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View Poll Results: Do you agree with Apple's stance against the US Government?
Yes 83 69.17%
No 29 24.17%
Unsure 8 6.67%
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      02-27-2016, 09:37 AM   #111
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Originally Posted by jtodd_fl View Post
So, the message here is, you may be anally raped one day, so just lubricate your anus to make it easier on whoever may do it? Seems reasonable.
(Pardon the hyperbole, just... That's the impression I get reading all this.)

Edit: also, this IS OT after all.
Yes. That's what apple is doing. Giving the terrorists security to anally rape us unchecked.
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      02-27-2016, 10:00 AM   #112

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Still almost three to one. Common sense, some of us still have it!
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      02-27-2016, 10:03 AM   #113
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Originally Posted by RoundelObsession
Still almost three to one. Common sense, some of us still have it!
Basically, anyone who has an elementary grasp on how encryption and tech development works, sides with Apple. Those who are ignorant of it, side with government.

The more you know I guess.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      02-27-2016, 10:09 AM   #114
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Basically, anyone who has an elementary grasp on how encryption and tech development works, sides with Apple. Those who are ignorant of it, side with government.

The more you know I guess.

^^^ Spot on the level of computer education here is frightening.. You people are so naive...

No idea how Encryption works, Take Apple out of the Conversation.... If the FBI gets its wish apply the back door to every operating system at will.
  • Apple ( IOS / OSX )
  • Microsoft ( Windows Phone / Windows 10 )
  • Google ( Android / Chrome OS )

And the list goes on, It will spread to every device they get hung up on... They will want into the next un-breakable device for the next case and the next case... Where will it stop? Taking encryption from the good guys doesnt stop the bad guys.... Tons of third party encryption software packages exist. I use my phone for contact-less payment, Have sensitive emails, Health records, location data etc.. You think I would be confident having that on there with a backdoor? No im ok with it because the device is rock solid secure.
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      02-27-2016, 10:11 AM   #115
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Originally Posted by QUiKSR20 View Post
^^^ Spot on the level of computer education here is frightening.. You people are so naive...

No idea how Encryption works, Take Apple out of the Conversation.... If the FBI gets its wish apply the back door to every operating system at will.
  • Apple ( IOS / OSX )
  • Microsoft ( Windows Phone / Windows 10 )
  • Google ( Android / Chrome OS )

And the list goes on, It will spread to every device they get hung up on... They will want into the next un-breakable device for the next case and the next case... Where will it stop? Taking encryption from the good guys doesnt stop the bad guys.... Tons of third party encryption software packages exist.
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      02-27-2016, 10:52 AM   #116
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Originally Posted by RickFLM4 View Post
Right, because most of the general population has security cameras everywhere.
We aren't the general population. We aren't even the general BMW ownership demographic.
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      02-27-2016, 10:58 AM   #117

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Originally Posted by csu87
If you really believe Apple cant figure out a way to get into a locked iPhone without creating a security flaw for everyone's iphone, you are kidding yourself. They created the thing.

Yes Apple should let the FBI into the phone. Who knows what could be on that phone that could prevent another terrorist attack.
And the damn Federal Bureau of Investigations can't figure out a way into the phone without Apple creating a backdoor? Amatures..

There's probably 12 year kids on YouTube who can get into that phone.
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      02-27-2016, 12:01 PM   #118
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Basically, anyone who has an elementary grasp on how encryption and tech development works, sides with Apple. Those who are ignorant of it, side with government.

The more you know I guess.
This is the ignorance.
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      02-27-2016, 12:24 PM   #119
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OK so.
1. FBI will only get data not the Crack program
2. Apple and only apple will have the Crack program
3. No other phone IOS will be affected
4. The phone's owner says open it.
5. It has a dead terrorists info on it
6. There is a known proven active cell here the terrorists were working with
7. The terrorist put extra encryption stuff on the phone to hide it's contents
8. It's been done before by Apple dozens of times
9. Having access to phones till now has been universal and the government has never abused it
10. It takes a court order for the government to get this info for any phone and they have one for this one

And you're saying Apple is in the right?

If you can show me incidents where law enforcement abused this power, such as getting phone info without a judges written order, or where law enforcement asked to have apple give them the tech to Crack all the phones, you might have an argument. But it's not there.

Last edited by Fundguy1; 02-27-2016 at 12:30 PM..
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      02-27-2016, 01:23 PM   #120
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
OK so.
1. FBI will only get data not the Crack program
2. Apple and only apple will have the Crack program
3. No other phone IOS will be affected
4. The phone's owner says open it.
5. It has a dead terrorists info on it
6. There is a known proven active cell here the terrorists were working with
7. The terrorist put extra encryption stuff on the phone to hide it's contents
8. It's been done before by Apple dozens of times
9. Having access to phones till now has been universal and the government has never abused it
10. It takes a court order for the government to get this info for any phone and they have one for this one

And you're saying Apple is in the right?

If you can show me incidents where law enforcement abused this power, such as getting phone info without a judges written order, or where law enforcement asked to have apple give them the tech to Crack all the phones, you might have an argument. But it's not there.
At this point your ignoring half of the information posted and I feel you are just trolling, You cant possibly be that un-informed so ill go with "trolling".

Again for the 50th time its not just Apple, Its pretty much every game in town.. The top 5 major forces in technology are backing Apple..

Lets fact check each of your asinine statements ok...

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
OK so.
1. FBI will only get data not the Crack program
If they even considered created the custom software correct.

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
2. Apple and only apple will have the Crack program
And software has never leaked out?? And Apple wont have a target on its back to get hold of said software?

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
3. No other phone IOS will be affected
Will they be asked to do this when theres another rape case where the person had an iPhone? Or what if another Terrorist attack happens?
What if the attack happens with an Android device? Will they ask Google to do this too on Android ?

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
4. The phone's owner says open it.
How do you open it? See question 1, Custom OS which is a horrible idea... Lets make some insecure os to undo the years we have put in making stuff secure..

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
5. It has a dead terrorists info on it
And? You still need the custom operating system to circumvent the encryption.

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
6. There is a known proven active cell here the terrorists were working with
Proven? How so? They destroyed their personal phones this is just the guys work phone. And they have given them all the iCloud backup
information which showed nothing.. And they also changed the password " San Bern " which ruined their chances to get a newer backup.

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
7. The terrorist put extra encryption stuff on the phone to hide it's contents
No they didn't they simply activated a built in option like Blackberrys has had for years to blank the phone if the wrong password is put in 10x .. BASIC

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
8. It's been done before by Apple dozens of times
Again its been done on older less secure operating systems, Thats like saying we cracked Windows XP so why cant you crack Windows 10 for us? If you dont know software it improves each version and becomes more secure this is to help people like you and me.

"The company admitted in an October 2015 court filing in an unrelated case in the Eastern District of New York that it previously unlocked passcode-protected iPhones running on iOS 7 and older versions of the Apple operating system. That changed with iOS 8, when Apple began turning on passcode encryption by default, after the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA made international consumers concerned about how much of their data was being turned over to U.S. intelligence agencies."

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
9. Having access to phones till now has been universal and the government has never abused it
Cant tell if you are serious with this one?

Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
10. It takes a court order for the government to get this info for any phone and they have one for this one
Ok so a court order can force Apple and other vendors to write code to disable security and encryption? You realize once they do it for one phone, They will want it done in another case and another and another.. Once someone has an Android phone which has the same security they will ask Google to do the same?

Even if none of the above makes sense to you or you dont fully grasp it alteast get that its not just Apple Every big name in tech is on Apples side.. This is pretty much the whole Technology Industry vs the FBI and they are willing to take it all the to Congress and the Supreme court. Far worse will happen to us if they build this.

This should show you how secure your phone is and give you more confidence when you make a credit card transaction or send personal information that it will not get out.

Professional security people have approached the FBI to get them this info but they want Apple to do it, Why is that? they want more than just the data off that phone.
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Last edited by QUiKSR20; 02-27-2016 at 01:40 PM..
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      02-27-2016, 01:39 PM   #121
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
OK so.
1. FBI will only get data not the Crack program
2. Apple and only apple will have the Crack program
3. No other phone IOS will be affected
4. The phone's owner says open it.
5. It has a dead terrorists info on it
6. There is a known proven active cell here the terrorists were working with
7. The terrorist put extra encryption stuff on the phone to hide it's contents
8. It's been done before by Apple dozens of times
9. Having access to phones till now has been universal and the government has never abused it
10. It takes a court order for the government to get this info for any phone and they have one for this one

And you're saying Apple is in the right?

If you can show me incidents where law enforcement abused this power, such as getting phone info without a judges written order, or where law enforcement asked to have apple give them the tech to Crack all the phones, you might have an argument. But it's not there.
I would imagine this is your step by step version of an engine swap:

1. Remove engine.
2. Place engine next to car.
3. Place new engine in car.
4. Enjoy.

There is no "crack program". It has to be a new iOS which bypasses encryption. That iOS can not be produced by a single Apple engineer. And that's BY DESIGN for security reasons. In your perfect world, only one phone gets this new iOS applied to it. But the potential (adjective - Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.) is that it can be applied to any iPhone/iPad/iPod. NO BODY has said the FBI wants the magic program (which doesn't exist and is impossible to create) to be given to them for their control. If they get what they are asking for, they will be able to use a basic web downloadable program to brute force ANY iPhone with the intentionally compromised iOS installed on it.

Anyway, there is no use. You've already stated that you want all electronic consumer devices to have an all access back door on them. Thankfully, you're in the minority and hopefully, this garbage in the name of terrorism, doesn't get force on to Apple.

As for the iCloud account attached to Farook's iPhone, Olle states the official search warrant was served on Jan. 22 seeking the same communications and customer information requested in December. Apple complied and on Jan. 26 provided the government with whatever data it had in its possession.

It was later revealed that the FBI ordered the San Bernardino County Department of Health, Farook's former employer and owner of the iPhone 5c in question, to reset the associated Apple ID password on Dec. 6 without first consulting Apple. Company representatives, including CEO Tim Cook, said the move was a misstep as it nullified the possibility of using iCloud's automatic sync feature to procure a backup without unlocking the device.

It appears Olle was part of the team responsible for handling alternatives to extract data from Farook's iPhone 5c.

"Throughout the investigation, I and other Apple representatives, including a senior engineers, continually made ourselves available to the government, on a 24/7 basis, participating in teleconferences, providing technical assistance, answering questions from the FBI, and suggesting potential alternatives for the government to attempt to obtain data from the Subject Device," Olle's declaration reads.

Investigators have been unsuccessful in their attempts to break into Farook's iPhone 5c, which is protected by a strong encryption method designed to thwart brute-force attacks. To circumvent this particular security layer Apple would need to write a new, compromised version of its iOS operating system, sign the code and install it on the device. But Apple is refusing to comply, citing an overreach of federal authority and potential First Amendment rights implications.

With all other options apparently exhausted, and Apple refusing to create compromised code Cook likened to an iOS encryption "master key," the FBI filed an ex parte application to compel Apple's assistance. Federal Magistrate Judge Sheri Pym subsequently converted the motion into an order but, unlike the FBI, allowed Apple a chance to respond.
Specifically, the FBI wants us to make a new version of the iPhone operating system, circumventing several important security features, and install it on an iPhone recovered during the investigation. In the wrong hands, this software — which does not exist today — would have the potential to unlock any iPhone in someone’s physical possession.

The FBI may use different words to describe this tool, but make no mistake: Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor. And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control.
Any person not living in a fantasy world that Hollywood helped to create, knows the last bolded statement is 100% true.
"There is no greater tyranny than that which is perpetrated under the shield of the law and in the name of justice. -Charles de Secondat"
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      02-27-2016, 02:03 PM   #122
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
I would imagine this is your step by step version of an engine swap:

1. Remove engine.
2. Place engine next to car.
3. Place new engine in car.
4. Enjoy.

There is no "crack program". It has to be a new iOS which bypasses encryption. That iOS can not be produced by a single Apple engineer. And that's BY DESIGN for security reasons. In your perfect world, only one phone gets this new iOS applied to it. But the potential (adjective - Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.) is that it can be applied to any iPhone/iPad/iPod. NO BODY has said the FBI wants the magic program (which doesn't exist and is impossible to create) to be given to them for their control. If they get what they are asking for, they will be able to use a basic web downloadable program to brute force ANY iPhone with the intentionally compromised iOS installed on it.

Anyway, there is no use. You've already stated that you want all electronic consumer devices to have an all access back door on them. Thankfully, you're in the minority and hopefully, this garbage in the name of terrorism, doesn't get force on to Apple.

Any person not living in a fantasy world that Hollywood helped to create, knows the last bolded statement is 100% true.
And that fellas is 100% how it goes in the " Real World"
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      02-27-2016, 02:15 PM   #123
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
I would imagine this is your step by step version of an engine swap:

1. Remove engine.
2. Place engine next to car.
3. Place new engine in car.
4. Enjoy.

There is no "crack program". It has to be a new iOS which bypasses encryption. That iOS can not be produced by a single Apple engineer. And that's BY DESIGN for security reasons. In your perfect world, only one phone gets this new iOS applied to it. But the potential (adjective - Having or showing the capacity to become or develop into something in the future.) is that it can be applied to any iPhone/iPad/iPod. NO BODY has said the FBI wants the magic program (which doesn't exist and is impossible to create) to be given to them for their control. If they get what they are asking for, they will be able to use a basic web downloadable program to brute force ANY iPhone with the intentionally compromised iOS installed on it.

Anyway, there is no use. You've already stated that you want all electronic consumer devices to have an all access back door on them. Thankfully, you're in the minority and hopefully, this garbage in the name of terrorism, doesn't get force on to Apple.

Any person not living in a fantasy world that Hollywood helped to create, knows the last bolded statement is 100% true.
It can be produced by one engineer and I bet the one they use was. Dozens write a piece of the program. One assembles the pieces. And only one, one ,one phone would get the ios and one appple, apple, apple would have access to the program.
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      02-27-2016, 02:22 PM   #124
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Originally Posted by Mr Tonka View Post
Basically, anyone who has an elementary grasp on how encryption and tech development works, sides with Apple. Those who are ignorant of it, side with government.

The more you know I guess.

My delivery experience and beach photoshoot here.
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      02-27-2016, 02:28 PM   #125
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Originally Posted by QUiKSR20 View Post
At this point your ignoring half of the information posted and I feel you are just trolling, You cant possibly be that un-informed so ill go with "trolling".

Again for the 50th time its not just Apple, Its pretty much every game in town.. The top 5 major forces in technology are backing Apple..

Lets fact check each of your asinine statements ok...

If they even considered created the custom software correct.

And software has never leaked out?? And Apple wont have a target on its back to get hold of said software?

Will they be asked to do this when theres another rape case where the person had an iPhone? Or what if another Terrorist attack happens?
What if the attack happens with an Android device? Will they ask Google to do this too on Android ?

How do you open it? See question 1, Custom OS which is a horrible idea... Lets make some insecure os to undo the years we have put in making stuff secure..

And? You still need the custom operating system to circumvent the encryption.

Proven? How so? They destroyed their personal phones this is just the guys work phone. And they have given them all the iCloud backup
information which showed nothing.. And they also changed the password " San Bern " which ruined their chances to get a newer backup.

No they didn't they simply activated a built in option like Blackberrys has had for years to blank the phone if the wrong password is put in 10x .. BASIC

Again its been done on older less secure operating systems, Thats like saying we cracked Windows XP so why cant you crack Windows 10 for us? If you dont know software it improves each version and becomes more secure this is to help people like you and me.

"The company admitted in an October 2015 court filing in an unrelated case in the Eastern District of New York that it previously unlocked passcode-protected iPhones running on iOS 7 and older versions of the Apple operating system. That changed with iOS 8, when Apple began turning on passcode encryption by default, after the Edward Snowden revelations about the NSA made international consumers concerned about how much of their data was being turned over to U.S. intelligence agencies."

Cant tell if you are serious with this one?

Ok so a court order can force Apple and other vendors to write code to disable security and encryption? You realize once they do it for one phone, They will want it done in another case and another and another.. Once someone has an Android phone which has the same security they will ask Google to do the same?

Even if none of the above makes sense to you or you dont fully grasp it alteast get that its not just Apple Every big name in tech is on Apples side.. This is pretty much the whole Technology Industry vs the FBI and they are willing to take it all the to Congress and the Supreme court. Far worse will happen to us if they build this.

This should show you how secure your phone is and give you more confidence when you make a credit card transaction or send personal information that it will not get out.

Professional security people have approached the FBI to get them this info but they want Apple to do it, Why is that? they want more than just the data off that phone.
Top 5 are all west coast based multimillion dollar Democrat donating liberal as hole run companies. They are all backing apple because they don't want a back door either for profits. I wish they would burn.

No target on apples back if they crack the phone, remove the data, then destroy the software. Not sure why everyone thinks this will be easy to get off the Internet tomorrow when it will be inside apple only on one phone only then destroyed.

They better ask other firms to do this is there is a crime involved, and throw anyone trying to stop them on jail for obstruction of justice. It's the law.

What far worse will happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen if apple complies, except terrorists get nabbed before killing.

And you didn't have that confidence when you had your iPhone 4, or you'd be scared one phone was cracked and then the software desrroyed? Holy paranoid batman.

They want apple to do it because then there's no question of authenticity of the evidence. And apple has complied every time until now. Why is that? Why comply and do this before, but now in the wake of the largest terrorist incident in the us since 9/11, with active terrorists on the loose, why would they say no? Because they want to use it for marketing. Brag they stood up to the man and won so kids who buy their crappy phones buy more. Free advertising.

Yes, this involves snowden, but he really should burn more than anyone for what he's done.
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      02-27-2016, 02:30 PM   #126
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
Top 5 are all west coast based multimillion dollar Democrat donating liberal as hole run companies. They are all backing apple because they don't want a back door either for profits. I wish they would burn.
Huh ?
Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post

No target on apples back if they crack the phone, remove the data, then destroy the software. Not sure why everyone thinks this will be easy to get off the Internet tomorrow when it will be inside apple only on one phone only then destroyed.

They better ask other firms to do this is there is a crime involved, and throw anyone trying to stop them on jail for obstruction of justice. It's the law.

What far worse will happen? Nothing. Absolutely nothing will happen if apple complies, except terrorists get nabbed before killing.

And you didn't have that confidence when you had your iPhone 4, or you'd be scared one phone was cracked and then the software desrroyed? Holy paranoid batman.

They want apple to do it because then there's no question of authenticity of the evidence. And apple has complied every time until now. Why is that? Why comply and do this before, but now in the wake of the largest terrorist incident in the us since 9/11, with active terrorists on the loose, why would they say no? Because they want to use it for marketing. Brag they stood up to the man and won so kids who buy their crappy phones buy more. Free advertising.
You feeling ok man?... It was easier to do on a less secure device, Wow... good luck fellas im tapping out on this one.. You sir are "Clueless"
No idea how this is good advertising? Last I checked Apple didnt need help in that dept and no other brands would help them if that was the case.
The smartest people in tech are involved here.
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      02-27-2016, 02:38 PM   #127
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Originally Posted by QUiKSR20 View Post
Huh ?

You feeling ok man?... It was easier to do on a less secure device, Wow... good luck fellas im tapping out on this one.. You sir are "Clueless"
No idea how this is good advertising? Last I checked Apple didnt need help in that dept and no other brands would help them if that was the case.
The smartest people in tech are involved here.
Not really. My family is friends of the Steve Jobs family actually.
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      02-27-2016, 02:43 PM   #128
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It shows they rebelled against the government. Good for sales to the younger crowd that typically favors apple. It also shows how good their encryption is, so people will buy them.

So if a Paris incident happens in Los Angeles or San Francisco that could have been prevented by opening this phone, which the guy who supplied the guns to the terrorists said they used to communicate with the other terrorist cell elements, you'd still be good with your position?
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      02-27-2016, 03:21 PM   #129
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1
It shows they rebelled against the government. Good for sales to the younger crowd that typically favors apple. It also shows how good their encryption is, so people will buy them.

So if a Paris incident happens in Los Angeles or San Francisco that could have been prevented by opening this phone, which the guy who supplied the guns to the terrorists said they used to communicate with the other terrorist cell elements, you'd still be good with your position?
Your forgetting encryption is what enables you to shop on the internet safely, make payments with your phone ... It's what keeps your phone and everything you do safe from the hackers.... Your looking at this very one sided and not realizing how much good stuff requires encryption to let us do it safely... And how much info hackers and criminals would love to acquire knowing they could also get in..
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      02-27-2016, 03:30 PM   #130
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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post
It shows they rebelled against the government. Good for sales to the younger crowd that typically favors apple. It also shows how good their encryption is, so people will buy them.

So if a Paris incident happens in Los Angeles or San Francisco that could have been prevented by opening this phone, which the guy who supplied the guns to the terrorists said they used to communicate with the other terrorist cell elements, you'd still be good with your position?
Privacy is very important, no doubt, but people here are missing an important fact. Terrorist's are not drug dealers, or high school kids shooting up a school--they want nothing more than to kill every westerner including everyone on this forum. So, if people here knew that info on that phone had detailed plans for a major attack in their city, at the school where their kids lived would they be sitting here saying our intelligence should not have access to that phone.
What if the FBI uncovered an indication on that phone with details of a major bomb plot for this address:
1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014

Would Apple sit back then?
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      02-27-2016, 04:30 PM   #131

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Originally Posted by Fundguy1
It shows they rebelled against the government. Good for sales to the younger crowd that typically favors apple. It also shows how good their encryption is, so people will buy them.

So if a Paris incident happens in Los Angeles or San Francisco that could have been prevented by opening this phone, which the guy who supplied the guns to the terrorists said they used to communicate with the other terrorist cell elements, you'd still be good with your position?
How is getting into that phone going to prevent any future terrorist attacks? Please explain.
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      02-27-2016, 05:21 PM   #132

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Originally Posted by Fundguy1 View Post

Second, what in the hell makes anyone think there should be something secure that the government can't get in? Only people breaking the law should be scared.
Yikes. Sad times.
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