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      09-14-2011, 06:41 PM   #1211
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Can't believe this guy can get addictive and potentially harmful meds but not a natural herb...anyways we all know this but chaps my hide.

Look into strains that will produce more body effect like indica or a hybrid to get a bit of mix.
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      09-14-2011, 07:01 PM   #1212
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Originally Posted by HaZe_X View Post

I know I can get Medical Marijuana Legally in NJ, but I don't think the program is fully setup,
I don't know about that one bro. From what I understand with the NJ Medical Marijuana laws is you pretty much have to be dying from a terminal disease like stage 3 or 4 cancer or some shit like that. It is nothing NOTHING like Cali.
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      09-14-2011, 07:03 PM   #1213
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
Yes, you can focus on the pain more and it is mental, but you can also get absorbed in some other activity and forget the pain almost entirely. It's all your mindset. Try combining canibus with activities rather than just sitting there and doing nothing. If you're bored, you'll naturally start to think of random things and it's not surprising you think of pain since you feel it.
Exactly what I was trying to get across! Its all about keeping occupied.
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      09-14-2011, 07:31 PM   #1214
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
Yes, I believe you are correct in this assumption. Hit the herb and cut back on the xannie. I hear that ish is way worse for you and addictive too.

You have a completely legitimate reason to ingest canibus. Seriously, cases like yours are a base reason for legalization of medical marijuana. Of all the medication you've listed so far, canibus seems to be by far the least dangerous as well.

Now that you mention the oxy and your rotator cuff, I remember your thread about not seeing eye to eye with your new physician regarding treatment and medication.

If you do give medical marijuana a shot, please use it for at least a month or two before you pass judgement. I don't think it'll fully cure you of the pain but I think it will make everything more bearable. You can be a medical marijuana success story! Reminds me of the medical marijuana episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit. Give that episode a watch if you haven't seen it before; it's an oldie but a goodie.

Your post is definitely relevant to the topic, so don't feel bad going OT. We're just BSing most the time anyways. I don't think any of the regulars here will mind imparting some advice to those who need it. Just take everything we say with half a grain of salt as everyone here are only enthusiasts.

Regarding your comment about vapes, yes they can be expensive but for long term daily use, I'd look into it. You don't need to buy a volcano, you can get a smaller vape as well. My buddy has a magic flight launch box and he likes it; look it up on amazon if you're curious.

Kie would be a good person to talk to regarding local advice. I'd wait for him to respond on here or even send him a PM.
At least I had the right thoughts about the panic attacks.

The Oxy isn't just for my rotator cuff(It was prior before I was DX'ed with M.S and now its for the pain in my legs also) As we know the Oxy just won't treat the one pain, its for the whole body.

Correct, I went to a PM DR, dropped him though and I went and saw my PCP. My PCP and Neuro talked and they came up with my treatment plan, as I was on Oxy Prior (Rotator Cuff) they decided that I would continue it as long as I could function, got rid of the pain I was in. As you read the thread Im sure you read that without anything I was in un-bearable pain, I couldn't move.

Ill look into vapes, never heard of them until I read thins forum, just thought you could smoke however you want.

Originally Posted by GreasyGinzo View Post
I don't know about that one bro. From what I understand with the NJ Medical Marijuana laws is you pretty much have to be dying from a terminal disease like stage 3 or 4 cancer or some shit like that. It is nothing NOTHING like Cali.

"What conditions qualify someone to participate?
Patients must be certified by their physicians as having a debilitating medical condition, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy, or inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease. Terminal illness also qualifies if the physician determines the patient has less than 12 months to live."
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      09-14-2011, 07:31 PM   #1215
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Originally Posted by infinitekid2002 View Post
Can't believe this guy can get addictive and potentially harmful meds but not a natural herb...anyways we all know this but chaps my hide.

Look into strains that will produce more body effect like indica or a hybrid to get a bit of mix.
Well, to his defense it was the doctors that were prescribing him those meds. Canibus really isn't standard protocol. And I'm sure big pharm encourages doctors to prescribe their warez.

Y'know I was wondering if sativa or indica would be better.

Originally Posted by GreasyGinzo View Post
Exactly what I was trying to get across! Its all about keeping occupied.
You know it. Once you do get occupied with doing something, you'll tune into it a lot more and forget the pain. Just like when you're really deep into playing video games. Pain will still be there, but it won't be as important. You'll be tuned into something else.
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      09-14-2011, 07:34 PM   #1216
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
Well, to his defense it was the doctors that were prescribing him those meds. Canibus really isn't standard protocol. And I'm sure big pharm encourages doctors to prescribe their warez.

Y'know I was wondering if sativa or indica would be better.

You know it. Once you do get occupied with doing something, you'll tune into it a lot more and forget the pain. Just like when you're really deep into playing video games. Pain will still be there, but it won't be as important. You'll be tuned into something else.
I wasn't attacking this guy actually..i was saying more like this poor guy can't get natural herbs but only pharma sponsored meds despite the dangers.
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      09-14-2011, 07:58 PM   #1217
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Originally Posted by HaZe_X View Post
At least I had the right thoughts about the panic attacks.

The Oxy isn't just for my rotator cuff(It was prior before I was DX'ed with M.S and now its for the pain in my legs also) As we know the Oxy just won't treat the one pain, its for the whole body.

Correct, I went to a PM DR, dropped him though and I went and saw my PCP. My PCP and Neuro talked and they came up with my treatment plan, as I was on Oxy Prior (Rotator Cuff) they decided that I would continue it as long as I could function, got rid of the pain I was in. As you read the thread Im sure you read that without anything I was in un-bearable pain, I couldn't move.

Ill look into vapes, never heard of them until I read thins forum, just thought you could smoke however you want.

"What conditions qualify someone to participate?
Patients must be certified by their physicians as having a debilitating medical condition, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy, or inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease. Terminal illness also qualifies if the physician determines the patient has less than 12 months to live."
Can you elaborate? Not sure I understand you, not really relevant to canibus so would understand if you don't want to divulge.

So you continue staying on oxy, which you were previously prescribed because of rotator cuff. I'm guessing you were now taking oxy for MS or for your legs. You mention next "got rid of the pain I was in," but also mentioned in your other thread that you were unable to work because of the pain. So... are you saying docs told you to continue oxy as it allows you to be functional?

You don't NEED a vape. There are a variety of ways people smoke, vape is just another way to medicate. Less harsh to smoke and less chemicals and such because you're only heating the bud up enough to burn the THC; the plant itself becomes a cooked brown color. See if medical marijuana is for you first; if it is, then think about the vape.

Originally Posted by infinitekid2002 View Post
I wasn't attacking this guy actually..i was saying more like this poor guy can't get natural herbs but only pharma sponsored meds despite the dangers.
ah, gotcha. wasn't trying to attack your point either. was thinking you didn't know his situation. i agree with your assessment. medical field is more about politics and profit than healing.
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      09-14-2011, 10:42 PM   #1218
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
Can you elaborate? Not sure I understand you, not really relevant to canibus so would understand if you don't want to divulge.

So you continue staying on oxy, which you were previously prescribed because of rotator cuff. I'm guessing you were now taking oxy for MS or for your legs. You mention next "got rid of the pain I was in," but also mentioned in your other thread that you were unable to work because of the pain. So... are you saying docs told you to continue oxy as it allows you to be functional?

You don't NEED a vape. There are a variety of ways people smoke, vape is just another way to medicate. Less harsh to smoke and less chemicals and such because you're only heating the bud up enough to burn the THC; the plant itself becomes a cooked brown color. See if medical marijuana is for you first; if it is, then think about the vape.
Yeah I can see where I didn't make there clear, sorry. Prior to me having M.S, I was on Oxy 10mg due to a torn rotator cuff, also was having cortisone injections every 3-4 months for the pain (Had 2 surgeries already). When I was first DX'ed with M.S I didn't have any pain, just had what they call an "Episode", where my problem was I had Optic Neuritis. I went blind in my left for ~30 days, regained my vision back slowly with IV Steroids and such. But once I started having pain down the road due to the M.S, my Ortho didn't want to treat both, so he referred me to a Pain Management guy (where in the thread you read it didn't go so well). To make a long story short, I went to see my Primary Dr, he knew my situation, he talked to my Neurologist, which they both decided since they knew the Oxy was helping my pain, suggested to continue taking the Oxy that my PCP is now prescribing. Without something to kill the pain, I can't function, my legs become useless and the pain becomes overbearing.

Hope I made that more clear, Its a really LONG story, I tried to condense it as much as possible.
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      09-14-2011, 10:45 PM   #1219
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faultline og. my friends special strand. yummy.
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      09-15-2011, 11:58 AM   #1220
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faultline og? lol funny name
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      09-15-2011, 07:28 PM   #1221
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You can make a vaporizer out of a straw, light bulb and bottle cap. I have one and it works perfect. I can post a picture if it doesn't break any forum rules.
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      09-15-2011, 07:31 PM   #1222
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Originally Posted by HaZe_X View Post

"What conditions qualify someone to participate?
Patients must be certified by their physicians as having a debilitating medical condition, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, terminal cancer, muscular dystrophy, or inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn’s disease. Terminal illness also qualifies if the physician determines the patient has less than 12 months to live."
Nice, give it shot then bro. I am curious to see what NJ calls medical grade bud. The shit out in Cali is no joke. If you can get stuff of that quality and varieties it would totally be worth it.
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      09-15-2011, 07:44 PM   #1223
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Originally Posted by GreasyGinzo View Post
Nice, give it shot then bro. I am curious to see what NJ calls medical grade bud. The shit out in Cali is no joke. If you can get stuff of that quality and varieties it would totally be worth it.
club weed and street weed is the same ish dude; from the same sources. not uncommon for people to carry duffel bags into the club and slang a couple P's to the club right there.

Originally Posted by GreasyGinzo View Post
You can make a vaporizer out of a straw, light bulb and bottle cap. I have one and it works perfect. I can post a picture if it doesn't break any forum rules.
have not seen this done before. but never researched how to DIY vape. sounds interesting. kinda sound like a hassle too tbh.
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      09-16-2011, 06:18 PM   #1224
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post

have not seen this done before. but never researched how to DIY vape. sounds interesting. kinda sound like a hassle too tbh.
It seriously takes 3 mins to make
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      09-16-2011, 06:45 PM   #1225
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Originally Posted by GreasyGinzo View Post
It seriously takes 3 mins to make
but how well does it work?
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      09-17-2011, 04:55 AM   #1226
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OH FUCK, what a night. So was at a bar for a friends birthday and wasn't really having any fun. I say fuck it and leave, decide to just grab some green get high and call it a night, so I call my friend and he says hes about to get off work [1am at this point] so I head over to his house and pull in his drive way immediately after him.

We walk inside to let his dog out real quick and walk in to see his back doors been kicked in. He ran to check his shit, and what was stolen was so fuckin random. They took his good weed 2-3 oz, they took his snikkle frittz 5-6oz, and $45. This guys house is LOADED with electronics, not any of them were missing. The snikkle frittz was left on his back porch right outside the door that had been kicked in. They even folded it and set it there carefully. Nothing was damaged, the house wasn't ransacked, they got in and got out.

He had very valuable shit laying out too, and none of it is gone. Just the good weed and $45. Was very strange, seems like someone that knows him and left him some of his stuff out of pity.

Anyway just thought I'd share.
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Originally Posted by JayKay335i View Post
Straight PIITB. Then eat dumplings.
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      09-17-2011, 08:37 PM   #1227
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my vape is kickin
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      09-17-2011, 09:02 PM   #1228
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Originally Posted by Augenbrauezug View Post
OH FUCK, what a night. So was at a bar for a friends birthday and wasn't really having any fun. I say fuck it and leave, decide to just grab some green get high and call it a night, so I call my friend and he says hes about to get off work [1am at this point] so I head over to his house and pull in his drive way immediately after him.

We walk inside to let his dog out real quick and walk in to see his back doors been kicked in. He ran to check his shit, and what was stolen was so fuckin random. They took his good weed 2-3 oz, they took his snikkle frittz 5-6oz, and $45. This guys house is LOADED with electronics, not any of them were missing. The snikkle frittz was left on his back porch right outside the door that had been kicked in. They even folded it and set it there carefully. Nothing was damaged, the house wasn't ransacked, they got in and got out.

He had very valuable shit laying out too, and none of it is gone. Just the good weed and $45. Was very strange, seems like someone that knows him and left him some of his stuff out of pity.

Anyway just thought I'd share.
He had 7-9oz's in his house at once?!?!?!?!?!
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      09-18-2011, 01:53 AM   #1229
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Originally Posted by Sauce View Post
He had 7-9oz's in his house at once?!?!?!?!?!
He goes through a lot.
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Originally Posted by JayKay335i View Post
Straight PIITB. Then eat dumplings.
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      09-18-2011, 10:53 AM   #1230
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Originally Posted by Kroy View Post
but how well does it work?
It works great. I have never used a "real" vaporizer but my light bulb definitely works and for free with household items.
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      09-18-2011, 11:42 AM   #1231
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      09-18-2011, 02:49 PM   #1232
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