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      10-06-2008, 10:29 PM   #397
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2008 e92 328i  [0.00]
9/10 for the tire smoke
2008 SG E92 328i
iDrive,Premium Pkg,Sport Pkg,Cold Weather pkg,Black Dakota Leather,GP Thunder 8500k cornering,drl,and foglights, ,Blacked Out Grills,Painted Reflectors,Shadowline Emblems,Hardwired Beltronics V-995, AFE Intake, Muffler Delete, Berger tune
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      10-06-2008, 10:38 PM   #398
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Originally Posted by PaCman328 View Post
9/10 for the tire smoke
5/10 for sponsorship
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      10-06-2008, 11:00 PM   #399
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Originally Posted by Black///M View Post
5/10 for sponsorship
haha, seriously, doesn't bimmian suck?
Past: '08 E92 335i|ZPP|ZSP|6AT
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Current: '20 Shelby GT350|6MT
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      10-06-2008, 11:14 PM   #400
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Originally Posted by just4kickz View Post
omg new car where picss?

mm 7/10... think it coulda been bled better with the background of white.
pics on facebook and zpost.

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      10-06-2008, 11:17 PM   #401
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Originally Posted by Nikki View Post
pics on facebook and zpost.
8.5/10 i love the Z4

edit: idk how someones gonna rate mine
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      10-06-2008, 11:32 PM   #402
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
8.5/10 i love the Z4

edit: idk how someones gonna rate mine
1/10 because I don't like reading.
"If you feel in control, you're not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti

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      10-07-2008, 12:14 AM   #403
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Originally Posted by haen View Post
1/10 because I don't like reading.
in that case:

set 1 (st)
v. set, set·ting, sets
1. To put in a specified position; place: set a book on a table.
2. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty.
a. To put into a stable position: set the fence post into a bed of concrete.
b. To fix firmly or in an immobile manner: He set his jaw and concentrated on flying the plane through the storm.
4. To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken: set a broken arm.
a. To adjust for proper functioning.
b. To adjust (a saw) by deflecting the teeth.
c. Nautical To spread open to the wind: set the sails.
6. To adjust according to a standard.
7. To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration: set an alarm clock.
8. To arrange properly for use: set a place for a dinner guest; set a table.
9. To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.
10. Printing
a. To arrange (type) into words and sentences preparatory to printing; compose.
b. To transpose into type.
11. Music
a. To compose (music) to fit a given text.
b. To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.
12. To arrange scenery on (a theater stage).
13. To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: a play that is set in Venice.
14. To prescribe or establish: set a precedent.
15. To prescribe as a time for: set June 6 as the day of the invasion.
16. To detail or assign (someone) to a particular duty, service, or station: set the child to cleaning the closets; set guards around the perimeter.
17. To incite to hostile action: a war that set families against one another.
a. To establish as the highest level of performance: set a world aviation record.
b. To establish as a model: A parent must set a good example for the children.
a. To put in a mounting; mount: set an emerald in a pendant.
b. To apply jewels to; stud: a tiara that was set with diamonds.
20. To cause to sit.
a. To put (a hen) on eggs for the purpose of hatching them.
b. To put (eggs) beneath a hen or in an incubator.
22. Sports To position (oneself) in such a way as to be ready to start running a race.
23. Sports To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.
a. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition.
b. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.
c. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life.
25. To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed attitude. Used of a hunting dog.
26. Botany To produce, as after pollination: set seed.
a. To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.
b. To fix (a hook) firmly into a fish's jaw.
1. To disappear below the horizon: The sun set at seven that evening.
2. To diminish or decline; wane.
3. To sit on eggs. Used of fowl.
a. To become fixed; harden. See Synonyms at coagulate.
b. To become permanent. Used of dye.
5. To become whole; knit. Used of a broken bone.
6. Botany To mature or develop, as after pollination.
7. Nonstandard To sit: "If Emmett drives, I could set up front" Bobbie Ann Mason.
8. To position oneself preparatory to an action, such as running a race.
1. Fixed or established by agreement: a set time for the launching.
2. Established by convention: followed set procedures for filing a grievance.
3. Established deliberately; intentional: Our set purpose is to win the conflict.
4. Fixed and rigid: "His bearded face already has a set, hollow look" Conor Cruise O'Brien.
5. Unwilling or very reluctant to change: He is set in his ways.
a. Intent and determined: "He is dead set against rushing abroad to build a plant" Fortune.
b. Ready: We are set to leave early tomorrow morning.
a. The act or process of setting.
b. The condition resulting from setting.
2. The manner in which something is positioned: the set of her cap.
3. A permanent firming or hardening of a substance, as by cooling.
4. The deflection of the teeth of a saw.
a. The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.
b. A particular psychological state, usually that of anticipation or preparedness: "The mental set of an audience is crucial to his performance" Psychology Today.
6. A descent below the horizon.
7. The direction or course of wind or water.
8. A seedling, slip, or cutting that is ready for planting.
9. The act of arranging hair by waving and curling it.
Phrasal Verbs:
set about
To begin or start: set about solving the problem.
set apart
1. To reserve for a specific use.
2. To make noticeable: character traits that set her apart.
set aside
1. To separate and reserve for a special purpose.
2. To discard or reject.
3. To declare invalid; annul or overrule: The court has set aside the conviction.
set at
To attack or assail: The dogs set at the fox.
set back
1. To slow down the progress of; hinder.
2. Informal To cost: That coat set me back $1,000.
set by
To reserve for future use: It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency.
set down
1. To cause to sit; seat: Set the baby down here.
2. To put in writing; record: We set down the facts.
a. To regard; consider: Just set him down as a sneak.
b. To assign to a cause; attribute: Let's set the error down to inexperience.
4. To land (an aircraft): The pilot set the plane down hard.
5. Baseball To put out (a batter); retire. Used of a pitcher.
set forth
1. To present for consideration; propose: set forth a sound plan.
2. To express in words: She has set forth her ideas.
set forward
To begin a journey.
set in
1. To insert: set in the sleeve of a gown.
2. To begin to happen or be apparent: "Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top" Charles Siebert.
3. To move toward the shore. Used of wind or water.
set off
a. To give rise to; cause to occur: set off a chemical reaction.
b. To cause to explode: set off a bomb.
c. To make suddenly or demonstrably angry: The clerk's indifference finally set me off.
2. To indicate as being different; distinguish: features setting him off from the crowd.
3. To direct attention to by contrast; accentuate: set off a passage with italics.
4. To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: Our dismay at her leaving was set off by our knowing that she was happy.
5. To start on a journey: set off for Europe.
set out
1. To begin an earnest attempt; undertake: He set out to understand why the plan had failed.
2. To lay out systematically or graphically: set out a terrace.
3. To display for exhibition or sale.
4. To plant: set out seedlings.
5. To start a journey: She set out at dawn for town.
set to
1. To begin working energetically; start in.
2. To begin fighting.
set up
1. To place in an upright position.
a. To elevate; raise.
b. To raise in authority or power; invest with power: They set the general up as a dictator.
c. To put (oneself) forward as; claim to be: He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.
d. To assemble and erect: set up a new machine.
3. To establish; found: set up a charity.
4. To cause: They set up howls of protest over new taxes.
5. To establish in business by providing capital, equipment, or other backing.
6. Informal
a. To treat (someone) to drinks.
b. To pay for (drinks).
7. Informal To stimulate or exhilarate: a victory that really set the team up.
8. To lay plans for: set up a kidnapping.
9. Informal To put (someone else) into a compromising situation by deceit or trickery: Swindlers have set me up.
10. Sports To make a pass to (a teammate), creating a scoring opportunity.
set upon
To attack violently: Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.
set fire to
To cause to ignite and burn.
set foot in
To enter.
set foot on
To step on.
set in motion
To give impetus to: The indictment set the judicial process in motion.
set (one's) heart on
To be determined to do something.
set (one's) sights on
To have as a goal: She set her sights on medical school.
set on fire
1. To cause to ignite and burn.
2. To cause to become excited: The music set the audience on fire.
set sail Nautical
To begin a voyage on water.
set (someone) straight
To correct (someone) by providing full and accurate information.
set store by
To regard as valuable or worthwhile.
set the pace
1. To go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass.
2. To behave or perform in a way that others try to emulate.
set the stage for
To provide the underlying basis for: saber rattling that set the stage for war.
set up housekeeping
To establish a household.
set up shop
To establish one's business operations.
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      10-07-2008, 12:22 AM   #404
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Originally Posted by jh valley View Post
in that case:

set 1 (st)
v. set, set·ting, sets
1. To put in a specified position; place: set a book on a table.
2. To put into a specified state: set the prisoner at liberty.
a. To put into a stable position: set the fence post into a bed of concrete.
b. To fix firmly or in an immobile manner: He set his jaw and concentrated on flying the plane through the storm.
4. To restore to a proper and normal state when dislocated or broken: set a broken arm.
a. To adjust for proper functioning.
b. To adjust (a saw) by deflecting the teeth.
c. Nautical To spread open to the wind: set the sails.
6. To adjust according to a standard.
7. To adjust (an instrument or device) to a specific point or calibration: set an alarm clock.
8. To arrange properly for use: set a place for a dinner guest; set a table.
9. To apply equipment, such as curlers and clips, to (hair) in order to style.
10. Printing
a. To arrange (type) into words and sentences preparatory to printing; compose.
b. To transpose into type.
11. Music
a. To compose (music) to fit a given text.
b. To write (words) to fit a given melodic line.
12. To arrange scenery on (a theater stage).
13. To prescribe the unfolding of (a drama or narrative, for instance) in a specific place: a play that is set in Venice.
14. To prescribe or establish: set a precedent.
15. To prescribe as a time for: set June 6 as the day of the invasion.
16. To detail or assign (someone) to a particular duty, service, or station: set the child to cleaning the closets; set guards around the perimeter.
17. To incite to hostile action: a war that set families against one another.
a. To establish as the highest level of performance: set a world aviation record.
b. To establish as a model: A parent must set a good example for the children.
a. To put in a mounting; mount: set an emerald in a pendant.
b. To apply jewels to; stud: a tiara that was set with diamonds.
20. To cause to sit.
a. To put (a hen) on eggs for the purpose of hatching them.
b. To put (eggs) beneath a hen or in an incubator.
22. Sports To position (oneself) in such a way as to be ready to start running a race.
23. Sports To pass (a volleyball), usually with the fingertips, in an arc close to the net so that a teammate can drive it over the net.
a. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition.
b. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000.
c. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life.
25. To point to the location of (game) by holding a fixed attitude. Used of a hunting dog.
26. Botany To produce, as after pollination: set seed.
a. To prepare (a trap) for catching prey.
b. To fix (a hook) firmly into a fish's jaw.
1. To disappear below the horizon: The sun set at seven that evening.
2. To diminish or decline; wane.
3. To sit on eggs. Used of fowl.
a. To become fixed; harden. See Synonyms at coagulate.
b. To become permanent. Used of dye.
5. To become whole; knit. Used of a broken bone.
6. Botany To mature or develop, as after pollination.
7. Nonstandard To sit: "If Emmett drives, I could set up front" Bobbie Ann Mason.
8. To position oneself preparatory to an action, such as running a race.
1. Fixed or established by agreement: a set time for the launching.
2. Established by convention: followed set procedures for filing a grievance.
3. Established deliberately; intentional: Our set purpose is to win the conflict.
4. Fixed and rigid: "His bearded face already has a set, hollow look" Conor Cruise O'Brien.
5. Unwilling or very reluctant to change: He is set in his ways.
a. Intent and determined: "He is dead set against rushing abroad to build a plant" Fortune.
b. Ready: We are set to leave early tomorrow morning.
a. The act or process of setting.
b. The condition resulting from setting.
2. The manner in which something is positioned: the set of her cap.
3. A permanent firming or hardening of a substance, as by cooling.
4. The deflection of the teeth of a saw.
a. The carriage or bearing of a part of the body.
b. A particular psychological state, usually that of anticipation or preparedness: "The mental set of an audience is crucial to his performance" Psychology Today.
6. A descent below the horizon.
7. The direction or course of wind or water.
8. A seedling, slip, or cutting that is ready for planting.
9. The act of arranging hair by waving and curling it.
Phrasal Verbs:
set about
To begin or start: set about solving the problem.
set apart
1. To reserve for a specific use.
2. To make noticeable: character traits that set her apart.
set aside
1. To separate and reserve for a special purpose.
2. To discard or reject.
3. To declare invalid; annul or overrule: The court has set aside the conviction.
set at
To attack or assail: The dogs set at the fox.
set back
1. To slow down the progress of; hinder.
2. Informal To cost: That coat set me back $1,000.
set by
To reserve for future use: It is wise to set food and money by in case of a future emergency.
set down
1. To cause to sit; seat: Set the baby down here.
2. To put in writing; record: We set down the facts.
a. To regard; consider: Just set him down as a sneak.
b. To assign to a cause; attribute: Let's set the error down to inexperience.
4. To land (an aircraft): The pilot set the plane down hard.
5. Baseball To put out (a batter); retire. Used of a pitcher.
set forth
1. To present for consideration; propose: set forth a sound plan.
2. To express in words: She has set forth her ideas.
set forward
To begin a journey.
set in
1. To insert: set in the sleeve of a gown.
2. To begin to happen or be apparent: "Evening was setting in as I took the road over Mountain Top" Charles Siebert.
3. To move toward the shore. Used of wind or water.
set off
a. To give rise to; cause to occur: set off a chemical reaction.
b. To cause to explode: set off a bomb.
c. To make suddenly or demonstrably angry: The clerk's indifference finally set me off.
2. To indicate as being different; distinguish: features setting him off from the crowd.
3. To direct attention to by contrast; accentuate: set off a passage with italics.
4. To counterbalance, counteract, or compensate for: Our dismay at her leaving was set off by our knowing that she was happy.
5. To start on a journey: set off for Europe.
set out
1. To begin an earnest attempt; undertake: He set out to understand why the plan had failed.
2. To lay out systematically or graphically: set out a terrace.
3. To display for exhibition or sale.
4. To plant: set out seedlings.
5. To start a journey: She set out at dawn for town.
set to
1. To begin working energetically; start in.
2. To begin fighting.
set up
1. To place in an upright position.
a. To elevate; raise.
b. To raise in authority or power; invest with power: They set the general up as a dictator.
c. To put (oneself) forward as; claim to be: He has set himself up as an authority on the English language.
d. To assemble and erect: set up a new machine.
3. To establish; found: set up a charity.
4. To cause: They set up howls of protest over new taxes.
5. To establish in business by providing capital, equipment, or other backing.
6. Informal
a. To treat (someone) to drinks.
b. To pay for (drinks).
7. Informal To stimulate or exhilarate: a victory that really set the team up.
8. To lay plans for: set up a kidnapping.
9. Informal To put (someone else) into a compromising situation by deceit or trickery: Swindlers have set me up.
10. Sports To make a pass to (a teammate), creating a scoring opportunity.
set upon
To attack violently: Guards set dogs upon the escaping prisoners.
set fire to
To cause to ignite and burn.
set foot in
To enter.
set foot on
To step on.
set in motion
To give impetus to: The indictment set the judicial process in motion.
set (one's) heart on
To be determined to do something.
set (one's) sights on
To have as a goal: She set her sights on medical school.
set on fire
1. To cause to ignite and burn.
2. To cause to become excited: The music set the audience on fire.
set sail Nautical
To begin a voyage on water.
set (someone) straight
To correct (someone) by providing full and accurate information.
set store by
To regard as valuable or worthwhile.
set the pace
1. To go at a speed that other competitors attempt to match or surpass.
2. To behave or perform in a way that others try to emulate.
set the stage for
To provide the underlying basis for: saber rattling that set the stage for war.
set up housekeeping
To establish a household.
set up shop
To establish one's business operations.
I'm thrilled that you know how to copy and paste from How about we get back to rating people's sigs?

I give your new sig a 7/10, -3 because I don't ever want to think about Palin talking dirty.
"If you feel in control, you're not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti

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      10-07-2008, 12:24 AM   #405
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Originally Posted by haen View Post
I'm thrilled that you know how to copy and paste from How about we get back to rating people's sigs?

I give your new sig a 7/10, -3 because I don't ever want to think about Palin talking dirty.
itd be fun to* slap her around though, you have to admit. i give you an 8/10 cause i love the e60 m5

Last edited by c0nstant; 10-07-2008 at 12:49 AM.. Reason: SPELLING ERRORZ
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      10-07-2008, 12:48 AM   #406
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ahahah new sig is hilarious.... 9/10

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      10-07-2008, 01:09 AM   #407
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8/10, like the color contrast

1999 e46 328i Ti Silver / Black[retired]
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2011 e70 X5 35d Vermillion Red / Cinnamon
2011 e92 M3 LeMans / Fox Red extended
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      10-07-2008, 03:05 PM   #408
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nice siggy^^^
E90s (been gone but not forgotten) • KW clubsports • • • • • • • • • • 18" BBS GT4 // Build E30 (pending) + E46 M3 Wagon ESTORIL Blue
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      10-07-2008, 03:08 PM   #409
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great the animation.
2021 M5 COMPETITION LCI Brands Hatch Gray on SIlverstone, carbon roof, comp wheels, Mperf splitter, carbon pro spoiler, carbon diffuser , carbon paddles, executive pkg. Dinan HAS, RaceChip, dinan spacers, FC stud kit, etc
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      10-07-2008, 04:42 PM   #410
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how about now?
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      10-07-2008, 04:48 PM   #411
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Originally Posted by dreamk View Post
how about now?
Whaoooo! BIG picture!
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      10-08-2008, 01:47 AM   #412
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Would like to see a bit bigger, and I don't get the lightening. But great color choice amazing how different it looks from your sig to mine.

Finally revised my sig. Since the E90 has been gone for over a month now, figured it was time to focus on it's replacement. Still need to do a good photo shoot, but I'm making due with the pics I have.
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      10-24-2008, 03:36 PM   #413

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^nice and clean!
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      10-24-2008, 03:39 PM   #414
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Would you like to dance?
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      10-24-2008, 03:41 PM   #415
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lolll 5/10

its cute

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      12-19-2010, 09:26 PM   #416
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      12-19-2010, 09:27 PM   #417

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full of gay
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      12-19-2010, 09:28 PM   #418
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