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      10-08-2014, 04:14 PM   #23
MrPrena's Avatar

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Join Date: Jan 2014
Location: TB

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I would say depends on the goal setting. I achieved very FEW so far.

Married- yes
house(s) I wanted- no
edumacation/degree I wanted within time frame- no
financial comfort-no

Originally Posted by TXSTYLE View Post
First, IMO, 'success' is a very: "individual phenomena".

Some count success with how much $$$ they have and or can accumulate. You can't take it with you so I find the "chasing of money" to be meaningless when all is said and done. That is NOT to say that having a certain amount (depending on your living environment/situation) of 'financial comfort' is evil or vain. But if it "rules your world and drive" then you're certainly missing the true meaning of life and will more than likely be in for a most troubling end.

For others... It can be Health and Family & Friends. And for others still: Peace and Spirituality.

With that being said... I personally have achieved a great level of success in how I gauge my 'success': Middle-aged and very happily married with 2 beautiful baby boys! I am quite healthy and fit. My wife is also very healthy. We have a beautiful home for the past 14yrs in a wonderful neighborhood. We belong to a loving and wonderful church family. We have many friends. We both enjoy our careers. We are financially comfortable with our home and one newer car (hers) as our only true debt. Money in the banks. But most of all, love, peace and contentment. Anything more in our world/life would simply be toppings on our desert.
Sure... To own a Exotic car, even bigger home, travel the world, would be nice or great even, but not necessary to say I am successful.

What say you...?
Originally Posted by davis449 View Post
How I measure my own success (In order of importance):

Years without children: 32
Years NOT married: 32
Regular School Completed: Yes
Desired College Degrees Acquired: Yes
Make a decent living (money-wise) and stand on my own 2 feet without having to mooch of mommy and daddy: Yes
Drive something I love: Yes
Decent\enjoyable job in my career field: Yes
Find a girl that's cool with all of the above: Accomplished

Do I consider myself successful by my own standards? Yes.
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      10-10-2014, 05:28 PM   #24

Drives: 335i LCI
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Home

iTrader: (1)

Originally Posted by ASAP View Post
What if it just so happens that you love yachts and that requires tons of $$$?

Oh, we are back to square one.
That's missing the point.

Success is doing what you want to do.

For example, you might work as a car engineer. You hate the job, but you get up every morning and go there anyway, cause it pays the rent. Are you successful? No.

Another person that works right next to you gets up, and no matter what he's paid, he goes there out of enthusiasm - money factor is secondary. Is he successful? Yes.

Back to your comment - if you like yachts and money, good for you - make money and buy 10 yachts. If that's your goal - if that's your vision - to have lots of money and 10 yachts - then going to work, etc, should make you happy and successful, because you are spending your day the way you want to spend it - making money to buy the yacht. Etc.
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