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      02-13-2024, 01:21 PM   #45

Drives: 23X5E,24M3 CS,24 i4, 25 M4 CS
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Virginia

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Originally Posted by LouK View Post
As in any profession there are those who should not be in it. This is not specific to law enforcement. Health care workers, judges, lawyers, elected officials, all have bad apples in them.
I know this will not change your view and the video is a bit dated but it gives you a glimpse of how small the number of police incidents are.
If you can show me any job or profession where 100% of the people working in it are doing the right thing all the time I will tell you hell has froze over because it’s just not possible.
I do not believe any person in a profession should hold that position if they abuse there power, but the number of individuals doing so in law enforcement is much lower than what people say.
This is exacerbated by social media and the now now constant information.

Other professions are not sitting hidden and trying to ambush you in wait, hoping you’re breaking the law.

The police are THE primary interface of the government that we see on a daily. When it goes bad, it goes bad really publicly.

I’m not anti-POLICE though. I’m anti shitty training and bad attitudes and the fear that has been whipped up in the police. I HAVE PERSONALLY had to ask the police to step down when they were trying to take over my accident scene. It was medical, and they were impairing and impeding the medics from saving a guy who had a seizure. Their primary focus was “was he drunk?” No one cares when he’s bleeding and vomiting and aspirating. GET OUT OF THE WAY. Go do your job of protecting the public. Determining if he’s drunk WHILE HE’S DYING in front of me is NOT appreciated.

So I get they have a hard job. They’re more in danger than I. But the hair trigger bullshit? Bad for EVERYONE, including them.

Appreciate 3
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