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      09-13-2011, 12:15 AM   #1519
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Originally Posted by The1 View Post
haha, never thought of it like that....

that does it, I'm staying single forever.
It gets pretty cold in Winter, better get a few pets to keep you warm. Or a ewe if you prefer.

My foster kitties.
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Kevin Goto
2000 740i-Annalisa (sold 2018) 2008 335i-Weebl. Weebl may wobble but has DTC 2012 X5d in Sparkling Bronze ( The Ultimate Cat Carrying Machine)-RIP BMW buyback 2019:2017 A3, 2018 Audi SQ5

Last edited by Weebl; 09-13-2011 at 01:01 AM..
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      09-13-2011, 08:24 AM   #1520
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Originally Posted by gary88 View Post
WTF did I just watch?
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      09-13-2011, 11:50 PM   #1521
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Looking only at color, contrast and saturation, which do you prefer?

IMG_1580_DxO by dcstep, on Flickr

Swainson's Hawk by dcstep, on Flickr

One is my personal processing formula and the other is a classic film preset from DxO's Filmpack, which emulates a number of positve and negative color films and a bunch of black & white films.

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      09-14-2011, 12:04 AM   #1522
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i like the colors better on the first, but it cost a little detail in the shadows.
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      09-14-2011, 10:39 AM   #1523
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Originally Posted by oneintheory View Post
i like the colors better on the first, but it cost a little detail in the shadows.
I'm thinking that I agree.

That's the Kodachrome 64 preset in DxO's FilmPack. The later is my custom brew and I DO emphasize shadow detail. I've tried a bunch of the FilmPack's presets, like Velvia, Agfachrome, etc. and I think that I like Kodachrome the best (I always did, back in the day). I might start applying it to most of my nature shots and also try to bring out a little more shadow detail than shows here.

The Kodachrome blues and greens are really stunning, I think.

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      09-14-2011, 10:42 AM   #1524
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I'm fully in agreement, the colour in the first image is better, but the detail and shadow detail in the second picture make it look more realistic. If you can find a way to bring the colours of the first pic into the second without muting it out, it would be perfect.

maybe play with the contrast bar a bit in your post processing for the second picture, it may bring a bit more pop to the colours.
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      09-14-2011, 10:43 AM   #1525
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or depending on the lens you're using, toss the flash on....
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      09-14-2011, 11:20 AM   #1526
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Originally Posted by The1 View Post
I'm fully in agreement, the colour in the first image is better, but the detail and shadow detail in the second picture make it look more realistic. If you can find a way to bring the colours of the first pic into the second without muting it out, it would be perfect.

maybe play with the contrast bar a bit in your post processing for the second picture, it may bring a bit more pop to the colours.
I'm finding that most people, including potential buyers, are more impressed by vivid colors than they are by accurate colors. The second image is actually much closer to the actual scene (bright morning sun at 5400-ft above sea level and almost no clouds). I love the blues and greens in the first, but they were not that luxurious in real life at this moment.

BTW, I've got the Contrast pushed up into the +30 or +40 range already in my own brew. That's part of my quest to bring out detail. I've also pulled the RGB curve down in the middle, added a touch of vibrance. Both are just a tick below blowing out highlights at the leading edge of the right wing, believe it or not. The levels look considerably different to my eyes, but the highlights are about the same degree away from blowout in both.

Yes, I could use a Better-Beemer (not a BMW) to fill-flash, but I always see the flash in others' images and hate it when I can detect it. At these distances (20 to 30-yards), even in this bright light, it's really hard to get the flash power just right.

Thanks for the feedback.

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      09-14-2011, 11:36 AM   #1527
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If you can knock down the black point in the first one or two points, you might get some more detail in the first one.
I do like the first one but the shadows are too black for me. As you said Dave, potential buyers like vivid colors. (read Peter Lik)
Kevin Goto
2000 740i-Annalisa (sold 2018) 2008 335i-Weebl. Weebl may wobble but has DTC 2012 X5d in Sparkling Bronze ( The Ultimate Cat Carrying Machine)-RIP BMW buyback 2019:2017 A3, 2018 Audi SQ5
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      09-14-2011, 02:20 PM   #1528
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I'm going to India in a week, for ~2.5 weeks. Unfortunately, most of the time I'll just be visiting family, etc. But, I hope i'll be doing some sightseeing along the way. Any suggestions on what lenses to take?

I'll be taking my iPad2, 5D2, the 50mm f/1.4 and 24-105mm f/4L IS lenses for sure.

What I have left is the 17-40mm f/4L, 70-200mm f/4L IS, and 100mm f/2.8L macro. I'm not taking a flash or a tripod.
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      09-14-2011, 02:33 PM   #1529
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
I'm going to India in a week, for ~2.5 weeks. Unfortunately, most of the time I'll just be visiting family, etc. But, I hope i'll be doing some sightseeing along the way. Any suggestions on what lenses to take?

I'll be taking my iPad2, 5D2, the 50mm f/1.4 and 24-105mm f/4L IS lenses for sure.

What I have left is the 17-40mm f/4L, 70-200mm f/4L IS, and 100mm f/2.8L macro. I'm not taking a flash or a tripod.
I`d leave the Ipad at home, you can`t even use it for backing up pictures unless you have a computer to load them onto first.

leave the 50 1.4 unless you're going to be using it specifically for family and stuff where you know your distances are always going to be consistent. same story with the macro. It really doesn't have a use unless you know you're going to be shooting things that are intricate.

I would however bring the 17-40 (even though it's a lens i didn't like because of the barrel distortion) the number of times when i'm travelling that i use or leave a wide angle on my camera is about 6 out of 10, where the 24-105 i would have on probably 3 out of 10 and the 70-200 would be 1 out of 10 times.

I find the use for primes is mostly in a photo shoot situation where zooms/wide angles are mosty used outdoors and traveling situations.

That's just my experiences talking, i'm sure others have different opinions and experiences.

But i've walked around while traveling with up to 6 lenses at different times, now i mostly just bring 3, and leave one in the car.

my bag now carries 16-35 F2.8, 24-70 F2.8, and 70-200 F2.8. I only need the 100-400 if i know i'm going out looking for animals or am out in nature and want that extra length, but it doesn't stay in my main camera bag, it tends to sit safely between clothing in it's carry bag in my luggage. Any primes stay at home in wait for when i'm shooting with friends or jobs.
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      09-14-2011, 02:36 PM   #1530
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would you consider taking your old camera body? If hiking or something and good chance of falls, it is sometimes nice to know you have a backup that you don't mind hurting as badly

Also, is all your gear insured? check if your coverage will cover travel, and if it doesn't just make sure to break the window on your car when you get home before you report it stolen if the worst should happen while you're on trip.
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      09-14-2011, 02:52 PM   #1531
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I can't leave the iPad home, because I need something to check my emails and such incase something happens at work while I'm gone.

I'm taking the 50mm f/1.4 because it's the best portrait lens I have. Since I will be visiting family, I think it will be useful. I understand you're issues with primes on vacations, and believe me, I think the same way you do. But it's a pretty small lens and works very well on the 5D2.

I really like the 17-40mm f/4L as well, but I'm much more comfortable with it on my 20D. I still haven't gotten used to it on my 5D2, and 17mm on the APS-C is longer than 24mm on the FF, so I won't be missing much.

The macro lens is a great portrait lens too, and doesn't have to be used specifically for macro. The IS on it is amazing as well. I figured though, I have that range covered by the 24-105mm.

The 70-200mm f/4L IS is really the only one I'm on the fence about. It's a small/light telephoto, but it still takes up space, and is one more thing I need to worry about.

I'm getting a rider on my rental insurance to cover the camera equipment before I leave. It's a no brainer... only ~$1 per $100 covered for a year. I could insure my entire equipment for like $5-6/month.

I won't be taking my 20D, since I won't be hiking. My only worries are those damn sneaky monkeys
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      09-14-2011, 03:06 PM   #1532
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Bring a 35mm f2 and leave the rest at home. (Oh wait, that's Rodi's line.)

"Life is uncertain, eat bacon now."
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      09-14-2011, 03:07 PM   #1533
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whew...the canon 35 f/2 has gotta be the world's worst prime lens.

just ordered t-shirts at the request of several people in the area.

jsophoto tank by jsophoto, on Flickr

jsophoto tee by jsophoto, on Flickr
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      09-14-2011, 03:08 PM   #1534
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Bring a 35mm f2 and leave the rest at home. (Oh wait, that's Rodi's line.)

speaking of which... I wonder what lens(es) rodi brought with him to nyc?
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      09-14-2011, 03:10 PM   #1535
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
I can't leave the iPad home, because I need something to check my emails and such incase something happens at work while I'm gone.

I'm taking the 50mm f/1.4 because it's the best portrait lens I have. Since I will be visiting family, I think it will be useful. I understand you're issues with primes on vacations, and believe me, I think the same way you do. But it's a pretty small lens and works very well on the 5D2.

I really like the 17-40mm f/4L as well, but I'm much more comfortable with it on my 20D. I still haven't gotten used to it on my 5D2, and 17mm on the APS-C is longer than 24mm on the FF, so I won't be missing much.

The macro lens is a great portrait lens too, and doesn't have to be used specifically for macro. The IS on it is amazing as well. I figured though, I have that range covered by the 24-105mm.

The 70-200mm f/4L IS is really the only one I'm on the fence about. It's a small/light telephoto, but it still takes up space, and is one more thing I need to worry about.

I'm getting a rider on my rental insurance to cover the camera equipment before I leave. It's a no brainer... only ~$1 per $100 covered for a year. I could insure my entire equipment for like $5-6/month.

I won't be taking my 20D, since I won't be hiking. My only worries are those damn sneaky monkeys
if 90% of your shooting is family and you're going to be emailing pictures around, i would take the 50mm. But like you said, 100mm is covered by both the 24-105 and the 70-200, so it wouldn't be missed too much. That is, if you do decide to take the 70-200, which i wouldn't be afraid to do. I used my 70-200 F4 fairly often to do portrait shots and it worked great for that. And best of all, if you're across the room, you can still get a nice portrait shot with it.

I'm glad you're looking into the insurance.... It's definitely a piece of mind, I've stumbled once or twice with a camera in my hand and though "oh well, hope it still works, but if not, that's what the insurance is for" where as before i got insurance there would have been a few swear words....

24mm on the 5DII is quite wide, so if you're not comfortable with the 17-40 on the 5DII, leave it home. It's one less lens to worry about.

I haven't had much experience with monkeys on my travels unless i go to the Toronto Zoo.... So please take some pictures of them stealing stuff for us just make sure it's not your photo equipment.
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      09-14-2011, 03:14 PM   #1536
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i travel with a pelican 1510. carry-on sized, and with the lid organizer, it fits my 5Dii, 1Diin, 70-200 2.8, 135 f/2, 35 1.4, 50 1.4, 17-40, 24-70, a flash, and my pocket wizards plus cleaning gear, my double slim r-strap and a compact flash card case. with some room to spare.
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      09-14-2011, 03:29 PM   #1537
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Originally Posted by oneintheory View Post
i travel with a pelican 1510. carry-on sized, and with the lid organizer, it fits my 5Dii, 1Diin, 70-200 2.8, 135 f/2, 35 1.4, 50 1.4, 17-40, 24-70, a flash, and my pocket wizards plus cleaning gear, my double slim r-strap and a compact flash card case. with some room to spare.
Nice case Josh! I'll just be using my Lowepro Flipside 300 backpack to keep things simple and light.
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      09-14-2011, 03:45 PM   #1538
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Originally Posted by The1 View Post
if 90% of your shooting is family and you're going to be emailing pictures around, i would take the 50mm. But like you said, 100mm is covered by both the 24-105 and the 70-200, so it wouldn't be missed too much. That is, if you do decide to take the 70-200, which i wouldn't be afraid to do. I used my 70-200 F4 fairly often to do portrait shots and it worked great for that. And best of all, if you're across the room, you can still get a nice portrait shot with it.

I'm glad you're looking into the insurance.... It's definitely a piece of mind, I've stumbled once or twice with a camera in my hand and though "oh well, hope it still works, but if not, that's what the insurance is for" where as before i got insurance there would have been a few swear words....

24mm on the 5DII is quite wide, so if you're not comfortable with the 17-40 on the 5DII, leave it home. It's one less lens to worry about.

I haven't had much experience with monkeys on my travels unless i go to the Toronto Zoo.... So please take some pictures of them stealing stuff for us just make sure it's not your photo equipment.
Thanks Reed. I guess it's just a matter of me figuring out whether I should take the telephoto or not.

By wild monkeys, I mean nothing like the zoo These were taken the last time I was there, with a P&S firmly gripped in my fist. I had to walk around essentially blind, without my glasses (I don't wear contacts), because apparently they steal those pretty easily.

More like this:
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      09-14-2011, 04:03 PM   #1539
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
Thanks Reed. I guess it's just a matter of me figuring out whether I should take the telephoto or not.

By wild monkeys, I mean nothing like the zoo These were taken the last time I was there, with a P&S firmly gripped in my fist. I had to walk around essentially blind, without my glasses (I don't wear contacts), because apparently they steal those pretty easily.

More like this:
lol, that's a shitty situation....

at least you know for your upcoming trip!!!

definitely keep the strap firmly attached to your camera, and put the heaviest lenses on it so it's harder to run away with
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      09-14-2011, 04:07 PM   #1540
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haha, yeah. I'm probably not going to be in that situation again, but walking around and stuff, who knows what might happen. The BlackRapid mount is pretty slick and the system does allow the camera to be hugging your body pretty well, but I definitely still need to watch my back.
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