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      01-26-2021, 07:04 PM   #4797
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I wanna preface this by saying I'm no stranger to turning a wrench on my vehicles, because it makes this so much worse

Today I drove to the dog park and when I came back, my car was dead. Put fob in, nothing, not even my gear indicator LED was on. Ended up having to call AAA so I could jump my car. Dude finally gets there only to find my battery was fully charged and I just forgot to tighten the negative terminal the last time i was working on it
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      01-27-2021, 02:23 AM   #4798
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Originally Posted by Turkish Pickle View Post
Weird situation in life at the moment. I'm basically living with my girlfriend to avoid my roommates. On the bright side, I'm living in California.

Had a huge fight the other day because she is a total backseat driver, told her I'd never drive both of us around, her car or mine. Now I can't drive without having to fly back to Illinois

The house loan got denied because of my paperwork status, which has been delayed for a few months at this point. Without a job, no one (understandably) wants to give me a 6 figure loan. Without the papers I can't start work, can't fully move out of my college town... Anticipating the loan approval I moved non-essentials to a storage unit near the house, but not all. I basically have stuff in 3 locations across 2 states.

I'm making do but it's not easy.

On the bright side I'm getting all my deposit for the house back so at least financially it's okay.

Long rant - sorry for being away for a few weeks then opening like this
Ahh yes The sun was good today in LA
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      01-27-2021, 07:31 AM   #4799
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Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
I confess I'm pretty excited for my wife's manual Jeep Wrangler Rubicon to arrive. I've never before been this excited to drive any of my wife's choices in vehicles and it feels really odd.

Plus the dealer just emailed me the invoice sheet to sign and somewhere (though I can't figure out exactly where - none of my options are missing, and MSRP is the same, discount is a little higher than I remember, but not enough to explain it as it is maybe up $40), somewhere they made a mistake.

Either on that invoice or the verbal deal we reached days earlier. But either way, the invoice they just emailed me to sign has my monthly payments coming in at $14 less per month than what I negotiated, so I'm chalking that approximately $500 over the term to be another unexpected win...a small one, but pleasurable nonetheless. So I'll sign once I get my wife to look at it as well to make sure I'm not missing something, and then request a copy of the sheet signed by everyone so that I have it in my possession.

In general, my confession is that I love to negotiate with car dealerships and see what I can get out of them. My wife sat through one negotiation 10 years ago and felt so bad for the guy that she refuses to come with me anymore...I don't mind, I prefer to be alone and not have to worry about what someone else might say. She likes the deals I get though, she has no issues with those lol.
Wranglers are pretty unique to drive and fun with a stick. I have a '98 Sahara with a 5MT myself that I've rebuilt.
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      01-27-2021, 07:55 AM   #4800
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Name:  PHONE 283.jpg
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
Wranglers are pretty unique to drive and fun with a stick. I have a '98 Sahara with a 5MT myself that I've rebuilt.
My mom passed away a couple of years ago. She bought this 98 jeep brand new and kept it because she loved it. I kept it because she loved it. It's an automatic but still loads of fun with the top off. It's funny because when she bought it, I hated it. Now I love it.
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      02-03-2021, 09:23 PM   #4801
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I have a new to me E90 manual and i keep literally stalling right at the gate of my place. I live on this hill and i have to turn right onto a steep driveway enough to make any sportpkg e90 scrape if your not slow. Its been 2 months and I still stall sometimes. I have a fear that my gate will close before i get into it and my car would be sandwich with the automatic gate. Do i need to practice more on some hills? Today I stalled and started again but release the clutch to quick and the car went real quick in. I smelled clutch after but it felt fine. Am i messing up my car by stalling at this hall alot? It has a new alternator, clutch, and rear main seal.
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      02-03-2021, 10:30 PM   #4802
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Originally Posted by 2one3E90 View Post
I have a new to me E90 manual and [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]i keep literally stalling[/COLOR] right at the gate of my place. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I live on this hill and i have to turn right onto a steep driveway[/COLOR] enough to make any sportpkg e90 scrape if your not slow. Its been 2 months and [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]I still stall sometimes[/COLOR]. I have a fear that my gate will close before i get into it and my car would be sandwich with the automatic gate. [COLOR="DarkSlateBlue"]Do i need to practice more on some hills? [/COLOR]Today I stalled and started again but release the clutch to quick and the car went real quick in. I smelled clutch after but it felt fine. Am i messing up my car by stalling at this hall alot? It has a new alternator, clutch, and rear main seal.

Based on your statements I highlighted in color and your question, the answer is YES you need to practice on a hill with no gate in sight.
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      02-03-2021, 10:35 PM   #4803
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Originally Posted by rebekahb View Post
Based on your statements I highlighted in color and your question, the answer is YES you need to practice on a hill with no gate in sight.
LOL am i messing up my clutch or anything by doing this every week? I press the gas little by little and kinda poke it while releasing the clutch and I always stall
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      02-03-2021, 11:04 PM   #4804

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Yes you are wearing the clutch.
If you are doing it here you are doing it at other situations too.
Probably why it has already been through one clutch.
It takes practice but shouldn’t take too long to learn.
I would suggest more even throttle plus a bit more throttle.
At the same time, a bit slower on the clutch pedal release.
You need to be able to FEEL what the car is doing through your feet and pedals.
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      02-04-2021, 02:10 AM   #4805
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Originally Posted by wcr3d View Post
Yes you are wearing the clutch.
If you are doing it here you are doing it at other situations too.
Probably why it has already been through one clutch.
It takes practice but shouldn't take too long to learn.
I would suggest more even throttle plus a bit more throttle.
At the same time, a bit slower on the clutch pedal release.
You need to be able to FEEL what the car is doing through your feet and pedals.
Got it thanks man
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      02-04-2021, 10:56 AM   #4806

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When I return a rental car, I would fill up the tank with cheap low octane gas even when it requires 92 and above. BMW, Mercedes, Audis. You name it!

You know what's the difference between a rental car and a Humvee?

A rental car can go anywhere!
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      02-05-2021, 04:16 PM   #4807
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I might have had a nip of bourbon at 3 pm today. But I neither confirm nor deny this
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      02-08-2021, 08:46 AM   #4808
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noisy bathroom fan repair

first attempt- remove bathroom fan, cleaned up motor, blades and sprayed WD40.
i let it sit for few minutes, then i installed it. turn switch on, no more loud noises!
few hours passed by bathroom fan is working, i go in to do number 2...after few seconds.
POP POP POP reached over to turn switch off. smell of burn took over bathroom.
so disappointing. Later at night i went back to bathroom and removed fan. checked all wire connections and maybe WD40 shorted it out motor.

2nd attempt- order replacement for fan motor and arrived yesterday.
removed old fan, install new on bracket and all working 100%

i dont mind these minor repairs that i can manage but i pray they stay this small lol

Last edited by nyalpine90; 02-08-2021 at 08:52 AM..
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      02-08-2021, 08:48 AM   #4809
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I'll confess... My wife doesn't know exactly how much I've spent on car repairs with the BMW, and I wonder if she knew how dead I'd be. I never lied to her about anything, but she's never asked about how much this stuff costs, so I never volunteered that information
2011 328i Xdrive

Originally Posted by e90yyc View Post
I hate when my d*ck flies out of my pants under hard braking, so I think the seats are great.
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      02-08-2021, 09:33 AM   #4810
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Originally Posted by GenXer View Post
When I return a rental car, I would fill up the tank with cheap low octane gas even when it requires 92 and above. BMW, Mercedes, Audis. You name it!

You know what's the difference between a rental car and a Humvee?

A rental car can go anywhere!
LOL. I go to the mountains with it and try to see the limits of the suspension and handling of any given rental car. My fave was the VW Jetta 2019 and nissan sentra isnt so bad. With loaner cars I do the same but rear wheel drive is more fun ehehhehe
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      02-09-2021, 12:46 PM   #4811
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Originally Posted by nyalpine90 View Post
noisy bathroom fan repair

first attempt- remove bathroom fan, cleaned up motor, blades and sprayed WD40.
i let it sit for few minutes, then i installed it. turn switch on, no more loud noises!
few hours passed by bathroom fan is working, i go in to do number 2...after few seconds.
POP POP POP reached over to turn switch off. smell of burn took over bathroom.
so disappointing. Later at night i went back to bathroom and removed fan. checked all wire connections and maybe WD40 shorted it out motor.

2nd attempt- order replacement for fan motor and arrived yesterday.
removed old fan, install new on bracket and all working 100%

i dont mind these minor repairs that i can manage but i pray they stay this small lol
I replaced mine in my master bath two weeks ago. You went the long route sir. I went to the store and just bought a new unit. I have to say I was surprised at how expensive some where.....and of course bluetooth is to anything with power, what 20" rims were in the 90's; it goes on everything. I bought a 60 CFM fan/light combo that still cost almost $100 and that was the cheap one. Damn near tore my drywall out of the ceiling before I realized the insulation was covering the two nails in the truss. My home repair guardian angel and myself ->

I will say that with my bathroom being so small with 60 CFM, it damn near creates a vacuum in there. I'm going to have to secure my towels.

Originally Posted by 2one3E90 View Post
LOL. I go to the mountains with it and try to see the limits of the suspension and handling of any given rental car. My fave was the VW Jetta 2019 and nissan sentra isnt so bad. With loaner cars I do the same but rear wheel drive is more fun ehehhehe
Sneaky name change there 213....
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.
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      02-09-2021, 02:00 PM   #4812
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Originally Posted by King Rudi View Post
I replaced mine in my master bath two weeks ago. You went the long route sir. I went to the store and just bought a new unit. I have to say I was surprised at how expensive some where.....and of course bluetooth is to anything with power, what 20" rims were in the 90's; it goes on everything. I bought a 60 CFM fan/light combo that still cost almost $100 and that was the cheap one. Damn near tore my drywall out of the ceiling before I realized the insulation was covering the two nails in the truss. My home repair guardian angel and myself ->

I will say that with my bathroom being so small with 60 CFM, it damn near creates a vacuum in there. I'm going to have to secure my towels.

Sneaky name change there 213....
buying new unit was more expensive then replacing motor.
the new motor was $25, and it took me less then 15mins to swap motors, me being extra careful. i do have a separate light fixtures, but switch turns on fan and light.
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      02-09-2021, 02:01 PM   #4813

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I'll confess.
Way back, and only for a short while, I thought Camo was a valid fashion choice.

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      02-09-2021, 02:05 PM   #4814
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Originally Posted by Littlebear View Post
I'll confess.
Way back, and only for a short while, I thought Camo was a valid fashion choice.

Funny you mention this. It still is. I started to put this in the post a pic of the last item you bought thread.

These were delivered yesterday.

I went for the making damn sure I won't get laid pants. Camo and cargo. On a serious note though, a black t-shirt and white low tops.....women will be looking.
Originally Posted by jmg View Post
We're Americans. Leave your logic and science witchcraft out of this! Jesus and guns are all we need.
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      02-09-2021, 02:40 PM   #4815
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Originally Posted by nyalpine90 View Post
buying new unit was more expensive then replacing motor.
the new motor was $25, and it took me less then 15mins to swap motors, me being extra careful. i do have a separate light fixtures, but switch turns on fan and light.
Did new motor come with fan and if so did it come with a clamp or bolt to secure the fan to the motor shaft? My uncle's fan went out I was going to replace it for him while he is in Florida for the winter. The fan he has a pinch clamp and I afraid I'm going to break it when I pull fan off.
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      02-09-2021, 02:54 PM   #4816
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Originally Posted by dinonz View Post
Pre-nup dude. pre-nup pre-nup pre-nup. Protect your ass. Otherwise - congrats. Sounds like you're moving in the right direction!
ope - old quote from a month ago. funny how things changed so fast!
now i'm in another state, no car, no stuff (surprised at how little i can live with tbh), not even a place i can decorate myself. thankfully the gf likes my style so i've been going at it at her place.

and i can wear shorts out!

Originally Posted by Joekerr View Post
... My wife sat through one negotiation 10 years ago and felt so bad for the guy that she refuses to come with me anymore...I don't mind, I prefer to be alone and not have to worry about what someone else might say. She likes the deals I get though, she has no issues with those lol.
Gf was in town and one of my friends hit me up to helk him buy a car. He is too soft, she has no idea how to negotiate, I wasn't buying the car so I feel like we got screwed a bit. It was December 31, 2020 around 3-4pm, for a car that has been sitting in their lot for a good 2 months.

Originally Posted by 2one3E90 View Post
LOL. I go to the mountains with it and try to see the limits of the suspension and handling of any given rental car. My fave was the VW Jetta 2019 and nissan sentra isnt so bad. With loaner cars I do the same but rear wheel drive is more fun ehehhehe
Gf's car is a 2019 Jetta S and i gotta say it's.. bad. the tires are aids, they squeal like a pig taking any turn at over 45-50mph. There's a 90 degree bend near here and as fun as it is I'm also waiting for the time to land on my head.

And a few days ago I felt the steering wheel get considerably lighter taking a bend on the highway. Granted I was doing redacted in a 147hp econobox but rest of the way was doing the limit on the right lane
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      02-09-2021, 03:04 PM   #4817
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Originally Posted by brettm4vert View Post
Did new motor come with fan and if so did it come with a clamp or bolt to secure the fan to the motor shaft? My uncle's fan went out I was going to replace it for him while he is in Florida for the winter. The fan he has a pinch clamp and I afraid I'm going to break it when I pull fan off.
yes the motor comes with its own fan. mine was setup with bracket.
this is exactly what i bought.
they do have mounting kits and upgrading kits.
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      02-09-2021, 03:06 PM   #4818

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Originally Posted by Turkish Pickle View Post

Gf was in town and one of my friends hit me up to helk him buy a car. He is too soft, she has no idea how to negotiate, I wasn't buying the car so I feel like we got screwed a bit. It was December 31, 2020 around 3-4pm, for a car that has been sitting in their lot for a good 2 months.

Yeah, I know, when you aren't buying it for yourself there is a little let down to be honest.

But I've never had an experience where I got to go directly to the general manager of the dealership and deal with them directly - that was a new one for me, but very pleasant as it was short and sweet. No salesman running back and forth 10 times coming back with a different number each time.

In the end, I got the payments reduced by $130 per month over 36 months on a vehicle that MSRP's at $60K before tax. Which is reasonably significant as the profit margins are typically lower with lower priced vehicles.

What did that dealership eventually let it go for discount wise?
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