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      06-06-2020, 02:08 PM   #991
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?

i'm assuming you disagree with his statement.

He is absolutely right. The black community must do better, and right now, thats starts with parenting. Too many kids out there gangbanging, robbing, stealing, up to no good. How hard is it to go to school for free, andd then do something constructive with your life?
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?
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      06-06-2020, 02:18 PM   #992
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Originally Posted by Throttlesteer14 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
With a gun, back up, and a police union fighting to protect him? He's got nothing to be afraid of. He's got more power than the majority of the population out there. Enough to get away with murder if no one around has a modern phone on them.
If you want to have an honest conversation, let's do so. But please stop with this nonsense. If you want people ti understand what its like to walk in your shoes, you have to do the same.
We can't have honest an discussion if you start from a position of denial. By labeling what I say as nonsense before I've even addressed you means you don't want honest discussion. You want an echo chamber, which is what this thread is.
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      06-06-2020, 02:26 PM   #993
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?
Your mind is thinking in extremes instead of actually analyzing the opposing viewpoint. The statistics don't like, black Americans have some of the highest rate of criminal activity, drug abuse, single-parent households, teenage pregnancies, etc. These statistics are available online.

"Systemic racism" was certainly a major factor in the past, and I'm not denying it could still be a factor today. But everybody, especially in the media, is conveniently denying the fact that the black community needs to do better for itself.

It's human nature to blame one's problems on others since its convenient. It takes too much a hit to the ego and requires too much critical thinking to self-reflect in the mirror. In the age of hyper-partisan media and social media this has become more prominent than ever unfortunately.

In my field (Medicine) most black Physicians I've encountered are either (a) 1st or 2nd gen African immigrants or (b) grew up in a stable two-parent household. Change begins in the home. Why are Asian/Indians so successful in this country? Stability in the home environment. Unfortunately for too many black children, their role models are entertainers/athletes or people in the neighborhood engaging in illicit actities. Their role model is not in the home.
-2008 E90 328 black/brown
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      06-06-2020, 02:31 PM   #994
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Originally Posted by Germanauto View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?
Your mind is thinking in extremes instead of actually analyzing the opposing viewpoint. The statistics don't like, black Americans have some of the highest rate of criminal activity, drug abuse, single-parent households, teenage pregnancies, etc. Look it up and see for yourself.

"Systemic racism" was certainly a major factor in the past, and I'm not denying it could still be a factor today. But everybody, especially in the media, is conveniently denying the fact that the black community needs to do better for itself.

In my field (Medicine) most black Physicians I've encountered are either (a) 1st or 2nd gen African immigrants or (b) grew up in a stable two-parent household. Change begins in the home. Why are Asian/Indians so successful in this country? Stability in the home environment.

It's human nature to blame one's problems on others since its convenient. It takes too much a hit to the ego and requires too much critical thinking to self-reflect in the mirror. In the age of hyper-partisan media and social media this has become more prominent than ever unfortunately.
So you acknowledge Systemic racism from the past but you're not able to acknowledge it in the present? How does this work? Was there some point in history that we all missed where racism just ended? In medicine and science we have to be a lot more analytical and logical than that
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      06-06-2020, 02:32 PM   #995
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
We can't have honest an discussion if you start from a position of denial. By labeling what I say as nonsense before I've even addressed you means you don't want honest discussion. You want an echo chamber, which is what this thread is.
So the denial is that I don't agree with your prejudice of LEOs and broad sweeping assumption that your point of view is 100% accurate? The only echo chamber seems to be the one your stuck in. Otherwise you would be willing to make a point instead of taking shots at others. The nonsense is using prejudice to address prejudice.
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      06-06-2020, 02:42 PM   #996
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
So you acknowledge Systemic racism from the past but you're not able to acknowledge it in the present? How does this work? Was there some point in history that we all missed where racism just ended? In medicine and science we have to be a lot more analytical and logical than that
From my post:

"and I'm not denying it could still be a factor today."

What the BLM's leadership is missing is a unified message. What EXACT examples of systemic racism do they wan't eliminated, and how do they propose going about doing so? Maybe you could chime in with some examples?

There is no unified message. Ask 100 protestors/Twitter virtue signalers what they wan't and there's 100 different answers. Some people want to defund the police, some people want to kneel during the national anthem, some people want pigs to die, some people want to "eat the rich." To the onlooker who isn't politically motivated, there is a lot of ambiguity and symbolism. What's missing are facts and constructive commentary.

This all reminds me of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air episode when one of Will's visiting aunts wanted him to go join a radical protest. Dr. Phil didn't allow it, saying it's better to constructively work in the legal system to enact change.
-2008 E90 328 black/brown
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Last edited by Germanauto; 06-06-2020 at 02:49 PM..
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      06-06-2020, 02:49 PM   #997

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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
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      06-06-2020, 03:32 PM   #998
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
I was waiting for you to drop's why I didn't say anything.

I grew up in it although I'm white. And my generation was different as you had parents actively involved in their kids lives. I'm 45......and since then things have changed so much.

If one of my black friends walked into their parent's house acting like some do today....they would be put in place very quickly. Same for white kids back then.

I remember once being spanked by my black friends mom. We both got into trouble and she got us both. My parents reaction......I got in trouble again because she had to discipline me.

My brother is a LEO. He and all his department disagree with what happened. Our small town sheriff was proactive and came out condemning it. He said he supported protesters and encouraged it. However he said they would not tolerate riots or looting....otherwise feel free to assemble and voice your opinion.

He also said that they were using that example going forward in future training although they have never trained anyone in subduing by asphyxiation.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      06-06-2020, 04:01 PM   #999
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
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      06-06-2020, 04:04 PM   #1000
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
I agree with this. A lot of parents today try to be their kid's friend.....not their parent.

Nothing wrong with being close to your child....but there has to be boundaries.
Everybody has a gameplan....until they get punched in the mouth.
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      06-06-2020, 04:46 PM   #1001
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?

i'm assuming you disagree with his statement.

He is absolutely right. The black community must do better, and right now, thats starts with parenting. Too many kids out there gangbanging, robbing, stealing, up to no good. How hard is it to go to school for free, andd then do something constructive with your life?
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?
Making broad assumptions like this is where the problem starts. It begins in a negative accusatory tone.

I also agree that the problem starts at home. I think that we would be better off putting money into schools and programs to show these kids there is more to life than the streets especially if they don't have a positive parental figure. Instead, so much money is given to these organizations that never trickles down to the community.

It also has to do with what you want out of your life. Do you want to take the victim role and cry wolf or pull your boot straps up and work hard to accomplish a different life? I grew up in a divorced home with lots of issues. My Dad along with his whole family were drug addicts & alcoholics. Not a one of them did anything productive with their life & to this day jack shit up. I could have used that as an excuse to go down that same road but I wanted more than a substance abuse problem & minimum wage job. My parents did nothing to help me go to college. Never even bought a book or a pencil for me. I did everything on my own loans and all.

I have a lot of black friends who I have conversations with & maybe because they are the working class they have a different outlook than the people you are referencing. I also spent time in S Africa in squatter camps where there wasn't a white person to be seen & I was treated better than some of the areas that I have to go in at times for work here in town. I certainly don't look at all blacks as stealing, gangbanging, and robbing. You have trash in every ethnicity. Lumping everyone in the same bin is narrow minded thinking. From your posts, you make a lot of assumptions & if you were more open to a positive dialogue respecting that others may not think exactly like you which is ok, that's how we drive change. It's when we listen & learn from each other.
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      06-06-2020, 04:53 PM   #1002
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Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
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      06-06-2020, 05:32 PM   #1003
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction because the police wouldn't have any way of knowing what's in someone's system until there's a blood test. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
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      06-06-2020, 05:35 PM   #1004
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.

You bringing up the twenty dollar bill as if that was the primary reason for the police contact (...and asserting that police should've just let him go) is why I brought up Floyd being under the influence and what that carries with it. Being under the influence while in public is a misdemeanor that we regularly arrest for.
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      06-06-2020, 05:36 PM   #1005
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective. Just because you're an officer in a small corner of the earth doesn't mean you know what's good for people of color in such a broad way
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      06-06-2020, 05:40 PM   #1006
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background or perspective? What is somebody going to tell me about being black [or prevailing issues in black culture] that I don't already know or that I haven't lived or experienced?
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      06-06-2020, 05:44 PM   #1007
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent
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      06-06-2020, 05:45 PM   #1008
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent

I'm talking about being black dude. Jesus Christ! I was a black dude in the hood long before I was ever a cop.

People blaming whites, cops or every other external force for their problems is akin to an obese person blaming genetics and metabolism for their physical condition (...while stuffing Hostess cup cakes, Skittles and Cheetos down their throat). I recognize the outliers, but by and large, people are personally responsible for where they are in life.
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      06-06-2020, 05:51 PM   #1009
Science stuff and stuff
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent

I'm talking about being black dude. Jesus Christ! I was a black dude in the hood long before I was ever a cop.
I did read. I'm referring to your statement that I originally quoted. Let me reiterate. You've made clear you're black. You've made clear you're an officer with a lot of experience. You've made clear your flawed perspective on black culture. That the color of our skin is not holding us back. Your words have power and when the wrong people pick them up they use them. Your post announcing to all the non blacks that we black people do this to ourselves is problematic because it completely ignores systemic racism and implicit bias. And good for you I was a black dude in the hood long before I became a scientist.
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      06-06-2020, 05:56 PM   #1010
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent

I'm talking about being black dude. Jesus Christ! I was a black dude in the hood long before I was ever a cop.
I did read. I'm referring to your statement that I originally quoted. Let me reiterate. You've made clear you're black. You've made clear you're an officer with a lot of experience. You've made clear your flawed perspective on black culture. That the color of our skin is not holding us back. Your words have power and when the wrong people pick them up they use them. Your post announcing to all the non blacks that we black people do this to ourselves is problematic because it completely ignores systemic racism and implicit bias
"Systemic racism" is the lie black people are sold, and as a culture we digest it and regurgitate much, in fact, that we start believing that nonsense.

I'm not denying racism exists, but racism is NOT what's holding blacks back in this country. Prevailing attitudes, laziness, propensity for violence (...against our own and others), dependence and the disintegrated family unit are the issues that plague the community.
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      06-06-2020, 05:56 PM   #1011
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Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent

I'm talking about being black dude. Jesus Christ! I was a black dude in the hood long before I was ever a cop.

People blaming whites, cops or every other external force for their problems is akin to an obese person blaming genetics and metabolism for their physical condition (...while stuffing Hostess cup cakes, Skittles and Cheetos down their throat). I recognize the outliers, but by and large, people are personally responsible for where they are in life.
You do know it's well established that there are several genes linked to obesity? The act of 'stuffing' themselves is a symptom of a dysregulated metabolism. And no this is not comparable in the least bit. Someone with chronic obesity has options, we don't get to change the color of our skin or how people see it
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      06-06-2020, 05:58 PM   #1012
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Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
For all of the non-blacks in this thread, please understand that most of our problems in the black community are brought about by our own actions. Don't let any black person tell you the color of their skin is holding them back (...or it's the reason why they deal with cops more often or can't maintain employment). This country is ripe with opportunity if a person puts in effort and makes good life decisions.
I have a question. Is this what your truly believe, or is this just the way you all on the 'force' discuss people of color? I guess you have to find some way to sleep at night, right?
I am a person of color.
I am too. What does this change?

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
Originally Posted by TrevorM3 View Post
Originally Posted by RedScytheM3 View Post
That's so incredibly problematic. Your opinion/belief is why we have the kind of problems we have now. I can guarantee that you've never spent significant time with any person of color, their family, or their community. I have a better guarantee: you'd never think to do such things. Because after all they're just gangbanging robbing and stealing right?

i have a surprise for you, i'm not white.

i never said all blacks do those things. This issue we have going on right now, is not squarely racism, it's a multitude of things. Parenting as i mentioned before comes to mind. A majority of parents out there, shouldn't be parents. Train/teach your kids better, they will generally follow. This will keep your kids out of stints with police.

The thing that really irks me them most about Floyd's death, is the entire scenario in which he died. The man was killed for "allegedly" having a fake 20. Was it really neccesary to have 3-5 cops pull up on one dude for this? It just boggles my mind. Take his 20, trash it, fine him, move the fuck on. Was an entire police force needed to arrest a man for selling individual cigarettes, which ultimately led to his death?All of these things are so trivial, it's unbelievable to me.
This is my problem with the way some people THINK things happen(ed). It wasn't about his fake twenty dollar bill. Floyd was high on meth and fentanyl. If you've never dealt with those drugs or never dealt with anybody who is high on those drugs, then you will not understand. Floyd was disturbing the peace and causing issues at a place of business. The police has probable cause to be there.

Where fentanyl is concerned.... is highly toxic. When I worked jails, we had issues with fentanyl being smuggled in. It's so toxic that merely touching it presents the risk of intoxication or overdose. We had inmates overdosing on fentanyl and deputies succumbing to the effects of the drug because they were unaware that they'd come in contact with it.

People need to get the fuck up off of their couches and go experience bad people doing bad things on seriously mind influencing drugs and gain some perspective outside of their bubbles.
Look, I understand police deal with jacked up stuff on a daily basis. On the other hand what does anything in his system have to do with what those cops did to him? This is such a distraction. Having substance x, y, and z in someone's doesn't give you, officer, the right to end their life (un)knowingly.
My point is....

....I'm allowed to be critical of my culture without you or anybody else telling me my perspective is skewed.
You absolutely are. And I'm allowed to disagree with you and let you know. Especially if you want to come on a board a share your opinion without any sociological backing or perspective
I live it.....and I've done so for over 40 years. Why do I need any additional background on perspective?
You've lived law enforcement for 40 years. That is by and far the definition of limited perspective. No disrespect, but there's a whole other world outside being a rule enforcer. Don't be complacent

I'm talking about being black dude. Jesus Christ! I was a black dude in the hood long before I was ever a cop.

People blaming whites, cops or every other external force for their problems is akin to an obese person blaming genetics and metabolism for their physical condition (...while stuffing Hostess cup cakes, Skittles and Cheetos down their throat). I recognize the outliers, but by and large, people are personally responsible for where they are in life.
You do know it's well established that there are several genes linked to obesity? The act of 'stuffing' themselves is a symptom of a dysregulated metabolism. And no this is not comparable in the least bit. Someone with chronic obesity has options, we don't get to change the color of our skin or how people see it
**completely ignores my outlier comment**

....and then presents an outlier example.

Here's the bottom line:

Blacks that apply themselves generally do well in life. They become scientists, cops, business owners or engage in some other profession of choice and provide something useful to society. Blacks that don't apply themselves blame race, white people, etc. for their issues (...all while doing drugs, committing crimes, etc.).

People that eat balanced meals and workout regularly generally don't deal with obesity. People that eat unhealthy, live sedentary lifestyles, etc. end up blaming genetics, slow metabolism, etc. for their overweight physical state all while doing nothing to improve their circumstances.
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