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      12-18-2008, 08:03 PM   #23
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What I might actually use is some sort of active radar/laser device that, instead of broadband jamming, actually detects the incoming laser and emits a different prf to match a more modest speed? That would be cool. Probably not too ahrd to do, even.
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      12-27-2008, 01:33 AM   #24

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Veil works very well for what it is. It will increase the time you have to react to the laser blast. I run a V1 and hope to get jammers soon, but until then, the veil/v1 combo works. I've been hit twice by LIDAR and reduced speed fast before they got a reading.

Also, a detecter is certainly not a cop-detector. It's a great tool though. I drive fast every single day and the only ticket I've gotten is when I was stupid - moving significantly faster than the rest of traffic, ahead of it. It's like shouting "hit me with a 300$ fine!" to the cops. And they did. When I drive normally: smooth and fast but never the fastest, they're ok. On the highway, stay right until you pass: Not only is it safer for everyone, but it's harder to get a hit on you when you're with more traffic, not to mention you appear slower in the 'slow' lane. When you do pass, take your foot of the gas so as not to appear to be blowing past them, then get back on it. More and more people are calling in aggressive drivers, but few people call in fast drivers.

Drive smart, speed smart. Good luck.
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      12-27-2008, 04:13 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Heinzftw View Post
Lasers are not used in California! I have been pulled over just once. Going 85 in a 65. Got a warning. Been driving for a damn long time for my age. I know when safety permits it to drive fast. Thanks for the input though!

be careful, laser is starting to be used in california. first hand experience. also, cops up here in the bay area are super tricky, they'll use instant on Ka band so familiarize yourself with the V1 first so you'll know immediately when you get a legit instant-on Ka hit (it sounds like a false alarm b/c you'll just hear the Ka beep-beep only momentarily). when i was 18 i got caught going 82 down highway 1 and lost my license for 6 months. not fun at all.
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      12-27-2008, 04:17 PM   #26
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Originally Posted by Phiberglass View Post
LIDAR is definitely used in California and an increasing threat. I'm looking to pick up a Laser Interceptor sooner or later.
let me know how it works for you. based on the limited research I've done it looks like either Laser Interceptor or the Laser Park Pro are the best options.

Laser Park Pro stands out to me, being a california resident, because it's designed to be an aftermarket parking distance sensor, which happens to scramble lasers...
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      01-04-2009, 05:17 PM   #27

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I've got a V1 and it's great. I have yet to come across radar that I couldn't see a ways down the road in plenty of time to slow down. Even with laser usually I pick it up when they're shooting other cars down the road. Being a small target helps a lot too.

That being said if they hit you with laser and you're speeding you're done. Drive safe.
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      01-04-2009, 05:45 PM   #28
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:wink:Saw the previous about Veil.
Seems that radar/lasar works off reflections. They deliberty aim for the concave mirror portion on your headlights or aim at the front license plate because they reflect the most/quickest.
The product they sell they say cuts down the dectection time that they pick you up.. so you get like another 5 seconds to react.
Also mentioned in article..they need to clock you within 1000 ft. for legal statues,(with a gun). That means they can't(should'nt) pick ya off if your out of the 1000ft. range, they have to take multiple readings. If you slow down b4 that point, you should be ok.
Had a experiance this past summer, which might prove that point^, going thru work zone (50 mph) down from 65. Was way ahead, easily 1/2 mile and Passport went off (lasar), I hit the brake and brought my speed sharply down from 62 to 48. As I passed the trooper, saw him watching me all the time as I passed him. I know he shot me, probably was aiming at my headlights and hit my windshield.
I think the fact I brought my speed down rapidly b4 that 1000' mark saved my butt. Def. chalk one up for the passport. (Fines doubled for speeding in work zones, License suspended after 2 work zone speeders.)(NY at least)
Couple of interesting points I read on same site..
Black and darker colors reflect lasar/radar waves the worst and white and lighter colors best. Darker color cars take a bit longer to detect. Also cars with retractable headlights are the hardest to target. Check out the link below for the product, seems like a lot of hype and salesmanship but there is a lot of interesting stuff on the site about how lasar/radar works. Don't know if I would really want to apply this stuff to my 1er. Oh, theres some nice eye candy on the site too.:wink:
Cant agree more tho, dont be the first in the pack, also a real good idea to always keep an eye in the rearview.
I also like that TV show "speeders", if gives you a good prospective from the other side, and teaches ya what NOT to do! Btw, seems like 15mph is the most common allowance, but also heard some do 10mph. Rumor last year that N.H. had zero tollerance, 1 mph over and they wrote you up. That might be very easy to fight tho.
If ya do no more than 9mph over, u should be good.

One other interesting point, they say if you get caught with lasar jammer, its a federal offense..$75,000.00 fine/and they can seize the vehicle.(something about transmitting an illegal radio signal,FCC violation!) I'd rather have the speeding tkt.
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      01-04-2009, 07:11 PM   #29
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Originally Posted by Midgad View Post
:wink:Saw the previous about Veil.
Seems that radar/lasar works off reflections. They deliberty aim for the concave mirror portion on your headlights or aim at the front license plate because they reflect the most/quickest.
The product they sell they say cuts down the dectection time that they pick you up.. so you get like another 5 seconds to react.
Also mentioned in article..they need to clock you within 1000 ft. for legal statues,(with a gun). That means they can't(should'nt) pick ya off if your out of the 1000ft. range, they have to take multiple readings. If you slow down b4 that point, you should be ok.
Had a experiance this past summer, which might prove that point^, going thru work zone (50 mph) down from 65. Was way ahead, easily 1/2 mile and Passport went off (lasar), I hit the brake and brought my speed sharply down from 62 to 48. As I passed the trooper, saw him watching me all the time as I passed him. I know he shot me, probably was aiming at my headlights and hit my windshield.
I think the fact I brought my speed down rapidly b4 that 1000' mark saved my butt. Def. chalk one up for the passport. (Fines doubled for speeding in work zones, License suspended after 2 work zone speeders.)(NY at least)
Couple of interesting points I read on same site..
Black and darker colors reflect lasar/radar waves the worst and white and lighter colors best. Darker color cars take a bit longer to detect. Also cars with retractable headlights are the hardest to target. Check out the link below for the product, seems like a lot of hype and salesmanship but there is a lot of interesting stuff on the site about how lasar/radar works. Don't know if I would really want to apply this stuff to my 1er. Oh, theres some nice eye candy on the site too.:wink:
Cant agree more tho, dont be the first in the pack, also a real good idea to always keep an eye in the rearview.
I also like that TV show "speeders", if gives you a good prospective from the other side, and teaches ya what NOT to do! Btw, seems like 15mph is the most common allowance, but also heard some do 10mph. Rumor last year that N.H. had zero tollerance, 1 mph over and they wrote you up. That might be very easy to fight tho.
If ya do no more than 9mph over, u should be good.

One other interesting point, they say if you get caught with lasar jammer, its a federal offense..$75,000.00 fine/and they can seize the vehicle.(something about transmitting an illegal radio signal,FCC violation!) I'd rather have the speeding tkt.
I hear ya about the eye candy on that site... that Viper is hot! ;-)

I think your statement about the laser jammer fine is incorrect. Jamming RADAR signals is a federal offense since it's governed by the FCC. Laser doesn't fall under federal, just local. I know it's illegal in VA (as is radar dectectors).
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      01-05-2009, 12:11 AM   #30

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Originally Posted by Midgad View Post
One other interesting point, they say if you get caught with lasar jammer, its a federal offense..$75,000.00 fine/and they can seize the vehicle.(something about transmitting an illegal radio signal,FCC violation!) I'd rather have the speeding tkt.

There's no federal law against Laser Jammers. The law is against RADAR jammers.

Laser and RADAR are two totally different things. Laser is just light, and is regulated by the FDA because the early uses were medical devices.

RADAR is the emission of an electromagnetic wave, and that's regulated by the FCC. Some states have banned Laser jammers, but the FDA doesn't care what you're doing with them as long as it doesn't involve human bodies.
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      01-05-2009, 12:13 AM   #31
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Originally Posted by jeremyc74 View Post
There's no federal law against Laser Jammers. The law is against RADAR jammers.

Laser and RADAR are two totally different things. Laser is just light, and is regulated by the FDA because the early uses were medical devices.

RADAR is the emission of an electromagnetic wave, and that's regulated by the FCC. Some states have banned Laser jammers, but the FDA doesn't care what you're doing with them as long as it doesn't involve human bodies.
in terms of the lasar jammer being illegal...

I stand corrected!
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      01-05-2009, 02:19 AM   #32
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sth not really related but I wanna mention. I live in Vancouver and I only see cops using Laser Gun in a sunny/cloudy day and Radar in a rainy/snowy day...Is it because they dun wanna get wet?
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      01-05-2009, 08:40 AM   #33
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Originally Posted by Yuzi View Post
sth not really related but I wanna mention. I live in Vancouver and I only see cops using Laser Gun in a sunny/cloudy day and Radar in a rainy/snowy day...Is it because they dun wanna get wet?
Very well may be!
Lasar cannot go thru glass for speed detection.
They gotta have clear shot.
Probably dont want to keep window open in bad weather!
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      01-05-2009, 12:15 PM   #34

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Originally Posted by Midgad View Post
in terms of the lasar jammer being illegal...

I stand corrected!

You were right on about the fines for RADAR jammers though. The FCC takes unauthorized emissions pretty seriously. :w00t:

I've considered a Laser jammer for my car, but I wouldn't even think about trying to jam RADAR.
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      01-05-2009, 03:51 PM   #35
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I would want to see a report from a known, neutral 3rd party that shows that any such devices actually work in real conditions. People try to sell a lot of crap that's supposed to help you avoid tickets and much of it is worthless. I recall Mythbusters doing a show on radar defeating products, another on speed camera products, and they were all bogus. I strongly suspect the same is true for laser defeating products.
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      01-05-2009, 04:27 PM   #36

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Originally Posted by ptack View Post
I would want to see a report from a known, neutral 3rd party that shows that any such devices actually work in real conditions. People try to sell a lot of crap that's supposed to help you avoid tickets and much of it is worthless. I recall Mythbusters doing a show on radar defeating products, another on speed camera products, and they were all bogus. I strongly suspect the same is true for laser defeating products.
All of the passive RADAR defeating products are crap, short of maybe painting your entire car with paint from the stealth bomber, and that would cost more than the car and look like shit! (I've played around with the stuff)
Active RADAR jammers that actually work will get you arrested, and I'd consider something that gets you taken to jail instead of getting a ticket worthless as well.

The passive Laser stuff is also very likely to be worthless. There are just too many reflective surfaces on a car for the gun to get a hit from. The beam is something like 18" in diameter at 1000', so that will catch the grill, radiator, and headlight with no problem.

Active Laser jammers have been shown to work in independent tests, but only certain ones (plenty of junk out there), and they're expensive.
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      01-05-2009, 04:27 PM   #37
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Originally Posted by ptack View Post
I would want to see a report from a known, neutral 3rd party that shows that any such devices actually work in real conditions. People try to sell a lot of crap that's supposed to help you avoid tickets and much of it is worthless. I recall Mythbusters doing a show on radar defeating products, another on speed camera products, and they were all bogus. I strongly suspect the same is true for laser defeating products.
Check out the video's listed from the sites above.
They have some actual examples.
I have a Escort, my 3rd one! I have been saved so many times.
Think ai saw the same myth busters with the speed camara. They showed the sprays, and license covers dont work.
As far as Veil, hear it works, but it tints your headlights and you can possibly get a ticket.
Radar detectors are not a sure thing, but when used in an experianced manner, they no doubt can save you.
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      01-05-2009, 09:59 PM   #38
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Detectors can be very useful especially if you're traveling on strange roads. It's the radar or laser absorbing, deflecting, turning into pixie-dust products that are usually all scams. The fact seems to be if the cop has you in his crosshairs when he pulls the trigger, he's got you no matter what. Your only hope is to have detector that warns you a cop is there taking readings on the people ahead of you, which may give you time to slow down before you get in the crosshairs.
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      01-06-2009, 12:00 AM   #39
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I just record a video on my detector detection today on a speed camera. I'm gonna post it here tonight...wait and see
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      01-06-2009, 12:14 AM   #40
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heres the link! enjoy
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      01-21-2009, 12:07 AM   #41
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Watch those heavy tinted black chargers! I do have passport but the problem is i passed him with our prius doing 93 on I95 boston. I think he got pissed or upset because he was overtaken by a hybrid car
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      03-26-2009, 02:45 PM   #42

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Originally Posted by ptack View Post
I would want to see a report from a known, neutral 3rd party that shows that any such devices actually work in real conditions. People try to sell a lot of crap that's supposed to help you avoid tickets and much of it is worthless. I recall Mythbusters doing a show on radar defeating products, another on speed camera products, and they were all bogus. I strongly suspect the same is true for laser defeating products.
Here are some videos
Laser jammers vs Stalker LZ1

Laser Interceptors versus Laser Atlanta SpeedLaser

But no this stuff doesn't work sorry mythbusters was right
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