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      02-16-2012, 12:52 PM   #2597
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Ok, the 7D has gone to MSRP minus rebate everywhere (i.e., it's now $1599). Just as I was getting ready to pull the trigger, too,

In any case, I've decided to sell some stuff and save up some more. Then the question becomes, do I save enough for a 5D MkII instead? Many of you own both, so I'm here to pick your brains about which one might better suit my needs. I know the 7D has a faster, more accurate AF, but I don't do much (or any) sports photography. I might shoot an occasional crop duster series where the fast AF and FPS rate would be nice, but by and large I shoot landscapes and critters. And I love shooting low light shots. That alone has me leaning towards the 5D MkII.

What say you?

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      02-16-2012, 01:10 PM   #2598
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Crop dusters a slow and the 5D2 will easily handle the AF chores there.

As an all around camera, I pick my 5D2 over my 7D almost all the time. It's high-ISO performance is superior and gives me more flexibility. Also, it suits my 24-105mm f/4L IS better as a walk-around, scenic and archetectural lens.

Still, when I've wanted to leave the Speedlite at home and use a pop-up flash, I've taken the 7D. I've found it no slouch at ISO 6400 without flash. Witness:

Michelle checks for text message... by dcstep, on Flickr

The 7D has superior detail resolution, thanks to its lower pixel-pitch, so in many ways it's a toss up.

I think it comes down to which lenses you already own and which body will take best advantage of them. The 7D is my go,-to on macro, wildlife and sports.

If you can wait, the 5D MkIII might be interesting. If they bring the pixel-pitch down to the level fo the 7D, like Nikon did with their FF D800, then you might have the best of both worlds in one camera. I'm holding off on any camera body decisions until I see the MkIII. I want to see real test of the 1D X and the 5D3 and then I'll decide between the 1D MkIV, 5D3 and 1D X. Of course, I'm already well equipped so waiting is easier.

Of course, anyone looking at my images should realize those are NOT out-of-camera jpegs. They all RAW, converted with DxO Optics Pro, which is like an upgrade for any body.

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      02-16-2012, 01:13 PM   #2599
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Ok, the 7D has gone to MSRP minus rebate everywhere (i.e., it's now $1599). Just as I was getting ready to pull the trigger, too,

In any case, I've decided to sell some stuff and save up some more. Then the question becomes, do I save enough for a 5D MkII instead? Many of you own both, so I'm here to pick your brains about which one might better suit my needs. I know the 7D has a faster, more accurate AF, but I don't do much (or any) sports photography. I might shoot an occasional crop duster series where the fast AF and FPS rate would be nice, but by and large I shoot landscapes and critters. And I love shooting low light shots. That alone has me leaning towards the 5D MkII.

What say you?
If you're doing that, then maybe worth waiting for 5DmkIII? It will have a faster shutter then the mkII.

Might be worth the wait, price of course, but you should be able to have a rough idea of the price with the D800 information out there. I figure probably similarly priced.

Or used 5DmkII would bring it down to the same price as a 7D

It really all depends. Since you don't have the 18mp sensor, you aren't used to the sharpness, so you won't miss that on the 5D.

with the 5D, it's the same AF system as your current camera.

With my 5DmkII I can shoot at 3200 ISO all day and not worry too much. Yes, i will get some noise, but it just means i add some NR and don't do a 100% crop.

If you find that you're shooting your cats trying to jump and stuff, then maybe the 7D might be of consideration.

If you found lenses like the 135L or the 70-200 a bit on the long and unusable side, they will be easier to use on the 5D because of the extra frame, and might make lenses like that more justifiable.

Making the switch to the 5D will be an expense no matter how you look at it, none of your EF-S lenses will fit, so it will be like starting over in some respects. But if i'm not mistaken, most of the lenses you've been using are primes and likely EF correct? If so, it won't be a sacrifice.

you will lose a top flash *not that I feel that's a sacrifice*, but with the 7D, you can remotely control a flash, which is actually handy and fun to use. I do this a lot with the macro shots, like with those watch pictures in the SSOTD thread, those were both with the 7D.

If I'm not mistaken, I believe the 5DmkII has a faster FPS then the T1i. So if you didn't mind it's speed (3.7fps i think?) then you will have a similar feel with the 5DII at 4fps The extra .3 was noticable for me as I went from the T1i to the 5DII. But just remember, with that extra speed comes greater depth of field, more colour depth, and better controls (though the 7D controls are similar) There is more room to crop then the 7D which is nice.

When you lack frames per second, you learn to get timing. When you have excessive fps, you sometimes find yourself just holding the button and expecting something to turn out. This doesn't always work as that time between clicks could actually be the moment you were waiting for. So in some respects, having the slower fps makes you think more to get the shot that counts, and in some cases increase your accuracy.

when using the 7D, i still try to use the timing I learned while using the 5D and wait until the right moment to shoot, but once that moment has come is when I hold the button down and take multiple. Many people try to lead a subject in sports and hope for the best. That might work with the new 1DX with 12 fps

I shot my T1i at a Red Bull air race way back when, I didn't mind not having those extra frames, I just worked at making the shots I took count. The AF still worked ok.

If you're not finding yourself at sporting events, and you don't need the extra "theoretical" reach of the 1.6 crop, then you may as well go for the 5DmkII or III (price dependant)

The 5DII is easier to use inside for sure. Lenses you had trouble using indoors, will work better now, and you could shoot anything and everything at 800ISO and not worry. And why not shoot at 1600ISO and close down to an F8 and get more in focus while you're at it inside.
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      02-16-2012, 01:34 PM   #2600
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It seems like fps will be a low priority issue for Mark.

Even with limitless fps I'd recommend shooting in bursts of three to five, unless you're trying to put together a series of something like a biker jumping a log, or a skateboard trick, etc., then you might press the button down and hold it for a second or so. That's pretty rare in sports and wildlife. (I did a series of a deer jumping a fence once).

ISO 800 is child's play with the 5D2. Think more like 3200 and 6400 and you'll be liberated. Still, as shown above, the 7D is no slouch at ISO 6400.

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      02-16-2012, 01:38 PM   #2601
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Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
It seems like fps will be a low priority issue for Mark.

Even with limitless fps I'd recommend shooting in bursts of three to five, unless you're trying to put together a series of something like a biker jumping a log, or a skateboard trick, etc., then you might press the button down and hold it for a second or so. That's pretty rare in sports and wildlife. (I did a series of a deer jumping a fence once).

ISO 800 is child's play with the 5D2. Think more like 3200 and 6400 and you'll be liberated. Still, as shown above, the 7D is no slouch at ISO 6400.

agreed, there really isn't a lot of instances since I stopped shooting friends horse jumping where I use much of the 7D speed. Last time I used it was around Christmas when my Nephew was tobogganing, even then, it wasn't really even pushing the limits.

I'm very curious about the 5DIII however, if it is faster with a better focus, and better pixel pitch, It would be very desirable.

Not sure any of the 1Dx attributes really appeal to me at this point other then high FPS bragging rights.

But I also don't have any super telephotos or teleconverters that I rely on.
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      02-16-2012, 01:39 PM   #2602
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Thanks, guys. The T1i will be staying for the time being as a second body, so there will be no loss as far as EF-S lenses and SD cards go. The guy with the 30D for sale on CL just disappeared off the face of the earth once we started talking about meeting up. Not sure what the deal was there.

If I knew the MkIII was 3 months or 6 months away, I would wait. But who knows when that'll be announced. Waiting is often self-defeating. And with my luck, they won't announce the MkIII until the day after I buy another body anyway. Witness my crappy luck with buying a 7D. They sit at ~$1350 for months while I save up and then jump to $1600 right as I'm ready to buy. That's why I don't dabble in the market. I have the reverse Midas touch.

I think maybe I'll bite the bullet and rent a 7D and then a MkII just to see. It'll be pricey, but at least I'll have a better idea of which one works for me. I see good things with both of them. And maybe, if my luck changes, the MkIII will be announced in the meantime.

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      02-16-2012, 01:41 PM   #2603
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
I think maybe I'll bite the bullet and rent a 7D and then a MkII just to see. It'll be pricey, but at least I'll have a better idea of which one works for me. I see good things with both of them. And maybe, if my luck changes, the MkIII will be announced in the meantime.
That will be your best bet when it comes down to it.

you can't beat your own personal experience.
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      02-16-2012, 01:49 PM   #2604
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Ouch, I just looked. Just shy of $400 to rent them both for a week. That's no small change considering it's nearly the difference in cost between them.

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      02-16-2012, 01:50 PM   #2605
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Ouch, I just looked. Just shy of $400 to rent them both for a week. That's no small change considering it's nearly the difference in cost between them.
ouch.... that's considerable.

I worked jobs when I was a teenager that I would have been happy if I made 400 a week...
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      02-16-2012, 01:54 PM   #2606
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Originally Posted by The1 View Post
agreed, there really isn't a lot of instances since I stopped shooting friends horse jumping where I use much of the 7D speed. Last time I used it was around Christmas when my Nephew was tobogganing, even then, it wasn't really even pushing the limits.

I'm very curious about the 5DIII however, if it is faster with a better focus, and better pixel pitch, It would be very desirable.

Not sure any of the 1Dx attributes really appeal to me at this point other then high FPS bragging rights.

But I also don't have any super telephotos or teleconverters that I rely on.
I think that the 1D X is aimed at sports photogs that need high ISOs and high SS and have the lenses they need for reach. It'll be a basketball and hockey photographer's dream. It can be good as a wildlife shooter, but it'll need extra focal length to make up for its large pixel-pitch.

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      02-16-2012, 01:55 PM   #2607
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Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
I think that the 1D X is aimed at sports photogs that need high ISOs and high SS and have the lenses they need for reach. It'll be a basketball and hockey photographer's dream. It can be good as a wildlife shooter, but it'll need extra focal length to make up for its large pixel-pitch.

I'm willing to bet there will be a 1DXs or something similar coming out in the near future for the wild life enthusiast.
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      02-16-2012, 03:22 PM   #2608
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Originally Posted by The1 View Post
I'm willing to bet there will be a 1DXs or something similar coming out in the near future for the wild life enthusiast.
It might be called the 5D MkIII.

It'll never match the fps speed of the 1D X because every pixel seems to need a byte or two to record its info, so transfering 40 to 50MB per file to the CF card will probably keep use from doing much better than 5 or 6 fps. I'll gladly trade that off for the detail.

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      02-16-2012, 11:48 PM   #2609
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Wait 12 days and see what shows up, then make up your mind if you will have some $3k to spend on a 5DX?!
Kevin Goto
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      02-16-2012, 11:58 PM   #2610
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Kevin, what's going to happen in 12-days?
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      02-17-2012, 12:35 AM   #2611
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Canon 5D@#$%^ possibly.
You guys really need to watch Canon rumors.
"5D Mark III/X Information [CR1]

February 14, 2012
Canon 5D Mark II, Canon 5D Mark III
Follow on our forum

5D Mark III/X Information [CR1]

Tons of information coming in about possibly the most anticipated camera of 2012 (sorry Nikon).

Announcement date of February 28, 2012?
I have received lots of emails saying that’ll be the announcement date. I cannot confirm it to 100% certainty, so for now it’s just a guess.

All the same specs are coming in. 22mp, 61pt af, 6.9fps. It could definitely take the spot of the 7D, if the previous rumor is true.

Late March or early April is the mentioned ship times for the camera. If this is true, there should be real solid leaks coming soon."

Copied from
Kevin Goto
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      02-17-2012, 06:29 AM   #2612
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^6.9fps sounds great.

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      02-17-2012, 07:58 AM   #2613
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I wouldn't believe any specs on the rumor site unless it's CR3 (or at least CR2) rating. That being said, I expect Canon to formally announce something within 3 weeks.
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      02-17-2012, 09:18 AM   #2614
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Canon rumors is basically full of crap. They're almost never right. 99% of what you read there is pure conjecture from guys like us. Only occasionally does someone with real knowledge sneak in with some real info.

Hopefully they're very wrong about the 22mp. That's hardly going to provide any improvement in detail. They've got the 1D-X as their fast camera, so they need to make the 5DIII their high rez camera. Also, there'll be tons of enhancement to video capacity to regain the 5D's position as the go-to, inexpensive, high rez video solution.

Should we set up a pool? I'll take the August announcement/fall delivery position.

BTW, at 22mp on the 5D3 the 7D would still be the detail hi rez king in the Canon line, by a long shot.

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      02-17-2012, 11:44 PM   #2615
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I'm in no rush to find out, would just be nice to know.
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      02-20-2012, 08:23 PM   #2616
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20 Myths About Becoming A Professional Photographer
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      02-20-2012, 10:23 PM   #2617
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
Hey guys,

So... here is the updated photography website:

login: bimmerpost
password: it's my username here (note the capitalization)

I would appreciate it if you stream content as opposed to trying to download/saving it. The videos should be compatible with iOS, but I haven't tried Android.

Also, if there is any content you'd like to share with others, or content you would like to see, let me know via PM.

Let me know if you run into any issues. Finally, thanks to Reed for sharing some of the videos. I will be updating the website with more videos, documents, etc over the next couple weeks.


thanks for sharing
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      02-21-2012, 03:04 PM   #2618
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Interesting article that goes against conventional "shoot to the right" wisdom.

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