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      01-12-2023, 03:10 PM   #573
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Originally Posted by JMcLellan View Post
Curious on this topic: work-stress/pressure is self-induced.
Definitely an interesting topic.

I think it's half true.... work-stress/pressure is 50% self-induced and 50% external factors (expectations/deadlines/politics/leadership/direct reports etc). But that also depends on field of work I'd imagine.

I just got out of a "war room" this morning where I spent half the meeting aligning teams through massive disconnect - the reason for this disconnect? recent reorgs without proper execution at the executive level. Tempers flair in those situations since it becomes a finger-pointing session of responsibilities and it's my job to make sure the teams align on where those responsibilities lie.

As for the other 50% that IS self-induced - yeah.... either you're not doing your job and missing deadlines and the pressure builds up, or you're overly dedicated to your job and sacrificing personal commitments.
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      01-14-2023, 10:44 AM   #574

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Originally Posted by JMcLellan View Post
Curious on this topic: work-stress/pressure is self-induced.
That's a good question.

I worry because I've been through and/or missed lay offs at every company I've been at. And got hit 2 times with layoffs.

My fiance was just laid off on Thursday, they gave her a big salary to come in and get a bunch of new clients setup.........then hired some kids for half her salary and sent her packing.

"Because of budget issues"
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      01-14-2023, 03:28 PM   #575
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I have no idea if this is an unpopular opinion... but....

Peanut butter M&Ms > peanut M&Ms > regular M&Ms

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      01-14-2023, 04:05 PM   #576
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Originally Posted by wtwo3 View Post
I have no idea if this is an unpopular opinion... but....

Peanut butter M&Ms > peanut M&Ms > regular M&Ms
Peanut M&Ms are my favorite M&Ms.

Favorite candy is Reese's Big Cups.

PS - my opinion is probably NOT unpopular.
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      01-14-2023, 04:24 PM   #577
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Originally Posted by OkieSnuffBox View Post
That's a good question.

I worry because I've been through and/or missed lay offs at every company I've been at. And got hit 2 times with layoffs.

My fiance was just laid off on Thursday, they gave her a big salary to come in and get a bunch of new clients setup.........then hired some kids for half her salary and sent her packing.

"Because of budget issues"
That's pretty disgusting, hope she lands on her feet. That's why I think it's funny/sad ppl give their all to employers (e.g. eat all meals there, even dinner and beyond, skipping personal life, basically living in the office, etc), screw them, cuz they won't hesitate to screw you if the bottom line says so. The ironic thing is that the ppl making those inhuman decisions don't realize that they are also expendable.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      01-15-2023, 03:14 AM   #578
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Not sure if it has been said or if you will come for my head, but it is ok to buy replacement parts from somewhere else besides the dealer.

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      01-15-2023, 10:01 AM   #579
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Originally Posted by JMcLellan View Post
Curious on this topic: work-stress/pressure is self-induced.
I think this is somewhat related to a few of the other opinions that have been circulated in this thread. I think as a whole, North American society has become much more vocal about classifying the things that make them uncomfortable as being wrong/unfair/hostile.

The whole employer/employee agreement in a salaried job is that the employer will give the employee assignments and tasks to accomplish within that work week. In theory, the compensation is not just for production, but also as a way to offset the stress/uncomfortable-ness of the work. The employer pays a salary for an end product, but also pays knowing that it might be stressful at times to produce that end product on time. If it were easy for just anyone to meet the deadlines, the salary would be lower.

So yes, I think a lot of employers ask for way too much to get accomplished in too short an amount of time. But I also think a lot of employees feel as if any work-related pressure is completely unfair, even though that's literally what they are being paid for. Everyone wants to get the best end of the deal... employers want to get great production for lower pay, and employees want great salaries for easy jobs. Neither should be getting what they want 100% of the time. But it is unreasonable to act like you should feel no work related stress at all, and I do think a lot of that is self-inflicted due to these unreasonable expectations.
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      01-15-2023, 12:21 PM   #580
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Originally Posted by Esteban View Post
Peanut M&Ms are my favorite M&Ms.

Favorite candy is Reese's Big Cups.

PS - my opinion is probably NOT unpopular.
The only thing even close to being as good as a Reese's Big Cup is their holiday edition candies like eggs and trees. And the only thing better than a Reese's egg is a Snickers egg.

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      01-15-2023, 12:38 PM   #581
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Originally Posted by Roman View Post
The only thing even close to being as good as a Reese's Big Cup is their holiday edition candies like eggs and trees. And the only thing better than a Reese's egg is a Snickers egg.

I also love me some Cadbury Creme eggs.
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      01-15-2023, 01:01 PM   #582
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Originally Posted by JMcLellan View Post
Curious on this topic: work-stress/pressure is self-induced.

I also think it is 50% true. I think a lot of stress is related to your environment and outside factors, like how stable your job is, how easily your co-workers are to get along with, political pressures within the office environment, etc. Not to mention the pace and general attitude of the work you do.

I manage the technology for one of the departments on a college campus. There are certain times that can be stressful or have pressure due to unplanned events that happen, time of the semester, working with individuals that are untrustworthy or corrupt, or having deadlines to meet. As a whole the job is not a high stress environment compared to say a hospital trauma center where it can be life and death, or a job where your income fluctuates depending on factors outside of your control.

Originally Posted by Serf27 View Post
Not sure if it has been said or if you will come for my head, but it is ok to buy replacement parts from somewhere else besides the dealer.
I think unless someone owns a car under warranty, the dealer is the absolute worst place to take your car for repair. Most of the dealer techs are fresh out of school, and their training focuses on the cars that are brand new sitting on the lot, as well as the cars still within warranty. Most of the time they know absolutely nothing about anything beyond that scope. Granted I own two older vehicles because I like them, but even with new cars I've heard horror stories. Not saying all dealerships are bad, but they are a business, and many of their business principles involve upselling the customer on something they might not need.

The last time my E90 saw a dealer was for a recall, and I chuckled to myself as the techs looked for something they could sell me on, only to realize I take meticulous care of the car, it has no leaks, and the only thing they could try to sell me was a $1700 set of run flat tires since the Michelins I had on it were not factory run flats.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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      01-15-2023, 01:19 PM   #583
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Originally Posted by CTinline-six View Post
I think unless someone owns a car under warranty, the dealer is the absolute worst place to take your car for repair. Most of the dealer techs are fresh out of school, and their training focuses on the cars that are brand new sitting on the lot, as well as the cars still within warranty. Most of the time they know absolutely nothing about anything beyond that scope. Granted I own two older vehicles because I like them, but even with new cars I've heard horror stories. Not saying all dealerships are bad, but they are a business, and many of their business principles involve upselling the customer on something they might not need.

The last time my E90 saw a dealer was for a recall, and I chuckled to myself as the techs looked for something they could sell me on, only to realize I take meticulous care of the car, it has no leaks, and the only thing they could try to sell me was a $1700 set of run flat tires since the Michelins I had on it were not factory run flats.
The dealer is my go to for specialty nuts and bolts when I can’t wait for online orders and that’s pretty much it.

Another unpopular opinion is that you do not need a torque wrench for every single nut and bolt.
Guaranteed there are techs running down some bolts with a gun and calling it a day.

You can also start a bolt into the threads right from the gun and not cross thread anything. -A lot of people seem to think this is completely inappropriate, but it’s pretty easy not to cross thread, lol.
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      01-15-2023, 01:47 PM   #584
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Here we go…

1. 2017-2021 forever changed how I view both “patriotism” and religion.

2. Spending an entire weekend (or multiple weekends) on the couch watching sports is not an ideal use of anyone’s time.

3. Parents have no business meddling in your marriage.

4. Cats are a$$h0les.

5. Horse Power does not equal exhilaration.

6. Nu Metal produced some of the best bands ever.

Last edited by Gratefulm4; 01-15-2023 at 02:00 PM..
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      01-15-2023, 04:40 PM   #585
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Pizza crust tastes poor and is a waste of calories…I never eat it.
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      01-15-2023, 06:37 PM   #586
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Just because someone can quote some obscure or even popular passage or poem, etc, doesn't make them more intelligent or just means they memorized that said passage/poem/etc.
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      01-23-2023, 04:07 PM   #587

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Originally Posted by tranquility View Post
That's pretty disgusting, hope she lands on her feet. That's why I think it's funny/sad ppl give their all to employers (e.g. eat all meals there, even dinner and beyond, skipping personal life, basically living in the office, etc), screw them, cuz they won't hesitate to screw you if the bottom line says so. The ironic thing is that the ppl making those inhuman decisions don't realize that they are also expendable.
I was starting to get a little nervous about my own job seeing the Microsoft/Alphabet/Salesforce/Meta/Amazon layoffs.

But I read an article this morning on how they WAAAAAAY over hired between 2019 and last year. Amazon doubled in size, Meta 94%, Alphabet 57%, Microsoft 53%.

I'm still not 100% confident of anything, but we didn't way over hire like that.

I'm sure she will, she's very good at what she does. Her old job has already told her they'd be happy to have her back, but she isn't sure if she's willing to take the paycut to go back.
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      01-28-2023, 05:20 PM   #588
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If your predisposed towards having a mental illness weed can either trigger it or enhance it.
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      01-31-2023, 06:53 PM   #589
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The Urus is not cool. I see them so frequently in a 10 mile radius from where I live. There are two in my neighborhood alone, and trust me, nobody in my neighborhood should own one. So two questions come up, why are they so common and how do people afford them? They aren’t that amazing looking anyway.
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      01-31-2023, 07:24 PM   #590
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Originally Posted by 2008M36MT View Post
The Urus is not cool. I see them so frequently in a 10 mile radius from where I live. There are two in my neighborhood alone, and trust me, nobody in my neighborhood should own one. So two questions come up, why are they so common and how do people afford them? They aren’t that amazing looking anyway.
I don’t think I have ever seen one in real life. I guess I live on the poor side of the tracks. LOL. I confess I do like the look but the sticker shock is real.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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      01-31-2023, 07:30 PM   #591
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I don't get the pt of really expensive SUVs (or whatever the heck they call them nowadays). They are supposed to get bashed around, conquering snow storms, look 'better' w mud on them just like in some Jeep commercial. If I had a Lambo SUV I'd be worried about denting or getting a wee scratch on it lol.
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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      01-31-2023, 07:39 PM   #592
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Originally Posted by 2008M36MT View Post
The Urus is not cool. I see them so frequently in a 10 mile radius from where I live. There are two in my neighborhood alone, and trust me, nobody in my neighborhood should own one. So two questions come up, why are they so common and how do people afford them? They aren’t that amazing looking anyway.
shun the nonbeliever lol...
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      01-31-2023, 07:53 PM   #593
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Originally Posted by tranquility View Post
I don't get the pt of really expensive SUVs (or whatever the heck they call them nowadays). They are supposed to get bashed around, conquering snow storms, look 'better' w mud on them just like in some Jeep commercial. If I had a Lambo SUV I'd be worried about denting or getting a wee scratch on it lol.
What do you do in winter? In a perfect world, I would drive a M6 or M8. Except it snows here (as it does where you are). My X6M is the best of both worlds ; it drives like a sports car but can be a daily driver in winter with the AWD and ground clearance. Otherwise I would need two vehicles. The Urus is double the price of my current ride though.
I thought I was a good person but the way I react when people drive slowly in the left lane would suggest otherwise
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      01-31-2023, 08:12 PM   #594
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Originally Posted by cmyx6go View Post
What do you do in winter? In a perfect world, I would drive a M6 or M8. Except it snows here (as it does where you are). My X6M is the best of both worlds ; it drives like a sports car but can be a daily driver in winter with the AWD and ground clearance. Otherwise I would need two vehicles. The Urus is double the price of my current ride though.
The Z4 is my only car, it does great in winter, although this winter has been a 'banner' year, got stuck like 3 or 4 times already while ironically it hasn't snowed as much: but it's only because my car's low and I get beach-whaled; the traction is great. I usually don't get stuck at all any winter.

Go for your M6 or M8, yolo baby!
The richest one percent of this country owns half our country's wealth, five trillion dollars. One third of that comes from hard work, two thirds comes from inheritance, interest on interest accumulating to widows and idiot sons and what I do, stock and real estate speculation...It's bullsh*t. I create nothing. I own. We make the rules, pal...Now you're not naive enough to think we're living in a democracy, are you buddy?
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