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      01-09-2012, 01:36 AM   #1
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Unhappy I Need School Help :( ....

Hi everyone, thought I would share my situation and see what my fellow posters think is the best route for me to take . Well some background info about my self. Finished high school at 15, by taking an exam to give me the equivalence of a high school diploma. Originally took the exam because, to be honest, I wasn't being challenged in high school and wasn't really learning anything.. kind of a waste of time for me in my opinion. Officially left high school in May 2010 and began my summer semester at a local community college in the same month and haven't stopped attending (I attend year round Fall/Spring/Summer).

After a day in my first economics class I had decided I fell in love with studying economics, and how the market place interacts. After that, my major was set.

Being a person who loves to learn beyond the text book, I began to watch the news more and studying everything that is happening in the economy (great time to learn with everything going on). Naturally, I kind of became a stock market addict ,and i began to help my dad trade since I cant trade on my own being under 18 . 11 months left and ill be able to trade on my own though .

Anyway, thats some basic back ground info on me lol.. Now what I need help with is this, I am hoping to transfer from my junior college in fall 2012, and I dont know what school to go to or if i should transfer at all..

The Schools i applied to are these:
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Los Angles
UC Berkley
UC Santa Cruz
UC San Diego
Cal State Fullerton

The schools I've been accepted to so far:
Cal State Fullerton
(the rest haven't sent acceptance or declining letters yet)

OK the dilemma:
I am worried that I will not be accepted to any of the UC schools because I have not completed 1yr of calculus and they require that their econ students complete 1yr of Calc.

Here is the best part, I didnt complete the year of calculus because the plan of classes for me to take over a two year period at my junior college me and my councilor put together didnt include it.. and when I went back and talked to her about it she said she made a mistake dumb on my part as well for not double checking . Lesson learned from that one

I am also worried that if I do end up going to Cal State Fullerton I wont be able to get a good job or be able to get into a good PhD program after I graduate because they are not ranked very high. But, the upside is if I go to Cal State Fullerton I have the option to receive two bachelor degrees, one in Economics and one in Finance within only two years, due to the amount of units I have already completed (around 80ish with a 3.6 GPA).

If I go to a UC school however it will take me two years to only receive one degree, being in economics. Also, if i do not get accepted to a UC and decide I only want to go to a UC school I will have to stay an extra year in junior college only taking math courses and hope to be accepted the following year.

So the question in short form:
If you were in my position which would you prefer: to go a school not so well ranked and receive two degrees within two years? or go to a better school and only get one degree in two years (if you get accepted)?

Bonus question LOL:
If i do not get accepted to the UC schools: should I stay in Junior college for an extra year and take additional math courses and apply again hoping to get accepted in 2013? Or just bite the bullet and go to Cal State Fullerton?

By the way almost no one i ask helps me because they ALWAYS say: "your only 17 whats your hurry anyway?"

Before people say this, I AM NOT IN A HURRY LOL. It drives me up the wall when someone says I shouldn't do something because of my age aka because the majority of people are slackers at my age i should be one too.. thats not really my thing... I'm not trying to rush through my education, I am actually just really eager to learn more and put my knowledge to good use, because of how much I truly enjoy what I am studying.

So if you were able to read all of that lol .....
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Last edited by Hisam135i; 01-09-2012 at 11:49 AM..
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      01-09-2012, 02:01 AM   #2
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So i read the whole thing that you typed and i can pretty much say that i am in the EXACT same situation as you. I am most likely majoring in Economics as well and i just finished my pre-calc class. I am going finish my IGETC this spring semester and that will leave me with a whole year to finish my Calc 1,2,3 classes in order to FULLY meet the pre-reqs for UCSD (where i want to go). But again, pre-reqs are recommended to be done at the time of the transfer so you transfer to the school "on track", but if you have 1 missing class or something, they won't reject you because of it. Right now i have 3.5-3.6GPA at my local community college and i am applying this upcoming fall to all the schools that you have mentioned + UCSB.
With the TAG agreement, i am 99% sure i will get into all the schools (UCLA being the only questionable school), but i am also planning on applying to SDSU.
My advice to you would be to try to go to an UC. Their education is far more superior when compared to state schools. UCSD has one of the top 10 econ programs in california (above UCLA), socially they aren't the most "popping" school, but my best friend goes there....and let me tell you, its the people that you hang out with, not the school that you go to that makes the most difference, so don't let that hold you back in any way.
I as well could have applied this past semester and gotten into a lot of state schools, but decided to stay another year in order to get better education/college experience. UC's are the way to go imo if you have the financial means and that desire for a higher education.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I've been facing this dilemma for quite a while as well

Good luck !
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      01-09-2012, 02:15 AM   #3
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Nerd

So i read the whole thing that you typed and i can pretty much say that i am in the EXACT same situation as you. I am most likely majoring in Economics as well and i just finished my pre-calc class. I am going finish my IGETC this spring semester and that will leave me with a whole year to finish my Calc 1,2,3 classes in order to FULLY meet the pre-reqs for UCSD (where i want to go). But again, pre-reqs are recommended to be done at the time of the transfer so you transfer to the school "on track", but if you have 1 missing class or something, they won't reject you because of it. Right now i have 3.5-3.6GPA at my local community college and i am applying this upcoming fall to all the schools that you have mentioned + UCSB.
With the TAG agreement, i am 99% sure i will get into all the schools (UCLA being the only questionable school), but i am also planning on applying to SDSU.
My advice to you would be to try to go to an UC. Their education is far more superior when compared to state schools. UCSD has one of the top 10 econ programs in california (above UCLA), socially they aren't the most "popping" school, but my best friend goes there....and let me tell you, its the people that you hang out with, not the school that you go to that makes the most difference, so don't let that hold you back in any way.
I as well could have applied this past semester and gotten into a lot of state schools, but decided to stay another year in order to get better education/college experience. UC's are the way to go imo if you have the financial means and that desire for a higher education.

If you have any questions, feel free to PM me. I've been facing this dilemma for quite a while as well

Good luck !
Thanks for the advice! And yeah i think that's what it might come down to if I do not get accepted but well see I should know If I get accepted or not some time in march. Just sucks because if I do stay another year it will be really hard for me to get classes due to having 80+ units meaning I get last priority registration and most likely will not be able to get into the calc classes (
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      01-09-2012, 02:21 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
Thanks for the advice! And yeah i think that's what it might come down to if I do not get accepted but well see I should know If I get accepted or not some time in march. Just sucks because if I do stay another year it will be really hard for me to get classes due to having 80+ units meaning I get last priority registration and most likely will not be able to get into the calc classes (
Thats not true, you will still get priority registration. Registration boils down to these 3-4 things.

Number of units taken
Time spent at that particular CC
If you are in an ACCESS program or not <---that program is if you help disabled students take notes or something similar, you will get priorty registration because of that.

Other than that you won't have any trouble. I dont know who told you that your registration date will move back because you have 80 units lol, its not true. But one thing that i am MOST certain about is, that i think most CC's have a cap of 90 units that you can complete at a school or only 90 units are transferable or something like that, i'd check with your counselor to make sure.

I have a friend that has been in a CC for 4 years now (nothing to be proud of) and she still gets her registration date a whole week before i do, so you're all good ! dont worry.
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      01-09-2012, 02:37 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Nerd
Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
Thanks for the advice! And yeah i think that's what it might come down to if I do not get accepted but well see I should know If I get accepted or not some time in march. Just sucks because if I do stay another year it will be really hard for me to get classes due to having 80+ units meaning I get last priority registration and most likely will not be able to get into the calc classes (
Thats not true, you will still get priority registration. Registration boils down to these 3-4 things.

Number of units taken
Time spent at that particular CC
If you are in an ACCESS program or not <---that program is if you help disabled students take notes or something similar, you will get priorty registration because of that.

Other than that you won't have any trouble. I dont know who told you that your registration date will move back because you have 80 units lol, its not true. But one thing that i am MOST certain about is, that i think most CC's have a cap of 90 units that you can complete at a school or only 90 units are transferable or something like that, i'd check with your counselor to make sure.

I have a friend that has been in a CC for 4 years now (nothing to be proud of) and she still gets her registration date a whole week before i do, so you're all good ! dont worry.
Hmm maybe different schools? At my school my friend has 80 units and they pushed his registration tell after everyone (I got to irvine valley college a lot of people go there lol as in it's supper hard to get classes if you don't have priority) I'll ask around though and I hope your right lol! What school do you go to if you don't mind me asking
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      01-09-2012, 02:42 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
Hmm maybe different schools? At my school my friend has 80 units and they pushed his registration tell after everyone (I got to irvine valley college a lot of people go there lol as in it's supper hard to get classes if you don't have priority) I'll ask around though and I hope your right lol! What school do you go to if you don't mind me asking
Yea, you could be right since its not part of the LACCD. But umm i kind of doubt it as my CC has over 23,000 students lol (yes, you read that right). I currently go to Pierce college in Woodland hills, but i have also taken classes at Moorpark college (45 min drive) because it's so hard to get classes over here. But since this is my 2rd year (next year will be my last) with a pretty decent GPA, i got all of my classes on time for next semester So i m pretty happy about that.
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      01-09-2012, 02:56 AM   #7
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Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post

Being a person who loves to learn beyond the text book, I began to watch the news more and studying everything that is happening in the economy (great time to learn with everything going on). Naturally, I kind of became a stock market addict ,and i began to help my dad trade
Post in the stockmarket thread.
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      01-09-2012, 02:59 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by Bimmer Nerd
Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
Hmm maybe different schools? At my school my friend has 80 units and they pushed his registration tell after everyone (I got to irvine valley college a lot of people go there lol as in it's supper hard to get classes if you don't have priority) I'll ask around though and I hope your right lol! What school do you go to if you don't mind me asking
Yea, you could be right since its not part of the LACCD. But umm i kind of doubt it as my CC has over 23,000 students lol (yes, you read that right). I currently go to Pierce college in Woodland hills, but i have also taken classes at Moorpark college (45 min drive) because it's so hard to get classes over here. But since this is my 2rd year (next year will be my last) with a pretty decent GPA, i got all of my classes on time for next semester So i m pretty happy about that.
That's good and yeah lol I'll have to find out from the school.. And this is also my second year but have a good amount of my junior credits done lol.. Only so much you can do at a CC lol
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      01-09-2012, 03:48 AM   #9
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Wait, you are gonna graduate and go straight to a Ph.D? What about your masters
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      01-09-2012, 04:36 AM   #10
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Originally Posted by wisesoul View Post
Wait, you are gonna graduate and go straight to a Ph.D? What about your masters
UC for 2 years = Bachelors
1 more year required for masters
and than graduate school for Ph.D
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      01-09-2012, 04:38 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
That's good and yeah lol I'll have to find out from the school.. And this is also my second year but have a good amount of my junior credits done lol.. Only so much you can do at a CC lol
Yea, i feel you. I was lost for the first semester as well lol. No help what so ever, i had to find out everything on my own. I was actually talking to my friends about it today that are starting their CC's. LOOOONG way to go still, but i m glad there to help them a bit. They call me the "counselor" trolllll
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      01-09-2012, 05:38 AM   #12
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Get a degree from the best undergraduate institution that you can. People underestimate how far the reputation of your college can carry you, particularly if you excel during your time there. There are a few that rise above their college reputation, but that is the exception to the rule.
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      01-09-2012, 10:50 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by wisesoul
Wait, you are gonna graduate and go straight to a Ph.D? What about your masters
Most phd programs will allow you to go straight in with out a masters and offer a masters as a conciliation if you are not successful in receiving a masters
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      01-09-2012, 11:16 AM   #14
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Originally Posted by Hisam135i View Post
.. kind of a waist of time for me in my opinion.
Stopped reading when I got to this point.....
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      01-09-2012, 11:48 AM   #15
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Originally Posted by MadDog View Post
Stopped reading when I got to this point.....
HAHA LOL sorry typed that on my iPhone
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      01-09-2012, 12:03 PM   #16

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Okay, I am not 100% familiar with the CA University system, however, it is probably like most schools. I am assuming your are applying as a transfer student if you are, it is probably a good idea to go visit the school you are most interested in and talk to them directly. My experience has been that most people coming out of the CC into University school get higher preference than someone coming right out of high school especially if you have good grades and you talk to them directly.

I transfer from a Public University to a Private University and had the same problem as you, missing some core classes and they were giving the run around about not being in sync with everyone else. I went to University and sat down with them and talked about what I was missing and which things would really cause a problem. What it came down to was there were upper level classes that were only offer once a year and if you missed them you were stuck for another year. After all said and done, I took one summer class at a local CC got it out of the way and I got into the school. It would not have happened if I did not meet with them and they agreed to accept me if I showed them I got enrolled in that class.

Good Luck do not give up on trying to get into the school you want.
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      01-09-2012, 01:10 PM   #17
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Originally Posted by yakev724 View Post
If you want to work in finance, I strongly suggest you study math or applied math and earn at least an MS.
All successful investors/finance-related managers I've spoken with or heard about have PhDs in math, applied math or physics. You can learn the formalities associated with the economy as you go, but becoming comfortable with the level of mathematical analysis to contribute to a firm takes years of hard work.
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      01-09-2012, 01:32 PM   #18
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Originally Posted by yakev724 View Post
All successful investors/finance-related managers I've spoken with or heard about have PhDs in math, applied math or physics. You can learn the formalities associated with the economy as you go, but becoming comfortable with the level of mathematical analysis to contribute to a firm takes years of hard work.
+1, math isn't my favorite subject....or nowhere close to it. But honestly, the more time i spend at school the more i realize math is fucking EVERYWHERE. Unless you're running a buisness (which still requires basic math/calculations), you pretty much need to take some type of calculus for pretty much any major thats worth doing.
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      01-09-2012, 02:16 PM   #19
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Originally Posted by yakev724
Originally Posted by yakev724 View Post
If you want to work in finance, I strongly suggest you study math or applied math and earn at least an MS.
All successful investors/finance-related managers I've spoken with or heard about have PhDs in math, applied math or physics. You can learn the formalities associated with the economy as you go, but becoming comfortable with the level of mathematical analysis to contribute to a firm takes years of hard work.
I think thats actually what I might end up doing if I don't get accepted into a good school, I'll have more then enough math courses to be an applied mathematics major if I stay next year at my CC
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      01-09-2012, 02:36 PM   #20
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don't go to a CSU. they're getting cut pretty hard in comparison to UC's. plus, you only go to undergrad once, so you might as well go somewhere you actually want to go to/fits you right. in terms of getting accepted/rejected... isn't it kinda early to be worrying about this kinda stuff? you still have like 3 more months of waiting...

if you don't get in anywhere you want to go to (you haven't given HS gpa, CC gpa, or SAT, ECs), then just take those calculus classes, do an internship, and app again. the more i think about it... the more i think you might be in trouble tho since you haven't completed your transfer requirements for that major. so just take calculus, do an internship or get a job, and app again if you don't get in this time around.

oh, and if you've take AP calculus, you might be able to waive it.

Originally Posted by wisesoul View Post
Wait, you are gonna graduate and go straight to a Ph.D? What about your masters
really depends on the school/program. some schools only offer PhD's but will give you a Master's if you back out. others will give you both...
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      01-09-2012, 02:40 PM   #21
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Based on what you've described, you'll probably get into most UC's. I know it's A LOT easier to get in as a transfer than as a freshman. You can take calc here, except it might be a little bit harder just because you have 10 weeks to learn the material instead of the full semester. But I think you'll enjoy the learning process, since you did say you like being challenged.

I agree w/ Bimmer Nerd (the bff ) and I think you should go to a UC just because Cal States are basically continuations of CC's. If you really like learning and applying yourself, I think you should shoot for the UC.

On the off-chance that you don't get into any UC (highly unlikely), I suggest you do stay an extra year at a CC and just complete any other pre-reqs and what not. Just my 2 cents.

I wish you the best of luck man, with whatever you decide to do!
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god damn that car is nice. i would sell my girlfriend for it
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why dont you leave him a love note on the car -- with hearts and shit

lol - seriously tho -- I find notes on my car sometimes -- but it's NEVER from girls -- -- damm M3 is a ghey magnet
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