns, then you should live in a country where they are banned all together.
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      02-15-2016, 12:34 PM   #94
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This turned into another gun control thread? lol

You know if BMW didnt want you to have a gun they wouldnt put a tiny glove box right under the steering wheel... my XDS fits perfect in there.
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      02-15-2016, 12:36 PM   #95
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Originally Posted by Delta0311 View Post
First of all it would be next to impossible to disarm America. Best you can do is disarm law abiding citizens. Criminals wouldn't give a fuck one way or the other, a weapons ban wouldn't mean shit to to them. In fact Chicago tried to enact a weapons ban and it had ZERO effect in reducing violence. Criminals WILL NEVER GIVE UP THEIR GUNS..
My friend, I was in Chicago for a medical conference on the long weekend of July 2013. There were more shootings and murders that weekend than any in recent memory.

In a gun-free city, no less.
This works so well. And by, 'works so well', I mean miserable failure.
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      02-15-2016, 01:03 PM   #96

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Originally Posted by JamesNoBrakes View Post
As americans, and especially males, we are trained from an early age to be those things. We play "cops and robbers" and " cowboys an indians" from a young age, training ourselves to shoot others with guns. Go look at the toy-isle at any department store and tell me there are not dozens and dozens of toy guns. Whether you believe it or not, as americans and males, we are fascinated by guns. This is lagely responsible for the situation we are in, as we have flooded ourselves with guns. Why give flowers when you can give guns? And with so many guns, some will fall through the cracks, get sold in straw-man purchases, given to family and friends, and so on. It's the shear number that has screwed us over, and people want to tell us that even more guns will make it better? We're literally dying from all this freedom.

There is no such thing as "law abiding", I guarantee there are laws that you break. Not only that, but freedom is a balance, of other people's freedom to not be shot by someone in domestic violence, impulsive anger, or affected by suicide, etc.

Yes, this is how I determine that it's more about fascination with guns and insecurity, as all of those other scenarios are far more likely than needing your gun, so given that, I'd expect you to be prepared for those well before needing a gun.

Mainly, because there is no such thing. People are a spectrum, from one end of the scale (good) to the other (bad). Just because you obey most laws doesn't mean you won't snap and take someone's life, or attempt to, like the guy I posted above that ran down the kid long after the crime had been committed. It's because people aren't robots and capable of controlling their actions at all times. Because that gun is far more likely to be used in domestic violence or suicide than "getting the bad guys". Now, if there was an appropriate vetting process, required training and testing, the gun was registered to you, along with the bullets, and the bullets maybe cost around $100 each, then I'd be ok with it, since you'd probably be responsible with the ammo costing that much and all the other controls to ensure you would use it properly and safely. This wouldn't affect your ability to go "John McClain" in any situation, but it would help to ensure that it wasn't just some random criminal or soon-to-be criminal that got their hands on a gun. I'm definitely not against gun ownership, but it puts a lot of power in one's hands to be able to take a life by simply pointing and pulling a trigger. We have never addressed that. Sure, people get stabbed to death sometimes, but mass stabbings are almost unheard of. There was one a few months back in a london subway. Guess how many people died? Zero.
Are you on meds...
You have no idea where I grew up or what kind of games I played as a child, and your insinuation about what laws I break is preposterous. All you know is my screen name and that I drive a BMW, nothing more.
You claim to speak in a general context as if you know me, but what you are really speaking about is "you" and your life.

There is such a thing as a law abiding citizen, we can agree to disagree, so don't bother trying to prove some ridiculous assertion taking common sense out of the equation.

Seems some people have a reading comprehension issue and I have no idea why you're trying to select me to use in your anti-gun or whatever the hell you call vendetta. Go back and slowly read my posts, I clearly stated several times that I don't even carry in my daily life, I specifically stated that every single context I mentioned was in a personal defensive situation regarding, my life, family and property.
Never did I talk about fighting terrorist or going to pro gun rallies, or whether who and why anyone should carry....I give a rats ass. I'm selfishly concerned about my right to legally in every context viable to own a gun as I've served America proudly as a soldier and have been to Iraq so much that I know the streets better than anywhere I've lived besides my childhood state.

Another thing gun control nazis seem to forget is that shooting is a sport, a recreational hobby, you know something people do for fun, like what families watch at the Olympics. It's not only and always self defence.

Gun control people are such weirdos, this thread was about an idiot who road raged, assaulted another driver while almost causing other accidents but no, let's talk about gun control. Why don't you talk about banning cars....goodness gracious.

Last edited by Blksnowflake; 02-15-2016 at 01:10 PM..
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      02-15-2016, 01:26 PM   #97
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Originally Posted by Blksnowflake View Post

There is such a thing as a law abiding citizen
So you've never sped, rolled a stop-sign/light, never accelerated aggressively, never not used your turn signal?

You are not the only person to ever serve in the military, own a gun, shoot a gun for sport, etc. Get over yourself.
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      02-15-2016, 01:33 PM   #98

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Originally Posted by JamesNoBrakes View Post
So you've never sped, rolled a stop-sign/light, never accelerated aggressively, never not used your turn signal?
No, I'm perfect.
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      02-15-2016, 01:43 PM   #99
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Originally Posted by JamesNoBrakes View Post
So you've never sped, rolled a stop-sign/light, never accelerated aggressively, never not used your turn signal?

You are not the only person to ever serve in the military, own a gun, shoot a gun for sport, etc. Get over yourself.
If all citizens, as you ascertain, are unlawful then perhaps something is wrong with the laws and not the citizenry.
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      02-15-2016, 03:06 PM   #100
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
Sadly, they lump suicides in most, 'gun incidents' statistics. Is this the case with yours?
So a mass shooting is a therefore null and void? High school massacres too?
But it's okay because they confuse jumping off a bridge with shootings? They think an overdose is a shooting? My word it gets worse!

No one can deny the figures; gun crime in a country absolutely obsessed with guns is horrifically high.

And if protecting your family is key, move to somewhere that isn't gun crazy.
I speak as an experienced gun user, not some pacifist nut job. A relative works for Beretta too.

C5driver; not only do you have a car with the same name as a comedy 80s electric vehicle made by Clive Sinclair, you also have a similar battery life when it comes to any sign of informed debate. Sorry your comical "smoke screen" didn't make me roll over and agree with your nations huge crisis.

We have our fair share too, mostly imported from you guys. But guns isn't one of them. I can walk the streets anywhere and feel safe.
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      02-15-2016, 03:32 PM   #101
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
C5driver; not only do you have a car with the same name as a comedy 80s electric vehicle made by Clive Sinclair suck! That's an adjective, and neither a proper noun nor her name!

Still want to have an "informed debate" with me?

Last edited by C5driver; 02-15-2016 at 03:42 PM..
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      02-15-2016, 03:45 PM   #102
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      02-15-2016, 03:47 PM   #103
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post
My friend, I was in Chicago for a medical conference on the long weekend of July 2013. There were more shootings and murders that weekend than any in recent memory.

In a gun-free city, no less.
This works so well. And by, 'works so well', I mean miserable failure.
What's the January up until today total homicides in Chicago?

486 last year.
85 already in 16'.
Crazy Diamond

Last edited by gonzo; 02-15-2016 at 03:53 PM..
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      02-15-2016, 04:25 PM   #104
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Originally Posted by C5driver View Post suck! That's an adjective, and neither a proper noun nor her name!

Still want to have an "informed debate" with me?
I run a successful PR and comms business in which I write for such institutions as Oxford University. I am therefore qualified to tell you that your grasp of basic English is, at best, fragile, your level of humour is somewhere below kindergarten. You're an idiot who couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag.

Good day to you and your surreal little World.
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      02-15-2016, 04:27 PM   #105
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
So a mass shooting is a therefore null and void? High school massacres too?
But it's okay because they confuse jumping off a bridge with shootings? They think an overdose is a shooting? My word it gets worse!

No one can deny the figures; gun crime in a country absolutely obsessed with guns is horrifically high.

And if protecting your family is key, move to somewhere that isn't gun crazy.
I speak as an experienced gun user, not some pacifist nut job. A relative works for Beretta too.

C5driver; not only do you have a car with the same name as a comedy 80s electric vehicle made by Clive Sinclair, you also have a similar battery life when it comes to any sign of informed debate. Sorry your comical "smoke screen" didn't make me roll over and agree with your nations huge crisis.

We have our fair share too, mostly imported from you guys. But guns isn't one of them. I can walk the streets anywhere and feel safe.

I'm sorry. Like C5 Driver, I have to cut you off. You are conflating information. Please read what I said. I was very specific in what I was discussing. Suicides involving guns.

And BTW...a suicide is a tragedy.

Your agenda is getting in the way of reason.

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      02-15-2016, 04:33 PM   #106
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
I run a successful PR and comms business in which I write for such institutions as Oxford University. I am therefore qualified to tell you that your grasp of basic English is, at best, fragile, your level of humour is somewhere below kindergarten. You're an idiot who couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag.

Good day to you and your surreal little World.
Ding, Ding, Ding!!

Name calling. You lose.
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      02-15-2016, 04:36 PM   #107
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
I run a successful PR and comms business in which I write for such institutions as Oxford University. I am therefore qualified to tell you that your grasp of basic English is, at best, fragile, your level of humour is somewhere below kindergarten.
Your English is quite refined, actually. I did notice that. However, perhaps your hubris prevented you from acknowledging the fact that an adjective should never be mistaken for a proper noun. Silly American, right?

Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
your level of humour is somewhere below kindergarten. You're an idiot who couldn't debate his way out of a paper bag.
My humor ranges from potty to sarcastic to acerbic. As for debate...I was at lunch and forgot to sign up for the speech and debate team

Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
Good day to you and your surreal little World.
Welcome to post #82.


Last edited by C5driver; 02-15-2016 at 05:02 PM..
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      02-15-2016, 04:44 PM   #108
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Originally Posted by gonzo View Post
What's the January up until today total homicides in Chicago?

486 last year.
85 already in 16'.
If you look at the numbers, it's difficult to support the gun-laws as the reason for the murder rate, as comparing cities with the highest murder rate/100,000 citizens provides no correlation between more liberal cities and gun-laden ones. Chicago is number one, but crime and murders have dropped significantly in most places since the 80s and 90s. Obviously having a situation where you can easily buy a gun outside the city limits does little to prevent crime, apart from making it a little less likely for a guy without a felony record to go buy a gun in the city.

Here's something to consider though, most of the guns out there on the street, the vast majority of them, were bought at one point by these NRA-construct-"law abiding citizens". Through many different channels, they've gotten into the hands of criminals, but we have the people that bought them in the first place to thank for getting them in circulation...
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      02-15-2016, 04:44 PM   #109
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Originally Posted by MKSixer View Post

I'm sorry. Like C5 Driver, I have to cut you off. You are conflating information. Please read what I said. I was very specific in what I was discussing. Suicides involving guns.

And BTW...a suicide is a tragedy.

Your agenda is getting in the way of reason.

Maybe I wasn't replying to you specifically?
Or did your ego automatically assume it was all about you?

I'm intrigued that a suicide involving a gun is not a gun related death? Without a gun, it's quite hard to shoot yourself.

We get the occasional despairing farmer turning a shotgun on himself but apart from that, gun suicide is as good as non existent in the UK. And most other civilised nations.
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      02-15-2016, 05:03 PM   #110
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Originally Posted by Em135eye View Post
1. Maybe I wasn't replying to you specifically?
Or did your ego automatically assume it was all about you?

2. I'm intrigued that a suicide involving a gun is not a gun related death? Without a gun, it's quite hard to shoot yourself.

We get the occasional despairing farmer turning a shotgun on himself but apart from that, gun suicide is as good as non existent in the UK. And most other civilised nations.
Ok. I'm breaking my word here but this is now for the good of the species.

1. As your fellow human being, I find it troubling that you cannot understand the act of quoting my post would lead me to believe that you are addressing me directly.

While I understand the the visual aspect of F2F communication, which is about 75% of how human beings understand each other, is in no way present here on Al Gore's internet, some level of common sense must hold sway.

2. I suggest you go back and read, for greater understanding, what I posted and commented. I was speaking of gun VIOLENCE, not gun deaths. Please stop conflating the points. Words mean specific things.

I'll leave you with this: England and America are two countries separated by a common language. - George Bernard Shaw
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