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      09-15-2014, 09:14 AM   #4775
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I use adorama a lot, they're not expensive and the name pretty much guarantee's quality.
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      09-15-2014, 10:12 AM   #4776
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Originally Posted by druu View Post
I use adorama a lot, they're not expensive and the name pretty much guarantee's quality.
They're at the top of my list, but I've read some so-so reviews of their work over on POTN. You've had no problems with the quality of their work, I take it?

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      09-15-2014, 10:15 AM   #4777
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The new 7D MkII looks pretty sweet. Not a bad price, either. I thought sure it'd be $2k or more. Can't wait for reviews.

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      09-15-2014, 10:58 AM   #4778
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Agreed. I love my 7D, this seems like a very solid improvement overall. Holy cow though 33 image RAW buffer! That's double the size of the current 7D. Its very nice to see that they've solved one of my main issues with the current 7D. Mine just hit 130k frames and I was thinking about sending it in for a rebuild, but I may just wait until December and buy a Mark II now.
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      09-15-2014, 12:24 PM   #4779
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I mean if you're not in a rush for the books, order one book and see how you like it. They're not expensive at all.

Side note I would have bet the farm on a price increase over the original 7D. This hits a pretty sweet spot considering the tech inside of it. Just that for most shooters, i would have a hard to recommending it over a 6D. I'd love a mark 2 though, i prefer shooting with a 5d3/7d over 2x 5d3 just for the flexibility.
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      09-16-2014, 09:41 AM   #4780
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Originally Posted by druu View Post
I mean if you're not in a rush for the books, order one book and see how you like it. They're not expensive at all.

Side note I would have bet the farm on a price increase over the original 7D. This hits a pretty sweet spot considering the tech inside of it. Just that for most shooters, i would have a hard to recommending it over a 6D. I'd love a mark 2 though, i prefer shooting with a 5d3/7d over 2x 5d3 just for the flexibility.
I'm extremely pleased that the price is the same as in 2009. I'll probably pre-order later today.

As to whether I'd recommend it over the 6D, it depends on the usage. For sport and wildlife, the 6D will be a clunker, missing shots right and left. If the 7D2's AF matches the 5D3, it'll be wonderful for fast action usage. The extra pixel density, combined with improved high-ISO performance is going to give the 1D X a run for its money in certain circumstances.

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      09-16-2014, 10:20 AM   #4781
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Welcome back, DC. How was your cruise?

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      09-16-2014, 10:42 AM   #4782
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Originally Posted by M_Six View Post
Welcome back, DC. How was your cruise?
Thanks Mark. Looks like you had a great trip also. You posted some great images while I was gone.

The cruise was great. I'm still wrestling the files, but had great conditions leaving Southampton and entering New York Harbor and some really nice shots at sea. I'll put together a Flickr Album in the next day or so and then post a link here when it's ready.

Here's the view from my balcony as we have left Southampton and we're about to hit open sea as we leave the Isle of Wight behind. That's the harbor pilot's boat approaching to take him off. That's a princess ship behind us.

Harbor Pilot Boat Approaches QM2 by dcstep, on Flickr
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      09-17-2014, 05:13 PM   #4783
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Pre-ordered my 7D MkII. Now the long wait begins...
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      09-17-2014, 06:48 PM   #4784
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Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
Pre-ordered my 7D MkII. Now the long wait begins...
Im jealous!

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      09-17-2014, 09:48 PM   #4785
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Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
Pre-ordered my 7D MkII. Now the long wait begins...
I put a deposit on mine yesterday at a local camera store. Too bad at the earliest, it still won't arrive until after I have a 4 day weekend at Veterans Day. That is when I first rented the 500mm last year, and it turned out to be a great weekend to hit the reserves. I'm thinking about renting a 1DX this year.
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      09-22-2014, 08:43 AM   #4786
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Here's a pretty nice review between the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, also compared to the 5S, in regards to the camera and video capabilities. The photos and videos are great too:

I haven't played much with my iPhone 6 Plus camera yet, but from the photos I've taken so far, the auto-exposure and fast auto-focus has been spot on.
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      09-22-2014, 09:44 AM   #4787
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Chewy, thanks for the link, showing the potential of the iPhone 6. Will you dump your DSLR?

The reviewer was showing the results out of the camera (phone) with no processing. Have you tried pushing to get some high-noise shots, like his, to see how they clean up in post? Does the camera produce a Raw file that you could work?

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      09-22-2014, 10:02 AM   #4788
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My pleasure, Dave. Ha, are you looking to buy a used 1D X or something?

But, nope. A dSLR will always have a place in my bag. I will have to say that the 6 Plus does have a wonderful camera, but I need to play around with it some more. I'll show you some test shots later today (or tomorrow). It even has optical stabilization.

Sadly, I don't believe it supports RAW files yet.
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      09-22-2014, 10:10 AM   #4789
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
My pleasure, Dave. Ha, are you looking to buy a used 1D X or something?

But, nope. A dSLR will always have a place in my bag. I will have to say that the 6 Plus does have a wonderful camera, but I need to play around with it some more. I'll show you some test shots later today (or tomorrow). It even has optical stabilization.

Sadly, I don't believe it supports RAW files yet.
I was Jonesing for the 1D X, BUT the 7D MkII came out and I've pre-ordered that. In several respects, it's equal or superior to the 1D X. I'm only worried about file quality, which we will see in the not too distant future. I figure that I can't go too far wrong at $1,800. If it fails the test, I'll sell the 5D3, buy a 1D X and use the 7D as my second body.

That review was great, showing what great results a good photographer could get with an iPhone. Of course, the noise in the night vision images is something that you can live with, given the very unusual shooting circumstances. However, with the scenics, it was ghastly. Given the teeny-tiny pixels, it's not surprising. Once again, the laws of physics did not get broken.

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      09-22-2014, 10:14 AM   #4790
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In which aspects is it equal to or superior to the 1D X? Remember, full-frame vs. crop. The 7D2 pics look good when compared to the 7D, in terms of sharpness at least.
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      09-22-2014, 11:30 AM   #4791
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Originally Posted by Chewy734 View Post
In which aspects is it equal to or superior to the 1D X? Remember, full-frame vs. crop. The 7D2 pics look good when compared to the 7D, in terms of sharpness at least.
Two-edged sword here, but the much higher pixel density gives me an effective focal-length of 800/1,120/1,600mm when shooting with my 500mm lens and 1.4x and 2.0x TC-IIIs. Since my main shooting is birds and wildlife, reach with detail resolution is very high on my priority list. With the 1D X, I'd be wanting a 600mm lens, where with the 7D2, the much lighter 500mm might be all that I want.

With the old 7D, IQ pooped out at ISO 800. With the MkII, the sensor is three or four generations newer, so I'm very optimistic that it'll give me very clean files at ISO 800 and useable files at ISO 1600. I'll do some direct file comparisons between 5D3 images. In the 7D/5D3 comparisons, the 5D3 images are superior, but require constant use of TCs.

Using TCs is an area where the 1D X is clearly superior to the 5D3, because AF hardly slows down with the 2.0x TC, where the 5D3 requires incredible technique and even a bit of luck to lock on a bird and stay locked. The battery voltage on the 7D2 is up a little from the 5D3, but not near as much as the 1D X, so that's an area where the 1D X is likely still superior, but if I'm shooting at an effective 1,120mm with the 1.4x TC on the 7D2, then I won't shoot near as much with the 2.0x TC.

But for lower battery voltage resulting in reduced ability to manhandle super-telephoto lenses, the 7D2's AF system should equal the 1D X. With bare lenses, I doubt that you'll be able to tell any difference. With TCs it may matter on the super-telephotos. However, if the file quality is close up to ISO 1600, then I'll be totally happy. I use TCs a LOT.

One area where the 1D X blows away the 7D2 and the 5D3 is with ISOs above 1600. The 1D X yields really nice files up to ISO 6400 and useable files well beyond that. An indoor sports photographer would likely set that as their highest priority. Shooting basketball, volleyball, skating, etc., you don't need huge reach, but you need to be able to stop action and get a decent, clean file. The 1D X does this in spades.

The 1D X's 12 fps is also very impressive, but I think that I'll be happy with 10 fps on the 7D2. When I shoot my 7D with 8 fps, I don't find myself wishing for more fps. OTOH, at 6 fps on the 5D3, I'm wishing for more occasionally. 10 fps sounds like a great sweet spot to me.

I'll always have a FF camera in my bag in order to make the most of my 15mm and my 24-105mm. I'm even thinking of the EF 14mm f/2.8L since I like my old 15mm so much. At the wide and ultra-wide end of its range, Canon doesn't make comparable crop-sensor lenses. They've got some ok lenses, but I'm not going to switch from great to good in that regard.

Given the super high pixel-density of the 7D MkII, it'll be interesting to try it for some landscape shots that don't demand an ultra-wide lens. A full-frame sensor with the same pixel-density would be around 50 mp. That's pretty darn incredible density, but will the files at ISO 100 stand up to the FF sensors with much lower density? I suspect not, particularly in high dynamic range conditions. I hope that I'm pleasantly surprised, but that's not why I'm buying this camera and why I'll keep my 5D3 slung around my neck even while I'm lugging the 7D2 with my 500mm mounted on it.

So, my consideration of the 7D2 is as part of a two-camera system, including an excellent FF body. If I could only have one body, then it'd probably be the 1D X. If the super high pixel-density of the 7D MkII prevents it from achieving the IQ that I hope for, then a 1D X will come back into my plan.

The proof will be in the shooting.

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      09-25-2014, 02:46 PM   #4792

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Don't mind me, trying to make a first post to activate account.

Photo credit :me

Tyrone's 2013 BMW F10 M5 by Murica Motorsports, on Flickr
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      10-01-2014, 09:49 AM   #4793
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Really considering selling my 7D and getting a 6D...thoughts?

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      10-01-2014, 10:33 AM   #4794
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Originally Posted by Icy J View Post
Really considering selling my 7D and getting a 6D...thoughts?
Those are two totally different cameras and I'm going to contrast the 6D with the 7D MkII.

The 7D2 is a sports, wildlife and action camera that can also do a good job with landscapes, portraits and travel photography, when paired with the right lenses.

OTOH, the 6D has excellent dynamic range, an okay AF system and will do everything that you need, so long as it's portrait, landscape and travel.

If you want to shoot wildlife, birds and sports, then you need the 7D MkII. It's AF system is the best in all DSLR-land.

The only question about the 7D MkII is its actual sensor performance. I haven't seen any test pictures that really test it at ISO 1600, with low light and high shutter speed. I've ordered one, but this is my main worry and I'll test it vs. my 5D MKII as soon as the 7D2 arrives.

Let us know what you do.

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      10-01-2014, 11:02 AM   #4795
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Originally Posted by dcstep View Post
Those are two totally different cameras and I'm going to contrast the 6D with the 7D MkII.

The 7D2 is a sports, wildlife and action camera that can also do a good job with landscapes, portraits and travel photography, when paired with the right lenses.

OTOH, the 6D has excellent dynamic range, an okay AF system and will do everything that you need, so long as it's portrait, landscape and travel.

If you want to shoot wildlife, birds and sports, then you need the 7D MkII. It's AF system is the best in all DSLR-land.

The only question about the 7D MkII is its actual sensor performance. I haven't seen any test pictures that really test it at ISO 1600, with low light and high shutter speed. I've ordered one, but this is my main worry and I'll test it vs. my 5D MKII as soon as the 7D2 arrives.

Let us know what you do.

When I bought my 7D I had more of a focus on sports/moving cars along with still ones; since then I've progressed to have a greater interest in still automotive photography, and with any new camera, the most AF-intense thing would probably be panning or rolling shots of cars; mainly concerned about whether the 6D's AF can cut it for such use, although it won't be a massive issue. Very much interested in the greater image quality that a full frame sensor will provide...

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      10-01-2014, 12:06 PM   #4796
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Originally Posted by Icy J View Post
When I bought my 7D I had more of a focus on sports/moving cars along with still ones; since then I've progressed to have a greater interest in still automotive photography, and with any new camera, the most AF-intense thing would probably be panning or rolling shots of cars; mainly concerned about whether the 6D's AF can cut it for such use, although it won't be a massive issue. Very much interested in the greater image quality that a full frame sensor will provide...
I don't think you'll have any trouble with AF in those applications on the 6D.

What worries me is you saying you're, "...interested in the greater image quality that a full frame sensor will provide..." That's no necessarily true. EVERY sensor is a compromise between noise and dynamic range. The 1D X has VERY course pixels and produces great files at very high ISOs. The 7D MkII has extremely dense pixels (if it were full-frame, it'd be over 50 MP) that provides incredible detail resolution, but with a compromise to high-ISO performance. The 6D is a (and 5D MkIII) compromise somewhere in the middle.

Shooting the subjects that you mention, I suspect that you'll be using ISOs below 800. At those ISO levels, the 7D MkII will likely yield higher resolution file with no appreciable noise problems.

Bigger pixels have higher dynamic range, smaller pixels have more detail resolution. Every sensor is a compromise between the two.

Build quality of the 7D MkII will be superior compared to the 6D. The 6D is a high end consumer camera and the 7D MkII is a low end pro camera. That may or may not bother you. The build quality of 6D is not even up to your 7D.
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